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meeesterjoe's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Drugs"



    Add some new Items to your server for your players to find, and take them on a trip on use 
    With this plugin, you can create as many "Drug Items" as you like. You aren't limited to my drug theme, you can create different drinks, medicine and more, Lang is also provided, for your customization needs.
    5 base items are provided, Pills, Drink, Syringe, Smokeable, Edible. Each with their own respective base SFX on Use to match its theme.
    Each item has configurable metabolism effects, you can heal or damage on use, take calories or give, and much more, see config for more info.
    Each item has customizable in game effects, make the player shake, sway, scream, bleed, vomit upon item use. You can even add your own list and combine different effects as well as edit timing, to create your own curated effects.
    Each item has the ability to show custom images, maybe you want to make your player "Trip" and flash some Trippy image on screen. You can get as creative as you want, as you can add as many images as you want, you have control on transparency, fade in, stay, and fade out time to make the perfect experience for your players to enjoy.
    Items can spawn in specified containers, just add the prefab path you would like it to spawn in. To cancel that out, simply leave the prefab path as "".
    Demo Video

    videoplayback.mp4 (ALT LINK)
    Drugs Demonstration
    Other Youtuber videos with it featured.
    { "The Dealer Integration": { "Enable Sales Via The Dealer? (The Dealer Plugin Is available Where you Purchased This Plugin)": false }, "Drugs": [ { "Base Item - 1 (Pills) - 2 (Drink) - 3 (Syringe) - 4 (Smokeables) - 5 (Edible) ": 1, "Item Name": "Hydros", "Skin ID": 3027373420, "Cooldown (Blocks Other Drug Uses)": 20, "Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)": -20, "Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)": -20, "Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 20, "Temperature Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Radiation Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 3, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn into a Container (0 = 0% - 1 = 100%)": 0.2, "Container to Spawn this Item in": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Custom Image Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Images": false, "Custom Image Path": "", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 1.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 3.0 }, { "Enable Custom Images": false, "Custom Image Path": "", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 1.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 3.0 } ], "Effects Setup": { "Enable Sway Effects": true, "Sway Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Sway Repeats": 1, "Time Before Sway Triggers": 2, "Enable Blood Effects": false, "Blood Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Blood Repeats": 2, "Time Before Blood Triggers": 1, "Enable Vomit Effects": false, "Vomit Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Vomit Repeats": 0, "Time Before Vomit Triggers": 3, "Enable Damage Effects": false, "Damage Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Damage Repeats": 2, "Time Before Damage Triggers": 0, "Enable Scream Effects": false, "Scream Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Scream Repeats": 3, "Time Before Scream Triggers": 4 }, "Custom Effects Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 3, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 5 }, { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 4, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 2 } ], "Tea Effect Setup": { "Enable Tea Effects?)": false, "Tea Modifier Type? (1 = Wood Yield, 2 = Ore Yield, 3 = Rad Resist, 4 = Rad Exposure Resist, 5 = Max Health, 6 = Scrap Yield)": 1, "Tea Duration In Seconds": 60.0, "Tea Boost Value (1.2 = 120%)": 1.2 }, "Send Message to Player on Use?": true, "Message to send to the Player": "Holy!", "Enable Commands on Use?": true, "Commands to Run on Use (Use {id} to target the Player)": [ "say Hi", "Deposit {id} 100" ], "Marketable via The Dealer?": false, "Market Price": 0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0 }, { "Base Item - 1 (Pills) - 2 (Drink) - 3 (Syringe) - 4 (Smokeables) - 5 (Edible) ": 2, "Item Name": "Codeine", "Skin ID": 3027539845, "Cooldown (Blocks Other Drug Uses)": 20, "Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 20, "Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)": -20, "Temperature Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Radiation Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 2, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn into a Container (0 = 0% - 1 = 100%)": 0.1, "Container to Spawn this Item in": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Custom Image Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Images": false, "Custom Image Path": "", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 1.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 3.0 }, { "Enable Custom Images": false, "Custom Image Path": "", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 1.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 3.0 } ], "Effects Setup": { "Enable Sway Effects": true, "Sway Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Sway Repeats": 1, "Time Before Sway Triggers": 2, "Enable Blood Effects": false, "Blood Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Blood Repeats": 2, "Time Before Blood Triggers": 1, "Enable Vomit Effects": false, "Vomit Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Vomit Repeats": 0, "Time Before Vomit Triggers": 3, "Enable Damage Effects": false, "Damage Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Damage Repeats": 2, "Time Before Damage Triggers": 0, "Enable Scream Effects": false, "Scream Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Scream Repeats": 3, "Time Before Scream Triggers": 4 }, "Custom Effects Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 3, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 5 }, { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 4, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 2 } ], "Tea Effect Setup": { "Enable Tea Effects?)": false, "Tea Modifier Type? (1 = Wood Yield, 2 = Ore Yield, 3 = Rad Resist, 4 = Rad Exposure Resist, 5 = Max Health, 6 = Scrap Yield)": 1, "Tea Duration In Seconds": 60.0, "Tea Boost Value (1.2 = 120%)": 1.2 }, "Send Message to Player on Use?": false, "Message to send to the Player": "", "Enable Commands on Use?": false, "Commands to Run on Use (Use {id} to target the Player)": [], "Marketable via The Dealer?": false, "Market Price": 0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0 }, { "Base Item - 1 (Pills) - 2 (Drink) - 3 (Syringe) - 4 (Smokeables) - 5 (Edible) ": 3, "Item Name": "Heroin", "Skin ID": 3027374283, "Cooldown (Blocks Other Drug Uses)": 20, "Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)": -20, "Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)": -40, "Temperature Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 20, "Radiation Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 2, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn into a Container (0 = 0% - 1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Container to Spawn this Item in": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Custom Image Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Images": false, "Custom Image Path": "", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 1.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 3.0 }, { "Enable Custom Images": false, "Custom Image Path": "", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 1.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 3.0 } ], "Effects Setup": { "Enable Sway Effects": false, "Sway Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Sway Repeats": 1, "Time Before Sway Triggers": 2, "Enable Blood Effects": true, "Blood Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Blood Repeats": 2, "Time Before Blood Triggers": 1, "Enable Vomit Effects": false, "Vomit Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Vomit Repeats": 0, "Time Before Vomit Triggers": 3, "Enable Damage Effects": true, "Damage Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Damage Repeats": 2, "Time Before Damage Triggers": 0, "Enable Scream Effects": false, "Scream Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Scream Repeats": 3, "Time Before Scream Triggers": 4 }, "Custom Effects Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 3, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 5 }, { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 4, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 2 } ], "Tea Effect Setup": { "Enable Tea Effects?)": false, "Tea Modifier Type? (1 = Wood Yield, 2 = Ore Yield, 3 = Rad Resist, 4 = Rad Exposure Resist, 5 = Max Health, 6 = Scrap Yield)": 1, "Tea Duration In Seconds": 60.0, "Tea Boost Value (1.2 = 120%)": 1.2 }, "Send Message to Player on Use?": false, "Message to send to the Player": "", "Enable Commands on Use?": false, "Commands to Run on Use (Use {id} to target the Player)": [], "Marketable via The Dealer?": false, "Market Price": 0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0 }, { "Base Item - 1 (Pills) - 2 (Drink) - 3 (Syringe) - 4 (Smokeables) - 5 (Edible) ": 4, "Item Name": "Bong Hit", "Skin ID": 3386543743, "Cooldown (Blocks Other Drug Uses)": 20, "Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)": -100, "Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 30, "Temperature Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Radiation Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 2, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn into a Container (0 = 0% - 1 = 100%)": 0.5, "Container to Spawn this Item in": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Custom Image Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Images": true, "Custom Image Path": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6qmq7h815yhjx38xqn8g8/dec1.png?rlkey=3rhgv2e6n00y2dvgiw4fjfsrd&st=s3ar804p&dl=1", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 10.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 10.0 }, { "Enable Custom Images": true, "Custom Image Path": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/55ub2riuq31s3ap1kv75v/dec2.png?rlkey=h8uc974hqclz1gburbq5gdb1q&st=b8sp2tc2&dl=1", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 10.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 10.0 } ], "Effects Setup": { "Enable Sway Effects": true, "Sway Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Sway Repeats": 1, "Time Before Sway Triggers": 2, "Enable Blood Effects": false, "Blood Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Blood Repeats": 2, "Time Before Blood Triggers": 1, "Enable Vomit Effects": false, "Vomit Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Vomit Repeats": 0, "Time Before Vomit Triggers": 3, "Enable Damage Effects": false, "Damage Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Damage Repeats": 2, "Time Before Damage Triggers": 0, "Enable Scream Effects": false, "Scream Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Scream Repeats": 3, "Time Before Scream Triggers": 4 }, "Custom Effects Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 3, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 5 }, { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 4, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 2 } ], "Tea Effect Setup": { "Enable Tea Effects?)": false, "Tea Modifier Type? (1 = Wood Yield, 2 = Ore Yield, 3 = Rad Resist, 4 = Rad Exposure Resist, 5 = Max Health, 6 = Scrap Yield)": 1, "Tea Duration In Seconds": 60.0, "Tea Boost Value (1.2 = 120%)": 1.2 }, "Send Message to Player on Use?": false, "Message to send to the Player": "", "Enable Commands on Use?": false, "Commands to Run on Use (Use {id} to target the Player)": [], "Marketable via The Dealer?": false, "Market Price": 0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0 }, { "Base Item - 1 (Pills) - 2 (Drink) - 3 (Syringe) - 4 (Smokeables) - 5 (Edible) ": 5, "Item Name": "LSD", "Skin ID": 3027375222, "Cooldown (Blocks Other Drug Uses)": 20, "Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)": -30, "Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 25, "Temperature Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Radiation Value (Negative Values Reduce)": 0, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into a Container": 2, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn into a Container (0 = 0% - 1 = 100%)": 0.5, "Container to Spawn this Item in": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Custom Image Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Images": true, "Custom Image Path": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aem7f55mlz4fa9khwjdu4/deb8.png?rlkey=zmnklt38ils1tycxqq9h2ix7j&st=dv6fgive&dl=1", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 10.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 10.0 }, { "Enable Custom Images": false, "Custom Image Path": "", "Custom Image Alpha": "1", "Time for Custom Image to Fade In": 1.0, "Time for Custom Image to Stay": 1.0, "Time Before Custom Image to FadeOut": 3.0 } ], "Effects Setup": { "Enable Sway Effects": true, "Sway Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Sway Repeats": 1, "Time Before Sway Triggers": 2, "Enable Blood Effects": false, "Blood Effect Repeats": 3, "Time Between Blood Repeats": 2, "Time Before Blood Triggers": 1, "Enable Vomit Effects": false, "Vomit Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Vomit Repeats": 0, "Time Before Vomit Triggers": 3, "Enable Damage Effects": false, "Damage Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Damage Repeats": 2, "Time Before Damage Triggers": 0, "Enable Scream Effects": true, "Scream Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Scream Repeats": 3, "Time Before Scream Triggers": 4 }, "Custom Effects Setup": [ { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 2, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 3, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 5 }, { "Enable Custom Effect": false, "Custom Effect Path": "", "Custom Effect Repeats": 1, "Time Between Custom Repeats": 4, "Time Before Custom Triggers": 2 } ], "Tea Effect Setup": { "Enable Tea Effects?)": false, "Tea Modifier Type? (1 = Wood Yield, 2 = Ore Yield, 3 = Rad Resist, 4 = Rad Exposure Resist, 5 = Max Health, 6 = Scrap Yield)": 1, "Tea Duration In Seconds": 60.0, "Tea Boost Value (1.2 = 120%)": 1.2 }, "Send Message to Player on Use?": false, "Message to send to the Player": "", "Enable Commands on Use?": false, "Commands to Run on Use (Use {id} to target the Player)": [], "Marketable via The Dealer?": false, "Market Price": 0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0.0 } ] }  
    { "Overdose": "[<color=red>DRUGS</color>] Don't Overdose...", "Trip": "[<color=red>DRUGS</color>] You are still Tripping out...", "Trippy": "[<color=red>DRUGS</color>] That was Trippy..." }  
  2. More information about "VehicleEditor"



    VehicleEditor allows players to modify their vehicles as they wish. Whether it's chairs, sofas, furnaces, recyclers, turrets, or lights – everything can be customized. This plugin provides players with the freedom to design their vehicles to their liking and make functional adjustments.

    Vehicle Modification: Players can modify their vehicles by entering the command `/place` while standing next to a vehicle. Power Supply: Turrets and lights receive power automatically once the engine is running. Configurable Settings: Various parameters can be set in the configuration file, such as: Maximum number of vehicles that can be modified Number of items that can be placed Allowed items Allowed vehicles for modification
    Available Vehicles for Modification:
    Car Rowboat Minicopter Motorbike PedalBike Train Horse HotAirBalloon ScrapTransportHelicopter RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) TugBoat SnowMobile Locomotive
    Chat Commands:
    /place: Allows the modification of a vehicle when the player is standing next to it. /place true: When this is used, every vehicle created with the global setting will be added for everyone – when buying, spawning, everywhere.
     /edit to re-edit the vehicles
    `vehicleeditor.modify1`: Allows players to modify their vehicles. `vehicleeditor.modify2`: Allows players to modify their vehicles.

    Configuration Options:
    "VehicleEditor.car": { "EditVehicles": 1, "Car": true, "Rowboat": false, "Minicopter": false, "Motorbike": false, "PedalBike": false, "Train": false, "Horse": false, "HotAirBalloon": false, "ScrapTransportHelicopter": false, "RHIB": false, "TugBoat": false, "SnowMobile": false, "Locomotive": false, "NumberOfItems": 3, "ItemList": { "box.wooden": true, "box.wooden.large": true, "stash.small": true, "chair": true, "sofa": true, "autoturret": true, "recycler": true, "vendingmachine": true, "coffin.storage": true, "furnace": false, "industrial.wall.light.green": true, "industrial.wall.light.red": true, "industrial.wall.light": true, "storage_barrel_b": true, "storage_barrel_c": true, "xmas.lightstring": true, "electric.simplelight": true, "searchlight": true, "arcade.machine.chippy": true, "workbench1": true, "workbench2": true, "workbench3": true, "locker": true, "pookie.bear": true }, "AutoStromOnMotorStart": true, "VehicleMoveDistances": { "autoturret": { "BF": 10.0, "BCK": 15.0 } }, "GlobalSettings": true },
    This plugin offers extensive customization of vehicles, greatly enhancing and personalizing the gameplay experience.
  3. More information about "Quest System"


    Quest System

    XDQuest: A comprehensive and customizable quest system for your RUST server!
    XDQuest is a powerful and flexible plugin that introduces a comprehensive and dynamic quest system into your game world.
    With 31 different types of missions available for players, the possibilities are almost limitless.
    Players receive various rewards for completing missions, adding even more incentive to accomplish tasks.
    At the moment, this is the largest and only quest system available!
    XDQuest is your key to creating endless adventures in the world of RUST.
    List of features:
    (The description briefly outlines the functionality and includes screenshots.)

    Interactive website for creating quests:
    XDQuest-Creater - On my website, you can easily and quickly create quests. Forget about manually editing JSON files — my user-friendly interface will make the quest creation process simple and enjoyable!
    The plugin offers four types of rewards:
    Items Blueprints Custom items Commands It integrates perfectly with various economic systems, and also supports Skill Tree and ZLevels.

    List of missions
    Mission setup
    Reward setup Detailed instructions and settings on the website:
    XDQuest-Creater - My website features clear and informative instructions that will help you configure the plugin and master all types of missions.
    You will gain access to it immediately after purchasing the plugin.

    Discover the simplest and most effective way to configure using my guide!
    Beautiful and modern UI:
    The stylish and intuitive interface makes using XDQuest simple and enjoyable.
    There is a mini-quest list that allows your players to remotely track the progress of their missions.

    Mini quest list
    Example of UI customization
    (Rusty Wasteland PvE)
    Capabilities and NPC settings:
    NPCs have their own voice-overs; currently, they can respond to the user on 4 triggers:
    3.Task acceptance
    4.Task completion You can also upload and use your own sounds for any of these 4 triggers, and the website will assist you with this as well. Dress your NPC however you like and create a unique appearance for them. There is an option to change the location of the NPC. Your NPC resides in a unique dwelling created in accordance with their character and backstory. Available types of missions:
    Currently, there are 24 different types of tasks available:
    (The types of missions are constantly being updated)
    (16 pre-set quests included)
    Chat commands: /quest.saveposition - saves a custom position (available only to administrators). /quest.saveposition.outpost - saves a custom position within the bounds of a peaceful town (available only to administrators). /quest.tphouse - teleport to a building (available only to administrators). Console commands: xdquest.stat - publishes statistics. xdquest.player.reset [steamid64] - Clears all of a player's missions and everything associated with them. Configuration:

    Discord - DezLife
    Website editor - xdquest.skyplugins.ru

  4. More information about "The Dealer"


    The Dealer

    Introduce a new way for players to earn Economics or SR Points selling illicit goods when you let your players become The Dealer.
    RELIES ON - Economics, ServerRewards, ImageLibrary 
    OPTIONAL PLUGINS - Kits, MarkerManager
    The plugin autodetects any FP monument on your map, even the mini ones, and randomly finds a pos for the NPC to wait.
    Players use a Burner Phone (configurable), To call up a buyer to sell your configured items.
    When a Buyer is called, (MarkerManager if installed) will show a point on the map as well as a $ ping on Compass.
    You can set Min Max Bonus, and it will randomly discount or increase the amount the player earns.
    Sales can be logged to Discord.
    Majority of Messages are sent via Toast.
    If a player doesn't make it in time, the Buyer sends the player a message via Toast.
    If a player makes some sales, the Buyer thanks the player via Toast.
    Buyers are Locked to the caller, and will deny via message other players, that they are waiting for the original caller.
    Outfit your Buyer as you Like.
    If you have Law Enforcement on your server, They can be notified as well randomly based on your config settings.
    Using a Burner Requires the Use Permission.
    The Reputation System  Grants a boost to Base Sale Price via %, Be aware of your Variations if using this.
    On Reputation Level Up, This will log to discord, and also send a toast to the player.
    Upon Reputation Level Up, Amount Sold Difference will carry over to the next levels progress.
    Level Calculation is handled with the amount of items that were sold to the buyer after they leave the Island.
    0.01 = 1% Boost
    /CHECKREP- Will notify the player of their current Reputation Level and Percentage Boost.
    WIPEREP - Will Wipe all Reputation Data - Requires Admin.
    Demonstration Video
    { "Enable Reputation Levels?": true, "Wipe Reputation Levels On Wipe?": false, "Reputation Levels 0.01 = 1% Boost To Sales (Increases Base Sale Price, Keep in Mind Variation Settings)": { "1": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 200, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.01 }, "2": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 300, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.02 }, "3": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 400, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.03 }, "4": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 500, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.04 }, "5": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 550, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.05 }, "6": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 600, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.06 }, "7": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 750, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.07 }, "8": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 800, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.08 }, "9": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 950, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.09 }, "10": { "Items To Be Sold To Advance Current Rep Level": 1000, "Bonus Percentage For This Rep Level": 0.1 } }, "Log Burner Phone uses to Discord?": false, "Prefab path of the Container to spawn a Burner Phone in": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Min amount of Burners to spawn": 1, "Max amount of Burners to spawn": 2, "Chance to spawn a Burner Phone in a container (0 = 0%, 100 = 100%)": 20.0, "Burner Skin": 3273293561, "Chance To Notify Police?": 80, "Mini Toast Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hjfifjdd5esv01i5xxylf/miniGlow.png?rlkey=iz8gher6qynaro9oj3r8niamp&st=ei6x54qf&dl=1", "How long before Dealer Despawns in Seconds": 60, "Use Permission Name": "TheDealer.Use", "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_URL", "Chat Icon": 0, "NPC Kit Enabled?": false, "NPC Kit Name?": "", "Map Markers Enabled via Marker Manager Plugin?": false, "Maximum Amount of Items Sold at a Time": 3, "NPC Interaction Cooldown In Seconds": 3.0, "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 1, "Enable Custom Currency? (OVERRIDES ECONOMY PLUGIN)": false, "Custom Currency": { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3347697156, "Custom Name": "Dirty Cash" }, "Tradeable Items": [ { "Item ShortName": "blood", "Item CustomName": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 40.0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5.0 }, { "Item ShortName": "sticks", "Item CustomName": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 100.0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5.0 }, { "Item ShortName": "glue", "Item CustomName": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 250.0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5.0 }, { "Item ShortName": "bleach", "Item CustomName": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 20.0, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10.0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5.0 } ], "NPC Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "pants", "Skin": 838673197 }, { "Shortname": "hoodie", "Skin": 792923214 }, { "Shortname": "shoes.boots", "Skin": 2956831315 }, { "Shortname": "hat.cap", "Skin": 1492905789 } ] }  
    { "NoPerms": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] We shouldn't even be Talking...", "NoWares": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] :mask: You have no <color=green>Items</color> on you worth Buying. \nDid you Call me up for nothing?!", "TraderCooldownMessage": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] :mask: Hold up, <color=green>{0}</color> second(s), I think you were tailed here...", "EconomicsMessage": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] :mask: \n\n I can give you <color=#85bb65>$</color><color=yellow>{0}</color> for your <color=orange>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).", "SrMessage": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] :mask: \n\n I can give you <color=orange>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> for your <color=yellow>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).", "HydraMessage": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] :mask: \n\n I can give you <color=orange>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>BTC</color> for your <color=yellow>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).", "WhoAreYou": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] Hold up, You aren't <color=green>{0}</color>, Are you a <color=yellow>Cop</color>? \n :mask:", "InRoute": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] The <color=red>Buyer</color> is already on the way\n to <color=#ef6500>{0}</color> near <color=#ef6500>{1}</color>.", "NoRoute": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] Use a <color=red>Burner Phone</color>\n to meet up with a <color=red>Buyer</color>.", "MeetupMessage": "{0}, near {1}, be there.\nHave the work Packaged", "BusinessMessage": "{0}!\n Nice doing Business.", "WasteTimeMessage": "{0}!\nDon't waste my time!", "NotifyCops": "[<color=#ef6500>The Dealer</color>] An Anonymous Tip says a Deal is going down, The Marked Location can be found on your Map." }  
  5. More information about "LuckyBlock"



    This plugin adds a luckyblock to the game, and when you try to open it, a random command (from config file) is executed on the server. It spawns randomly in place of regular loot. The player will also receive RP points for opening if you have the ServerRewards plugin.

    /lbtest - use for spawn luckyblock for test
    ❗ The visibility distance depends on player's OBJECT QUALITY settings
    { "Chance to spawn instead of any spawnable loot [0 - 100]": 5, "LuckyBlock skin id [Check this - https://github.com/bmgjet/Spray-Decal-Creator]": 3141695693, "Occupied radius [New luckyblock won't spawn near the first one]": 50, "Server rewards RP for open lucky block [0 - disbale]": 100, "Block underwater spawn": true, "Block above ocean spawn [includes loot containers drifting on the surface of the ocean]": false, "Prefabs that will turns into the LuckyBlock [if the list is clear it applies to all LootContainer entities]": [], "Command events [it's uses server console so you can put there any command you want]": [ { "Server command": "luckyblock fake_explosion", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 10, "Description": "Explosion without causing damage" }, { "Server command": "luckyblock activate_booster supertea", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 5, "Description": "Applies item boosters by shortname" }, { "Server command": "luckyblock create_item rifle.lr300", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 5, "Description": "Creates an item and gives it to the player" }, { "Server command": "luckyblock air_drop", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 10, "Description": "Calls airdrop" }, { "Server command": "luckyblock spawn_entity car_2mod_01", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 5, "Description": "Spawns an entity by shortprefab" }, { "Server command": "luckyblock death_square", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 10, "Description": "Hides the player in a deadly cube from which there is no exit, only death." }, { "Server command": "luckyblock bears_attack", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 10, "Description": "Spawns 4 bears around the player" }, { "Server command": "luckyblock fireball_circle", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 5, "Description": "Spawns a circle of fireballs" }, { "Server command": "luckyblock full_heavy_armor", "Weight [directly affects the chance of this command being triggered | 0 - disabled]": 5, "Description": "Places heavy armor on the player without the ability to remove it for 30 seconds" } ] }  


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