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Luuxen's Wishlist

  1. More information about "The Extinguisher"


    The Extinguisher

    TheExtinguisher gives players with permission the ability to put out fires with snowball's
    {   "ShortName -> Items": { //// Spawning snowball and guns into world     "crate_elite": [       {         "1. ShortName": "snowballgun",         "2. Chance": 10.0,         "3. Minimal amount": 1,         "4. Maximal Amount": 1,         "6. Display Name": "SnowballGun"       },       {         "1. ShortName": "snowball",         "2. Chance": 20.0,         "3. Minimal amount": 2,         "4. Maximal Amount": 10,         "6. Display Name": "SnowBall"       }     ],     "crate_normal": [       {         "1. ShortName": "snowballgun",         "2. Chance": 10.0,         "3. Minimal amount": 1,         "4. Maximal Amount": 1,         "6. Display Name": "SnowballGun"       },       {         "1. ShortName": "snowball",         "2. Chance": 20.0,         "3. Minimal amount": 2,         "4. Maximal Amount": 10,         "6. Display Name": "SnowBall"       }     ]   },   "Max Extra Items Per Container": 1,   "Max Shots to Extinguish crates": 25 //// how many snowball to use to open a burning crate }  
  2. More information about "Better Metabolism"


    Better Metabolism

    RUST Plugin Test Server
    connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050

    Better Metabolism plugin allows you to surpass the limits of calories, hydration, and health.


    Adjust the maximum values for hunger, hydration, and health. Flexibility to modify respawn metabolism values. Configure the functionality of health tea when the health bonus is active.  

    bettermetabolism.default - Permission for first default plugin configuration. Can be removed/modified. bettermetabolism.vip - Permission for second default plugin configuration. Can be removed/modified.  

    { "Enable Max Health Option": true, "Increase health to tea level (true) or increase health by tea value (false)": false, "Metabolism Permissions": { "bettermetabolism.default": { "Health": 60.0, "Max Health": 100.0, "Max Calories": 500.0, "Calories": 250.0, "Max Hydration": 250.0, "Hydration": 100.0 }, "bettermetabolism.vip": { "Health": 100.0, "Max Health": 100.0, "Max Calories": 1000.0, "Calories": 600.0, "Max Hydration": 250.0, "Hydration": 100.0 } } }
  3. More information about "Train Build Plugin"


    Train Build Plugin

    THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT ALLOWING BUILDING ON TRAINS, For building on trains please see the remastered version. 
    This plugin allows players to claim their very own train, currently any train that spawns will have these items applied to it at a chance! To upgrade doors, workbenches, or boxes all the player will have to do is
    Attempt to pickup the item with the appropriate amount of materials in their inventory, if they do not have enough the plugin will prompt them with the required amount. After attempting to pick up the item if the player does have enough materials the plugin will verify if they do/do not have the required blueprint (if any) If the player does have the blueprint (if any is required) & has the appropriate amount of materials the item will be upgraded. 
    Throttle Syncing for Trains (syncs all throttles on the players trains upon input) Trains spawn with preset items that can be upgraded Electric items are powered by the train (if the train is on the electric entity will be too)! Economy Support Preset Customization via Data File (ONLY TOUCH THIS IS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!) ALL helicopters can be landed on the train and will not fall off once unmounted! Note: anyone running version 2.1.1 or below will need to delete and update their config!
    Supported Plugins:
    Economics (Mr Blue): https://umod.org/plugins/economics No Fuel Requirements (K1llyOu): https://umod.org/plugins/no-fuel-requirements  
    Commands & Presets:
    Locomotive: Admin Console Command: spawn locomotive.entity Preset 1: 2 doors (upgradeable) 1 window shutter 2 SirenLights (upgradeable into turrets)
      WagonB (Green Wagon): Admin Console Command: spawn wagonb Preset 1: 4 small boxes (upgradeable) 1 public bed 5 doors (upgradeable) 2 shelves 1 T1 (upgradeable)  1 furnace (upgradeable into electric furnace)  Preset 2: 2 Doors (upgradeable) 2 public beds 1 furnace (upgradeable into electric furnace)  4 small boxes (upgradeable) 1 Fridge  2 Windows 
      WorkCartCovered: Admin Console Command: spawn workcart_aboveground2.entity Preset 1:  3 doors (upgradeable) 1 shelve 1 small box (upgradeable)
      Gambling Caboose: Admin Console Command: spawn caboose.entity Features: 2 doors (upgradeable)
      WagonC (Flat Wagon): Admin Console Command: spawn wagonc  Features: has 2 different presets Preset 1: 1 Magnet Crane 1 Car Lift Preset 2: 2 Car Lifts Preset 3: (Party Wagon)  1 Pool 3 Arcades 3 Fridges 2 Umbrellas 1 Poker Table 6 Dance floors 2 Speakers
    { "TrainConfig": { //DO NOT EDIT THIS VVVV "Version Number": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 }, //DO NOT EDIT THIS ^^^^ "Train Chance Properties": { "Upgrade Chance": 50.0 }, "Train Enabled Properties": { "Enable/Disable Specific Train Presets": { "locomotive.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonb.entity": { "1": true, "2": true }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "1": true }, "traincaboose.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonc.entity": { "1": true, "2": true, "3": true } }, "Locomotive Build Enabled": true, "TrainWagonB Build Enabled": true, "WorkCart Build Enabled": true, "Gambling Caboose Build Enabled": true, "Car Wagon Build Enabled": true, "Party Wagon Build Enabled": true }, "Use Economy": false, "Currency Symbol": "$", "Train Wagon Max Health": 5000.0, "Train WagonB Start Health": 5000.0, "Remove Locomotive Collision": true, "Remove Wagon Collision": true, "Remove Work Cart Collision": true, "Remove Car Wagon Collision": true, "Remove Gaming Caboose Collision": true, "Remove Other Train Collision (lootables)": true, "Remove Train Barricade Collision (underground tunnels)": true, "Max Car Speed": 25.0, "Max Train Engine Speed": 12.0, "Train Engine Force": 250000.0, "Allow Turrets": true, "Sync Train Throttles": true, "Despawn Time": 480.0, "Max Train Pop": 24.0, "Max Train Couple Speed": 9.0 }, "ItemUpgradeCost": { "Required Item Upgrade Costs": { "door.hinged.wood": { "69511070": 150 }, "door.double.hinged.wood": { "69511070": 200 }, "door.hinged.metal": { "479143914": 5, "317398316": 25 }, "door.double.hinged.metal": { "479143914": 5, "317398316": 25 }, "workbench1.deployed": { "69511070": 500, "-932201673": 500, "317398316": 20 }, "workbench2.deployed": { "69511070": 1000, "-932201673": 1250, "317398316": 100 }, "electric.sirenlight.deployed": { "1523195708": 1, "634478325": 1, "317398316": 10 }, "furnace": { "1523195708": 1, "634478325": 1, "317398316": 10 }, "woodbox_deployed": { "-151838493": 250, "69511070": 50 } } }, "EconomyUpgradeCosts": { "ItemUpgradeCosts": { "door.hinged.wood": 10, "door.double.hinged.wood": 10, "door.hinged.metal": 10, "door.double.hinged.metal": 10, "workbench1.deployed": 10, "workbench2.deployed": 10, "electric.sirenlight.deployed": 10, "furnace": 10, "woodbox_deployed": 10 } } }  
  4. More information about "ObjectStacks"

    $21.95 $15.95


    The ObjectStacks plugin enables players to stack specific objects in Rust, maximizing space efficiency and creating organized storage areas. The plugin is easy to configure and supports a wide range of objects, with settings that can be adjusted directly in the configuration file.
    Flexible Configuration: Easily add objects in the config file and define a Y-offset and specific permissions for each object.
    Advanced Stacking Options: Set maximum stacking limits based on user permissions (e.g., standard users vs. VIPs).
    Contextual Stacking: Stacking is only allowed in areas with building privileges, supporting game balance and preventing overuse.
    Automatic Permission Registration: Permissions for each configurable object are automatically registered.
    Supported Objects:
    Permissions: The plugin uses a dynamic permission system that allows specific actions (such as stacking) to be permitted or denied for different user groups. Example of a permission:
    objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.use - Allows stacking of storage barrel type B for regular users.
    objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.vip - Allows stacking of storage barrel type B for VIP users.
    Configurability: Administrators can easily add or edit objects and their settings in the configuration file. This includes setting Y-offsets and assigning permissions for each object.

    { "Can stack only in Building Privileged zones?": true, "Blacklisted Skins": [ 123, 1223 ], "Permissions & their amount of stacked furnaces allowed": { "objectstacks.box_wooden.use": 2, "objectstacks.box_wooden.vip": 4, "objectstacks.box_wooden_large.use": 2, "objectstacks.box_wooden_large.vip": 4, "objectstacks.coffin_storage.use": 2, "objectstacks.coffin_storage.vip": 4, "objectstacks.composter.use": 2, "objectstacks.composter.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_large.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_large.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_medium.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_medium.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_small.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_battery_rechargable_small.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_furnace.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_furnace.vip": 4, "objectstacks.electric_generator_small.use": 2, "objectstacks.electric_generator_small.vip": 4, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.use": 2, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_b.vip": 4, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_c.use": 2, "objectstacks.storage_barrel_c.vip": 4 }, "Objects and offsets": { "assets/prefabs/deployable/composter/composter.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.5, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "composter" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.7, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "box_wooden_large" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/batteries/large/large.rechargable.battery.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.7, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_battery_rechargable_large" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/batteries/medium/medium.rechargable.battery.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.3, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_battery_rechargable_medium" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/batteries/smallrechargablebattery.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.34, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_battery_rechargable_small" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/electricfurnace/electricfurnace.deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.15, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_furnace" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/generators/generator.small.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.7, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "electric_generator_small" }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.55, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "box_wooden" }, "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_b.prefab": { "YOffset": 1.2, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "storage_barrel_b" }, "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_c.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.9, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "storage_barrel_c" }, "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/coffin/coffinstorage.prefab": { "YOffset": 0.6, "Shortname for permissions (objectstacks.THISNAME.[use/vip/etc.])": "coffin_storage" } } }  
  5. More information about "Prime"



    About Prime
    Prime is a plugin that allows the players to accumilate coins and then spend them at the dedicated vending machine at Outpost for items,weapons & armour.
    Coins gathered depends on a Risk VS Reward setup with Prime items providing BUFFS as the player progresses and buys bigger/better gear.
    Includes a lottery system,gambling, powerful Stones to collect & upgrade and all fully configurable!

    Hardcore Mode Activation

    When hardcore is active a Prime Vending Machine will spawn at Out Post allowing  players access to  Items to earn Prime Coins and Buffs ranging from increase in coins, incoming damage reduction, output damage increase.
    Players will only be able to progress thier Prime accounts by using items purchased from this vending machine, however if hardcore is NOT active.. players are free to use normal items
    and weapons to progress accounts and still have lottery active. With hardcore set to 'false' there is no vending machine, no items and no HOF.. you will also not be able to aquire stones.
    Stones: Requires Green Berries
    With each tier increase the stones provide a buff in coin yield starting at a base rate of 5% and maxing out at 75%, along with this in the later tiers the stones also provide the
    user with a increase in damage output.. however the stone needs to be in your inventory.. so it can be taken from you or lost.
    GREEN -[ Emerald I (5%) , Emerald II (10%), Emerald III (15%), Emerald IV (20%), Emerald V (25%) ] - Hidden Perks = Metabolism & Environment Buffs
    PURPLE - [ Mystic I (30%) , Mystic II (35%) , Mystic III (40%), Mystic IV (45%), Mystic V (50%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Lottery Chance
    RED/BLACK - [ Unstable I (55%), Unstable II (60%), Unstable III (65%), Unstable IV (70%), Unstable V  (75%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Outgoing Damage by X%
    Fusion : In order to create the next type of stone youll need x2 Tier 5 Stones
    The higher the type and tier of the stone the more likely of a failure will occur in ther proccess resulting in the stones exploding..and you losing them..having to restart the process again.

    Config : Setting up Vending costs & Reward System

    The config file covers everything from:
     - Prime item costs at the vending maching
    - Coins rewarded for each individual task from smashing a barrel to killing an NPC
    - Coins rewarded for looting
    - Stone Drop Chance
    - Amount of Berries required to polish stones
    - Personal ID for chat (set to server icon)
    - Lottery chance %
    Plus much more
    Discord - Nferno#7163


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