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Chill Roleplay's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Jail"



    What is it?
    A simple and nice utility for admins to punish players.
    Punish minges and bad player's behaviour with this simple plugin!
    /jail (playerName/playerID) (duration in seconds) -- Jail specified player for the amount of time /unjail (playerName/playerID) -- Unjail specified player /jail.save -- Force save Jail data
    jail.use - Gives player permission for all Jail commands
    Once a player gets jailed a cage appears around him, player cannot even avoid it by reconnecting, when the player disconnects the cage automatically disappears and when he connects back, it appears again.

    (Configurable) You can choose if the player can take damage or not while jailed
    (Configurable) You can set if the cage can take damage or not
    (Configurable) You can set if the player is allowed to use commands while jailed
    (Configurable) You can set if player should be teleported back into cage whenever he escapes it
    API Calls public bool IsJailed(ulong playerId) // Returns true if the player is jailed, else returns false API Hooks private void OnPlayerJail(ulong playerId, double time) // Gets called when player gets jailed private void OnPlayerUnjail(ulong playerId) // Gets called when player gets unjailed  
    { "Should player take dmg if jailed?": false, "Should jail cage take dmg?": false, "Should block player's commands when jailed?": true, "Ensure player stays in cage? (Teleports him back if he's outside)": true }  
    { "Syntax": "Syntax: /jail (playerName/steamID) (timeInSeconds)", "NoPlayer": "Couldn't find that player", "AlreadyJailed": "{0} is already jailed ({1}sec left)", "Unjail": "You have been unjailed", "CantDoJail": "You can't do this while jailed", "SyntaxUnjail": "Syntax: /unjail (playerName/steamID)", "JailCmd": "You have jailed {0} for {1}secs", "UnjailCmd": "You have unjailed {0}", "NotJailed": "{0} is not jailed", "Jail": "You have been jailed for {0}secs" }  
  2. More information about "Upgrader"




    Allows players to upgrade various item categories, including weapons, armor, and tools, each with unique upgrade options.
    Extensive configuration options for server admins to adjust :
    What items will be upgradable (Only items what you chose to put in config will have upgrades )
    What upgrades will item have ( you dont need to put all upgrades on item ,only what upgrades you chose for a item)
    Upgrade costs (you can put what ever custom/default item,and amount for cost)
    Levels (you can choose how much upgrade will have levels)
    Values of upgrades (you can choose value of each upgrade ,example "damage" Lv1 2% damage, Lv2 5%)

    There is a easy way to control your upgrades , all about items can be done in UI.
    Adding,removing items can be done by UI.
    You can modify items true UI : upgrade types, levels ,values ,cost .
    In chosing cost there is also custom category tab , you need to add those items in config at bottom of config file !

    There is Inspection button where you can see stats of upgraded item in inventory.

    Each category have their own upgrades :

    Wepons :                                 Armor :                                         Tools :

    Damage,                                 Defense,                                       GatherYield,
    MagazineSize,                         Durability,                                    Durability,
    Durability,                                RadiationProtection,                  Deforestation,
    LifeSteal,                                  ResurrectionChance                  InstantMine,
    CritChance,                              RestoreItems                              Smelting

    Each category have RenameName of a item .

    HOW TO USE :

    Simple put Upgrader.cs to your plugin folder .
    Add/remove items from config or true UI .
    Chose upgrades for items (levels,cost,values) .

    In Game :
    Add permissions.
    When player put item in Repair Bench he will see Upgrade button .
    UI will open with upgrades.
    Inspection button is below belt inventory ,when player click on it it will open inspection mode ,so he will be able to see item upgrades in small UI.


    Admins can change text in config file for a ServerName and Info .
    For more explanations to player or what ever text you need .


    4 custom items (diamonds) .They can be used for cost of upgrades. 
    You can chose stacksize ,where they will spawn(lootboxes),chance to spawn in boxes ,and amount.
    You can change theirs DisplayName , SkinId .
    You can use them or not ,its a option .

    Chat Command : /additem  ( it opens Ui where you can modify upgrades )
    Chat Command :   /giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID>   ( when you upgrade item ,you can see his UID in DataFile ! )
    Console Command : giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID> 
    Chat Command :  /givediamond "name" "amount"
    Console Command - wipeupgradedata


    upgrader.button - allow to see button in repair bench for upgrade
    upgrader.weapon - allow weapon upgrades
    upgrader.armor - allow armor upgrades
    upgrader.tool - allow tool upgrades
    upgrader.bypasscost - free upgrades
    upgrader.diamondgive - allow to use command /givediamond "name" "amount"
    upgrader.additem - allow to use command /additem
    upgrader.giveitem - allow to use command /giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID> 
    console command - giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID> 


    DATA :

    There is data file what stores upgrades of items.
    You can delete data items with command in console .
    Console Command - wipeupgradedata

    API :
    public bool API_HasUpgrades(Item item)

    public Dictionary<string, int> API_GetUpgrades(Item item)

    public void API_ApplyUpgrades(Item item, Dictionary<string, int> upgrades)




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