Version 1.1.8
Player Reporting Plugin,
Command Usage: /report (Player Name) (reason)
/adminreports - Gui for seeing players with reports and how many requires "playerreports.admin" permssion
Gui Preview in video below
o.grant group default playerreport.use
o.grant group admin playerreport.admin
Example Of Messages Sent To Discord Webhook Attached.
When a player is reported, In-Game admins will receive a notification of that person being reported, if they have the permission "playerreport.admin"
Default Config:
"Discord Webhook URL": "",
"Ban Notification Webhook URL": "",
"Server Shortname": "5x Duo Max Rustico",
"Admin Notification": true,
"Ban Appeal Link": "",
"Maximum Reports Before Auto Ban": 10
Localisation Support:
"Usage": "Usage: /report <player name> <reason>",
"PlayerNotFound": "Player '{0}' not found. Check the spelling or try a different name.",
"DidYouMean": "Did you mean: {0}?",
"ReportSubmitted": "Your report against {0} has been submitted.",
"ReporterField": "Reporter",
"ReportedPlayerField": "Reported Player",
"ReasonField": "Reason",
"ReportedOn": "Reported on",
"DiscordError": "Failed to send report to Discord: {0}",
"CooldownMessage": "Please wait {0} seconds before submitting another report.",
"AdminNotification": "Player {0} reported {1} for: {2}",
"AutoBanMessage": "You have been automatically banned due to multiple reports. Appeal: {0}"