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  1. RustyCMD

    Haven a issue

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.8.0
  2. RustyCMD

    Haven a issue

    Hi, the plugin is currently working very weirdly, im working on an update or it, wont be ready until around the 25th tho.
  3. Okay got it, appreciate it!
  4. How will it use ai? some more explanation?
  5. Are we on about a rust server here?
  6. Version 1.1.8


    Player Reporting Plugin, Command Usage: /report (Player Name) (reason) /adminreports - Gui for seeing players with reports and how many requires "playerreports.admin" permssion Gui Preview in video below Permissions: o.grant group default playerreport.use o.grant group admin playerreport.admin Example Of Messages Sent To Discord Webhook Attached. When a player is reported, In-Game admins will receive a notification of that person being reported, if they have the permission "playerreport.admin" Default Config: { "Discord Webhook URL": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/yourwebhookhere", "Ban Notification Webhook URL": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/yourwebhookhere", "Server Shortname": "5x Duo Max Rustico", "Admin Notification": true, "Ban Appeal Link": "https://discord.gg/JKmGzRf7", "Maximum Reports Before Auto Ban": 10 } Localisation Support: { "Usage": "Usage: /report <player name> <reason>", "PlayerNotFound": "Player '{0}' not found. Check the spelling or try a different name.", "DidYouMean": "Did you mean: {0}?", "ReportSubmitted": "Your report against {0} has been submitted.", "ReporterField": "Reporter", "ReportedPlayerField": "Reported Player", "ReasonField": "Reason", "ReportedOn": "Reported on", "DiscordError": "Failed to send report to Discord: {0}", "CooldownMessage": "Please wait {0} seconds before submitting another report.", "AdminNotification": "Player {0} reported {1} for: {2}", "AutoBanMessage": "You have been automatically banned due to multiple reports. Appeal: {0}" }
  7. Not a bad idea imma make one
  8. Probably not just what it says in the description, you ccan suggest some things to add to it!
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 2.5.4
  10. RustyCMD

    Infinite Ammo

    Working on an update for that!
  11. I will also add a config option to disable the grid location being announced
  12. hey ive already added a way for you to do that, go to your server files, go to Oxide\Lang\en\OfflineRaidAnnouncer.json There you can edit the messages these are the default ones { "RaidMessageOwnerAndRaider": "{0} is being raided while offline at grid <color=red>{1}</color> by {2}!", "RaidMessageOwner": "{0} is being raided while offline at grid <color=red>{1}</color>!", "RaidMessageRaider": "A base is being raided while the owner is offline at grid <color=red>{1}</color> by {2}!", "RaidMessage": "A base is being raided while the owner is offline at grid <color=red>{1}</color>!" }
  13. Added :DD { "IncludeOwnerName": true, "IncludeRaiderName": true, "WipeDataOnWipe": false }
  14. i sure can
  15. Version 1.4.6


    Welcome All, This is a plugin to allows players to spawn an attack helicopter, When the command "/callheli" is used, it spawns a helicopter, it goes to their location and they can start taking it down! It uses scrap as a currency and can be configurated in the config So can the cooldown for the command be configurated aswell. Thanks to yetzt for the logic to pull grid location, https://umod.org/plugins/grid


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