Hi can someone please help me with survey charges.
I did the following
"SurveyCharge": {
"Name": "Survey Charge",
"Image": "surveycharge.png",
"SkinID": 0,
"Category": "construction",
"Tier": 2,
"ResearchCost": 100,
"Resources": {
"gunpowder": 30,
"cloth": 5,
"metal.fragments": 10,
"lowgradefuel": 20
Then in placeanything I did this
"Survey Charge": {
"BaseItem": "surveycharge",
"SkinID": 1975934948,
"Prefab": "assets/prefabs/tools/surveycharge/survey_charge.prefab",
"NeedsTCAuth": false,
"CanBePickedUp": true,
"AdjustHeight": 0.0
I can research it and when I select craft nothing happens after a few clicks the resources get subtracted but no item in inventory.