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Everything posted by crash

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  2. Hello, ill be debuging this now.
  3. crash

    not restarting

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.5
  4. crash

    not restarting

    Hello, i've tried restarting with our command /restart and restarting with a time scheduled and i get no errors. The error is likely caused by a mismatch between the number of placeholders in the "ChatRestartAlert" language string. to fix this issue, we need to ensure that the "ChatRestartAlert" language string has exactly the placeholder ({0}). Check your language file (lang/AutoRestart.json) and make sure the "ChatRestartAlert" entry looks something like this: { "ChatRestartAlert": "Server restart scheduled in {0}." } If this still doenst work, i recommend deleting the lang file and creating a new one.
  5. crash

    not restarting

    Hello, ill be debuging this now.
  6. crash

    AutoRestart UI

    Yes, you are missing a "," on "03:00" > "03:00", Remember that the timers are based on UTC. You can convert UTC timezone with this website: https://dateful.com/convert/utc
  7. crash

    AutoRestart UI

    Ahh i see, im pretty sure this UI doenst change gameplay so its allowed (i might be wrong)
  8. crash

    AutoRestart UI

    Do you'd like to use chat messages instead? Added.
  9. crash

    AutoRestart UI

    Not at the moment, i will push an update so its possible to do so. Added.
  10. crash

    AutoRestart UI

    Version 2.5.1


    AutoRestart is an advanced and fully configurable plugin to facilitate automatic restarts of Rust servers, ensuring consistent performance and minimizing downtime through effective scheduling and notifications. The plugin has been tested in Pterodactyl and Wisp without problems. Windows could have problems due to how each administrator has configured their bat file and that may cause the plugin to not be able to start the server again. Main Features Interactive UI: Includes an interactive UI that allows administrators to modify all plugin settings easily. Scheduled Restarts: Configures automatic server restarts at defined intervals using UTC timezone for uniform scheduling. Discord Integration: Sends notifications to designated Discord channels to keep the community informed about restarts and server availability. Player Alerts: Notifies in-game through both UI and chat, with configurable countdowns (e.g., 60, 30, 10 minutes), including a visible final-minute countdown. Sound Alerts: Provides optional auditory notifications to accompany visual or chat alerts. Manual Admin Restarts: Administrators can initiate manual restarts with the /restart [seconds] command, including real-time alerts. Cancel Restarts: Allows administrators to cancel or reschedule restarts using the /restartstop command. Player Limit Protection: Prevents restarts during high player activity by setting a player count threshold. uMod Update Support: Automates checking for and applying uMod updates, followed by a server restart. Rewards System: Comprehensive reward system for players who connect after server restarts, supporting Economics, ServerRewards, and custom item rewards. Multilanguage messages: English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Portugues. Permissions autorestart.use: Grants administrative privileges to execute manual restarts, cancel scheduled or manual restarts, modify restart settings, and access the configuration UI. Chat Commands /crestart: Opens the main configuration UI. /crestart rewards: Opens the main configuration rewards UI. /restart 30s/5m/1h: Initiate manual restarts. /restartstop: Cancel or reschedule both administrator made restarts or programmed restarts. Console Commands restart.list: Shows upcoming scheduled restarts. Config { "Version": "2.5.0", "Restart": { "RestartTimes": [ "15:10" ], "AlertSound": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.lock.prefab", "UseSound": true, "UseChatAlerts": true, "UseQuitCommand": true, "SkipWipeDays": false, "WipeDays": [] }, "PlayerRestrictions": { "MaxPlayersBeforeCancel": 10, "RestrictPlayerCount": false }, "Alerts": { "InGameWarningTimes": [], "DiscordWarningTimes": [] }, "UpdateCheck": { "CheckForUpdates": false, "CheckInterval": 600 }, "UI": { "UseCustomUI": false, "UseRustUI": true, "CustomUI": { "AnchorMin": "0 0.5", "AnchorMax": "0 0.5", "OffsetMin": "10 -45.9695", "OffsetMax": "177.325 46.7435", "CheckIcon": "✓", "CrossIcon": "✗", "CheckIconColor": "0.5568627 0.7764706 0.1843137 1", "CrossIconColor": "0.7764706 0.5137255 0.4196078 1", "BackgroundColorHex": "#5095C4", "TitleFontSize": 12, "MessageFontSize": 10 } }, "Discord": { "WebhookUrl": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "ServerName": "Rust Server", "DiscordNotifications": false, "UseFullMinuteCountdown": false }, "DisableDiscordCountdownMessages": false, "Rewards": { "EnableRewards": true, "UseEconomics": false, "UseServerRewards": false, "ItemRewards": { "explosive.timed": 5, "rifle.ak": 1, "knife.bone": 4 }, "EconomicsAmount": 500.0, "ServerRewardsPoints": 0, "RewardTimeLimit": 300 } } Lang { "Version": "2.5.0", "ChatRestartAlert": "Server restart scheduled in {0}.", "ChatRestartCanceled": "The server restart has been canceled.", "ChatRestartNow": "RESTARTING...", "ChatRestartCanceledTooManyPlayers": "Restart canceled due to too many players.", "NoRestartScheduled": "No restart is currently scheduled.", "RustUITitle": "SCHEDULED SERVER RESTART", "RustUIMessage": "The server will restart in {0}.", "CustomUITitle": "SCHEDULED SERVER RESTART", "CustomUIMessage": "The server will restart in {0}.", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.", "Usage": "Usage: /restart <seconds>", "InvalidNumber": "Invalid number of seconds provided.", "UpdateDetected": "A uMod update has been detected. The server will restart to apply the update.", "DiscordRestartAlert": " **SERVER RESTART**\nServer will restart in {0}.", "DiscordRestarting": " **RESTARTING**\nServer is restarting now. Please wait 5 minutes for the server to be back online.", "DiscordOnline": " **SERVER ONLINE**\nServer is now online and ready to play!", "TimeMinute": "minute", "TimeMinutes": "minutes", "TimeHour": "hour", "TimeHours": "hours", "TimeSecond": "second", "TimeSeconds": "seconds", "RewardEconomicsReceived": "You received ${0} from Economics reward!", "RewardPointsReceived": "You received {0} RP from ServerRewards!", "RewardItemReceived": "You received {0}x {1} from Item rewards!", "RewardTimeLeft": "You received rewards for connecting during server restart. Rewards will be available for {0} more.", "RewardPeriodEnded": "The reward period has ended." }
  11. crash

    Easy explanation

    Hello, could it be possible to make a video explaining how to do a basic UI? im trying to even get a button out but i dont get it to work cus im dumb and i need some tutorial video to follow on :c
  12. crash

    Discord Link

    im getting this error, what could it be?
  13. getting this error when i have the "USE_DISCORD_MEMBER_DISPLAY_BOT": TRUE if i set it to false, it all works fine but not the discord member count.
  14. Correct
  15. No errors, the process just crashes/closes
  16. The program crashes after a few mins in my VPS, what could it be?
  17. I would buy this, however, discord extension is so laggy and messy isnt worth it
  18. then keep malding pal, developer decides the price on each page
  19. ? why criticize? the price is based on the audience that receives each page
  20. plugin updated, check it out
  21. crash

    Social Link

    just tried it and rcon commands arent working, did i miss something?
  22. crash

    Social Link

    nitro boost integration whEEN????
  23. crash

    Social Link

    please add support for nitro boosters


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