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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Pvp damage

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  2. Paul

    Game Ban Check

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.0
  3. Paul

    Game Ban Check

    example: "Steam API": "6e4rg864er6g41", and set up a discord webhook where you want to send messages
  4. Paul

    Game Ban Check

    Version 1.0.5


    The plugin will check if a player has connected to the server has received a temporary game ban. These players probably continue to cheating and it's good to know about them. - Check player after connected to the server - Check EAC gamebans if the player received while playing - Auto kick or ban - Auto alert on discord For automatic banning you need to have some kind of ban system on your server, like EnhancedBanSystem or Ember etc.... Example message: # Config { "Steam API": "https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey", "Detect bans younger than days": 365, "Discord webhook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Auto solution (0 - Ignore, 1 - Kick, 2 - Ban)": 0, "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } } # Chat Commands /gbtest - test discord alert
  5. Paul

    Player Effects

    It's not possible. Only add new effects.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Explosion Damage Reducer change damage value of Rockets, High Velocity Rockets and HE Grenades to players. Just anti noob pvp # Configuration Values are in % { "Apply reduced damage to the attacker": false, "Rocket": 100, "High Velocity Rocket": 100, "HE Grenade": 100, "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }
  7. Paul

    Player Effects

    Version 1.0.0


    Player Effects is simple plugin that adds effect trails to the player. Permissions playereffects.use Commands /pe 0 or disable - disable effect /pe 1 or particles - particles /pe 2 or smoke - smoke /pe 3 or fire - fire /pe help - available commands Localization { "NoPerm": "You don't have permissions", "Invalid": "Invalid syntax!\\nType /pe help", "Disable": "Effect has been disabled", "Effect1": "Effect <color=#a8a6a6>'particles'</color> has been activated", "Effect2": "Effect <color=#a8a6a6>'smoke'</color> has been activated", "Effect3": "Effect <color=#a8a6a6>'fire'</color> has been activated", "Help": "<size=16><color=#3498db>Player Effects</color></size>\\n<color=#a8a6a6>/pe 0 or disable</color> - disable effect\\n<color=#a8a6a6>/pe 1 or particles</color> - particles effect\\n<color=#a8a6a6>/pe 2 or smoke</color> - smoke effect\\n<color=#a8a6a6>/pe 3 or fire</color> - fire effect" }
  8. Paul

    Discord banned?

    ok i understand and sorry, this preview was sent to me as inspiration I know which person pointed it out and could normally write it to me and not write everywhere that I am copying everything finally i understand what's going on and I will make a change
  9. Paul

    Discord banned?

    I still don't know what it is feel free to contact me on discord I was recently written by a random person that I am copying a website I bought or an atm plugin but I would like to know exactly what happened
  10. Paul

    Discord banned?

    and can i know what happened? I'm not aware that I've been writing anything there lately
  11. Hi, I was kicked out of a discord and I can't connect, did I get a ban? Please for some information thank you paulsimik#0506


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