Version 1.0.5
The plugin will check if a player has connected to the server has received a temporary game ban. These players probably continue to cheating and it's good to know about them.
- Check player after connected to the server
- Check EAC gamebans if the player received while playing
- Auto kick or ban
- Auto alert on discord
For automatic banning you need to have some kind of ban system on your server, like EnhancedBanSystem or Ember etc....
Example message:
# Config
"Steam API": "",
"Detect bans younger than days": 365,
"Discord webhook": "",
"Auto solution (0 - Ignore, 1 - Kick, 2 - Ban)": 0,
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 1
# Chat Commands
/gbtest - test discord alert