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Everything posted by Hypernova

  1. Hypernova

    Nova Weather

    Great, I'm glad. And what do you mean? You can force a profile to load quickly by setting the transition time in the command, like I posted. The 1 at the end signifies that it should transition in 1 second instead of its' default. Nevertheless, I'm glad you got it working for your use case.
  2. Hypernova

    Nova Weather

    Nova Weather is a drop-in replacement of the vanilla weather system. Any changes made to weather outside of Nova Weather are therefore non-persistent, meaning Nova Weather will override any changes to weather. A solution to this would be to create a profile called "nuke", change your settings accordingly, and then trigger the nuke profile whenever you like using the commands listed in the configuration. If your nuke plugin supports commands on dropping a nuke, you could set it to do someting similar to this: novaweather.load default nuke 1 This will set the nuke profile to instantly load (with a smoothing of 1 second) into climate "default". Change this to whatever your setup is. if this is too much of a hassle, there's a hacky workaround as well. Nova Weather supports disabling Nova Weather for certain permissions. You *could*, in theory, temporarily give people this permission until your nuke effect is over, and then remove the permission again to resume Nova Weather's effect for that player. I can't add support for every plugin, unfortunately. Only make it as easy as I can to manipulate Nova Weather.
  3. Hypernova

    Nova Weather

    I go into detail in the mod's documentation under the 'Steps' subheader. It's quite straightforwards; You use steps to animate your weather to whatever you wish. You can go into excruciating detail with small step timevalues, or you can make smooth, large changes by using large timevalues (by setting the Fade option). Again, I can't really explain it better than I have in my documentation. The steps is an array, each object a change in weather or a command, the key being the amount of seconds in the profile to apply it on, and the value doing the actual change.
  4. Hypernova

    Nova Weather

    That'll depend on your setup. Nova Weather has many commands that you can utilize to change the behaviour of your weather system. There are many plugins capable of executing commands on certain times, I'm not going to cover those but you know they're there. On the other hand, if you want to have something happen based on your weather, that can be done as well. You can use the steps to insert a command rule instead of a weather change, as I explain in the documentation under Timed Commands. It's up to you.
  5. Hypernova

    Weird flashes on the screen

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. Hypernova

    Weird flashes on the screen

    Resolved the issue through Discord, issue was a plugin conflict. After unloading another plugin that forced clear nights, weather was fixed and much improved.
  7. Hypernova

    Weird flashes on the screen

    Hello Aton, I'd very much like to see the clip if possible. The native weather should be completely disabled, so if the weather is blinking from Nova Weather conditions to something else, perhaps another weather mod is conflicting with Nova Weather. In the meantime you could play with the tickrate and other such settings. They control how often the mod is able to update the weather conditions, so this may fix your issue. Please refer to the extensive documentation about these config options as they may impact your server's performance depending on the values you input. If you cannot seem to get this to function properly, please add me on Discord at airathias. I cannot determine the cause of this without more information such as a list of installed mods, so if none of the above fixes it, please add me on Discord and we'll get it ironed out. Keep me posted!
  8. Hypernova

    Nova Weather

    Hi there! Would you mind opening a support ticket and sharing full logfiles with me? I'm not seeing much usable info here.
  9. Again, not up to you. Please make an option to allow normal execution of Harmony mods. Let the enduser decide. Heck, you can even put up a big disclaimer "YOU ARE USING UNMANAGED HARMONY MODS. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK." or whatever. But just flatout not allowing mods outside of your ecosystem is exceptionally toxic. Don't be Apple. Be Android.
  10. "Heavily advised". Does this mean "Required to run any type of Harmony logic"? I'm an author of Harmony mods, precisely for the reason that I do not want to be dependant on a framework and be usable in a vanilla install. If Carbon does disallow the execution of Harmony mods, it'd be a giant middle finger to Harmony devs. And to Facepunch for that matter, who implemented Harmony. It's not up to you to decide for the end user. Please implement an option to allow Harmony mods. Your own damn marketplace sells them, the least you can do is allow people the freedom to use them.
  11. Hi there, thank you for your kind words. Before I can help you diagnose an issue with the mod, please verify that your game server hosting supports Harmony mods. Some hosts don't due to security rulesets. I've looked around in their knowledgebase but I'm not seeing anything related to Harmony. If you would, please contact their support by creating a ticket. If they respond with saying that Harmony mods are supported, we can start diagnosing an issue.
  12. Hypernova

    Nova Weather

    Hi @Friendly Factions, I'm glad you're enjoying Nova Weather! Unfortunately, our hands are tied when it comes to water. We can influence the waterlevel, but that's about the extent of our control over it, and that's a global setting. I'm afraid we can't offer this functionality, not until Facepunch implements more in-depth water conditions. I hope you'll continue enjoying Nova Weather nonetheless.
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. It looks like we responded at the same time. I'm glad you got it working. Thank you for reporting back. I'll close this now.
  15. Hi there, It looks like you're loading in Nova Weather using harmony.load. This is fine for most mods, but Nova Weather patches several methods on server boot to replace the server's native climate systems. Could you restart your server for me, and see if the problem persists if Nova Weather is booted properly?
  16. You mention having contacted me. You haven't. You just publicly called it very bad after having made no effort to make it work. That's not contacting me, that's being a dick. It is clear that you have zero intention of communicating like a normal person. As such, I have zero interest in helping you. It's open source; if you can do better, make a pull request in the github (found here: https://github.com/Hypernova-gg/FullRangeAutoturrets). Or make your own. This message is my final response to you, let's keep this discussion channel for those who are interested in constructive conversation.
  17. No you didn't, I have no messages from you on Codefling. Nor on the Discord. Nor anywhere else. The plugin does exactly as advertised. Is it perfect? Of course not. Bugs happen. I'd have been happy to help you had you just asked. I get the "nonsense" idea of you having issues with multiple plugins because *most of the time these issues arise from incompatible plugins*. This could have been a normal, constructive conversation where I could have assisted you. Instead you chose to try nothing, and leave a shitty comment on a free, open source plugin. You're entitled to your opinions, but man, you could've done the least bit of effort. Make better decisions next time.
  18. Hypernova

    Nova Weather

    Right now such features are low on the priority scale for my team, as our planning is pretty tight. We do plan on making them, we just can't pin an exact ETA to it just yet. You can find the weather convars here: https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/Weather#detailedconvars Using those properties in the profiles (without the "weather." prefix) you can create any weather type.
  19. You could've, you know, contacted me before posting such nonsense. Sounds like you're having issues with more than just our plugin, as this isn't regular behavior for this plugin. Oh well.
  20. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  21. Hypernova

    not work on Alkad hosting.

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. Hypernova

    not work on Alkad hosting.

    Having no clue what that is and being unable to read russian, I'm guessing it's a dedicated game server hosting service. The reason many Harmony mods post a warning to check if your host supports Harmony mods is for situations exactly like this, developers can do very little about singular hosts that limit their users. So if you're sure you put the DLL in the right place and everything, and it still doesn't work, then you'll have to contact your host to see about allowing Harmony mods.
  23. Is this still an issue in the new version? I updated it to fix some networking issues, so this may no longer be an issue
  24. Hypernova

    spam the error

    Without more information this is looking a lot like the other support ticket saying the same thing, https://codefling.com/files/support/4378-plugin-appears-to-be-causing-errors-crashes/ So I'm going to repeat myself here. Could you please remove your existing configuration file and let it generate a default one and see if the problem persists? Be sure to back up your config file on your local machine before doing so. If the default config works, it'll be a config issue and we can go from there. If the problem does persist, I'll need to see more detailed logs please.
  25. I am getting many reports from my players about gaps in rocks, falling through the world, disconnected underground corridors, etc. We've not used this map in a long time due to there having been a lot of these types of issues, and the latest update doesn't seem to do much in the way of fixing some pretty glaring issues. Is a new version in production that has improved quality control before release? I can ask my team to compile a list of all complaints if you like. There are many. Perhaps this has something to do with the download of the actual file; are you certain the latest version is uploaded? Because when I download the file and extract it, I'm left with a mapfile called "RWdivergenceisles1.0.2.3.map", not 1.1.1.


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