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Everything posted by bobekua

  1. bobekua

    server Heli , gun no work

    ok , thx
  2. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    Hello, this plugin is free and will show you exactly how your monuments are set up (how bad Bradley Arena and the house on Y-12 are). We are currently playing the Atlanta the walking death map and there are no problems there, we only have those problems on your map. I am also attaching the chat commands to display 2 entities that are wrong on your map. /monument show custom_ (Y-12) /monument show custom_bradleyarena
  3. bobekua

    server Heli , gun no work

    We sell the turrets in a real store for real money for people on our server - I get a response from them all the time that the turrets don't work 100% and that they want their money back, and you - that you don't have time. I'm tired of waiting all the time.
  4. bobekua

    server Heli , gun no work

    I first asked about this on January 25th, today is February 19th and nothing has been fixed anywhere, I like Sentry turrets, but if there is such support, I will be forced to ask for a refund.
  5. bobekua

    server Heli , gun no work

    Hello, I'm tired of waiting and nothing happens. Every day after the server restarts, they stop working and now the attack distance is annoying - we have set the range to air - 100 m, the Patrol Heli flies 50 m from the Sentry and it looks at it but doesn't shoot. Your constant excuses about not having time? So should I ask for a refund?
  6. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    You have the wrong zone set for Bradley Arena, and we absolutely do not understand why the Marker for Monument is set on the residential hut! I strongly doubt that no one else from the PVE servers had problems with this, or we are the only PVE server that bought your map.
  7. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    Your map in the editor is set up incorrectly. But I won't buy the Pro Editor version for one map, I'm a user, not a map creator.
  8. Not yet, we have a lot of other problems with plugins, we are putting this one aside for now, it is not that important to us. But thank you for the response, I will get back to you in time. Thank you for your understanding
  9. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    Hello, will you be fixing your map? Because otherwise it will be unusable for me and in that case I will be forced to ask for a refund.
  10. bobekua

    Connection, settings

    Hello, we registered for the API, we now have turbo3.5gpt available, but we need advice on how to proceed. It doesn't want to work for us and the website keeps notifying us that we don't have a paid version. When I looked at the paid versions, it's not a one-time payment, but a monthly fee.
  11. bobekua

    remove furnace -> kick server

    We don't have stackable furnaces, we don't have a stack modifier either, we use loottable, but I think that's the last FP update, someone gets kicked off the server by lifting a furnace, someone gets kicked off by a flower bed, and for me, the mixing table doesn't work at all
  12. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    Hello. So we contacted the developer of the Monument owner plugin, he went to look at our test server on your map and found this: So the monument markings are on your map and that needs to be fixed - put the Bradley arena marking in the middle of the arena, remove the hut markings. I like your map, I don't want a refund, but I want to fix the map. A developer found this on our test server and found it directly in the game thanks to his plugin, no - it's not from RUST EDIT. So as we thought at the beginning of the conflict - the error is on your map, not in the plugins we use. That would annoy us everywhere, but it only annoys us on your map. SO PLEASE PUT IT IN THE PLAYABLE VERSION FOR EVERYONE.
  13. bobekua

    server Heli , gun no work

    Yes, you wrote 2 weeks ago that you would look into it.
  14. bobekua

    server Heli , gun no work

    Hello, please I have 2 more problems. Every day after the server restart, the Sentry stops working, I have to go to them, turn them off, take out the weapon and put it back in and turn on the turret, otherwise the weapon is in the turret, but it is not functional. The second thing - it does not attack the Patrol Heli spontaneously, only when it receives dmg from the Patrol Heli and only from the machine gun, if the Patrol Heli sends me a rocket to the roof, for example, the Sentry does not attack it.
  15. bobekua

    pls update

    Hi, after the last update - February 2025, the trade is not working - it says: Trade - Failed to compile: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'includeNetworkData' of 'Effect.Clear(bool)' | Line: 179, Pos: 32
  16. bobekua

    Oil -> Charcoal

  17. bobekua

    Oil -> Charcoal

    private class FuelConfiguration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Shortname")] public string Shortname { get; set; } = "diesel_barrel"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds")] public int ResourceExtractionInterval { get; set; } = 3600; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fuel Required Per Extraction")] public int FuelRequiredPerExtraction { get; set; } = 1; Hi, please, why is there a change from Charcoal to large barrels of oil in the plugin? You also have screenshots in the sales that it works on Charcoal. They built the economy of our entire server on it, now an update has been released and it runs on large barrels. We will rewrite it, but every day after the server restart it will go back to barrels. Is there no way to create a config where everyone can set the fuel that suits them?
  18. bobekua

    remove furnace -> kick server

    Hello, please I have a problem, if I pick up the upgraded oven, it kicks me off the server. And another thing - we haven't upgraded to the latest update version yet - I'm afraid of what you wrote: do it only during wipe. What will happen if I update it, for example, in the middle of the month?
  19. bobekua

    new update FP

    Cancelled, my colleague managed to fix it
  20. bobekua

    new update FP

    pls help - server - 159 RaidableBases - Failed to compile: 'RaidableBases.HumanoidNPC.OnKilled(HitInfo)': no suitable method found to override | Line: 2583, Pos: 34
  21. bobekua

    Player time

    ok thank you, one more question about this - is it possible to set somewhere that when a player attacks an event, the remaining time of the event is paused?
  22. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    So it's both ways, your map is the first one we've had problems with, we haven't had any problems with any other Custom map so far. There were problems, but everyone had them when changing maps to version 2.0, but since the transition to 2.0, your map is the first one we've had problems with.
  23. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    I don't accept refunds because the map is fine, I can't guarantee support for all plugins The number of downloads on Codefling is 36, if you have a map only for PVP servers, it would be a good idea to write this in the map description, because otherwise you will only get more complaints.
  24. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    If we don't solve it, we have to upload another map and we will look with the developer of the PVE plugin for the error. If we find out that it's not ours, I will be forced to ask for a refund.
  25. bobekua

    Empty prefabs

    "bradleyarena": { "Type(This parameter is just a hint. Changes won’t have any effect)": "Custom", "Is it worth displaying the suffix(if any) in the monument's name?": true, "Is it worth notifying all players about the occupation/release of the monument?": false, "The cost for the right to loot the monument. A value of 0 makes the monument free": 0.0, "The time in seconds(1-3600) given for looting the monument": 900, "The time in seconds(1-15) given to make a decision to purchase the monument": 5.0, "Map marker display mode: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - enabled during PvP mode": 0, "Is it worth creating a circle in the map marker?": true, "PvP - Is PvP enabled at this monument? If so, players will be able to kill each other and loot will be publicly accessible": false, "PvP - The time in seconds(0-60) during which the player retains PvP mode after leaving the PvP monument": 10.0, "Is it worth using a progress bar for bars with a counter?": true, "Settings for the status bar": {


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