Error was occuring on Serverblend (linux-based), so I proceed with testing a clean install on my pc (Windows-based) as follows:
I did a fresh download of Rust via
echo off
C:\Games\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\Games\RustServerOxideTest\ +app_update 258550 +quit
then installed Oxide v2.0.6121 by dropping it into the same folder and overriding the foregoing Rust download, then started the server
echo off
RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.port 28015 +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.seed 74984042 +server.worldsize 3500 +server.maxplayers 4 +server.hostname "Local Server" +server.description "Excellent" +server.url "" +server.headerimage "" +server.identity "server1" 0 +server.encryption 0 +server.eac 0 +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password letmeinto +rcon.web 1
everything seemed to be working fine, so I dropped this plugin into the oxide/plugins folder,
I don't know how to access logs, but it seems to have loaded just fine like you said,
Listing 1 plugins:
01 "Industrial Dung" (0.1.4) by IIIaKa (0.10s) - IndustrialDung.cs
I proceeded with installing my other plugins in case there was some kind of conflict, the mod worked with all plugins I use:
Listing 1 plugins:
05 "Industrial Dung" (0.1.4) by IIIaKa (0.07s) - IndustrialDung.cs
I proceeded with tesing Serverblend by uninstalling all plugins except Industrial Dung, sadly still not working...
Listing 1 plugins:
01 IndustrialDung - Failed to compile: A using clause must precede all other elements defined in the namespace except extern alias
To the best of my knowledge Serverblend uses linux and was cleaned/updated/refreshed before I installed the plugin.
Have you tested this plugin on linux, and if so, which distributions have you tried? I ask because I am considering testing this on something like ubuntu 20 or 22