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Everything posted by NooBlet
Swim teleports to above ocean and locked up
NooBlet replied to doublee313's Support Request in Support
quick question are you guys running a custom map . bc i cat seem to recreate that my side. -
Swim teleports to above ocean and locked up
NooBlet replied to doublee313's Support Request in Support
it might be on higher world sizes the location is outside map bounds .... ill test a fix soon and update -
Swim teleports to above ocean and locked up
NooBlet replied to doublee313's Support Request in Support
can you please supply me with your worldsize . as swim deals with that .... also i will fix that no worries . in new version you are able to disable swim till i fix it ..... by setting it to zero in config -
Version 2.0.7
Just a small plugin with a button to troll your players with A fun game . with some punishments on button press punishments is set to random with a weight value (higher the number the more change of spawn . 0 means don't spawn) just a fun way to troll your players Get your Payback Plugin's at: Payback 1 Payback 2 if Using Payback be sure to turn on payback use in config. Permissions TheRedButton.use (player with this permission can use the commands) TheRedButton.admin (player with this permission can use the UI) Chat Commands /button - Spawns button in player INV /buttonui - opens the UI // can be bound . ex. bind "p" chat.say /buttonui /buttonconfig - opens config UI // change weights and customcommands without plugin reload /spawnbutton - spawns button where you look and facing towards you (only works for IsAdmin tag) ex .auth 1 and 2 /clearallbuttons - deletes all buttons on server (admin only) Placeholders {playername} {playerid} {playerlocation} {timeremaining} //Lang file only {cooldowntotal} //Lang file only Config { "1. The Button Settings": { "1. Sign Picture URL": "www.noobhub.co.za/dont.png", "2. Cooldown Time on Button Press": 5, "3. Broadcast Button Action to Server": true, "4. Broadcast Font Size [18 default]": 18, "5. Send Discord embeds on punishments": false, "6. Discord WebHook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "7. Use Payback Plugin Punishments": false, "8. Timed C4 (false will be instant explosion": true, "9. Use Random location for swim location": true }, "2. Punishment Weights": { "Slap": 2, "Mlrs": 2, "Swim": 2, "Fall": 2, "C4": 2, "Bear": 2, "Scientist": 2, "Scarecrow": 2, "Radiation": 2, "Landmine": 2, "Cactus": 2, "Scrapheli": 2, "PVELord": 2, "Shredder": 2, "Guntrap": 2, "Fireball": 2, "ExplosiveDiarrhea": 2, "PayBack:Rocketman": 2, "Payback:Shark": 2, "Payback:Shocker": 2, "Payback:Naked": 2, "Payback:Chicken": 2, "Payback2:Train": 2, "Payback2:F15": 2, "BombVest:Boom": 2 }, "3. Custom Commands": { "CustomCommand1": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand1", "Command": "giverank {playerid}", "Message": "Just got a Rank", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand2": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand2", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand3": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand3", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand4": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand4", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand5": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand5", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand6": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand6", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand7": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand7", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand8": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand8", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommand9": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand9", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 }, "CustomCommandA": { "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommandA", "Command": "", "Message": "", "Weight": 0 } } } The numbers assigned to punishment is the weight value. the higher the number the higher chance of spawn . Rule of thumb 1-10 . 0 will cancel that punishment With CustomCommands if weight is 0 , it will not be loaded. LangFile { "FallMessage": "Fell From 50meters High", "SwimMessage": "Went for a Swim and found 3 sharks", "ScarecrowMessage": "Found that Tinder only has Scarecrows", "ScrapheliMessage": "Helicopters are Heavy . ACME style Murder", "CactusMessage": "Found a Cactus and poke his way to heaven", "C4Message": "Made a new Friend , C4", "BearMessage": "Noticed that YogiBear is no fun in 3's", "ScientistMessage": "Playing with A Scientist that loves him", "LandmineMessage": "Needs to dance or DIE!!!!", "RadiationMessage": "Bit a Nuclear Rod", "SlapMessage": "Got Slapped so hard, his kids felt it", "MlrsMessage": "could not hold on to that rocket", "ChickensMessage": "got a Winner,Winner and is now chicken dinner", "ButtonCooldownMessage": "The Button is on a cooldown for you . {timeremaining} remaining from {cooldowntotal} Min's", "Payback:RocketManMessage": "and found himself singing Rocketman from Elton John", "Payback:SharkMessage": "will never order Sushi again", "Payback:NakedMessage": "lost all his stuff", "Payback:ShockerMessage": "had a shocking experience", "PVELordMessageLargeOil": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Large Oil", "PVELordMessageSmallOil": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Small Oil", "PVELordMessageCargo": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Cargo", "ShredderMessage": "Found his long lost CRUSH , The CarShredder!", "DiarrheaMessage": "and will never eat Taco's again !!", "GuntrapMessage": "and got stuck in a TRAP !!", "FireBallMessage": "should never play with Matches!!!" } Punishments c4 locked to player slap player with -90 health fall TP player up in air swim TP player way out in ocean bear spawns 3 bears scarecrow spawns 3 scarecrows radiation makes plyer burn :d landmine spawns landmine under player cactus kills player with a cactus scrapheli drops heli on player scarecrow spawns 3 scarecrows // requires Better Scarecrows to work ( https://umod.org/plugins/better-scarecrows ) mlrs drops 3 rockers on player pvelord send player to ether Cargo or Oilrigs chickens do i even need to state the obvious carshredder tp players into car shredder guntap spawns 6 guntraps around player fireball Do i need to explain fire:D explosivediarrhea Poop till you drop CustomCommand 1 what ever you want (consolecommand) Future Plans ability to pickup button more punishments and ability to choice your own Video preview The button in action . Provided by Enardo . Much love brother SHADOWFRAX Review$10.00 -
Version 1.6.0
Own Casino Premium is a small plugin where a player with permission can make his/her own casino PLEASE PLACE WHEEL LAST TO INSURE PROPER LINK BETWEEN TERMINALS Permissions OwnCasinoPremium.use (player with this permission can use the commands) OwnCasinoPremium.scrapboxuse (players with this Permission can spawn and use the scrap box) Chat Commands /casino <arg> - correct syntax Console Commands casino.give <arg> <steamid> Config Please note : This will change all bigwheels on server to that spin time, even banditcamp { "BigWheel Item Whitelist": [ "scrap", ], -- item(s) that can be used as currency in own BigWheel (skins persists and only one item at a time per bet spin) "Punish Exploiters with MLRS": false, "Spin Frequency in seconds": 45 "Allow Owner To bet on own Casino": true, "Use buildin custom bet item": true, } Arguments: wheel - gives a Bigwheel chair - Single seat terminal sofa - Duel seat terminal poker - Poker table 6 Seater poker6 - Poker table 6 Seater poker4 - Poker table 4 Seater poker3 - Poker table 3 Seater poker2 - Poker table 2 Seater slots - Slotmachine box - Loot box that Bigwheel losses will be placed in blackjack -blackjackmachine giveall - Gives one of all items EX: /casino giveall Video Demo Demo Tutorial$10.00