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Everything posted by NooBlet

  1. NooBlet

    Join command error

    im lookin for this ... at the moment i cant reproduce
  2. NooBlet

    Join command error

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.0.4
  3. NooBlet

    Join command error

    let me know if it works now . there is a check that detects if a admin uses radar to cheat then kicks them from event ..... didnt think about if server does not use that plugin
  4. NooBlet

    Join command error

    stop event and upload new update
  5. NooBlet

    Join command error

    ok found the problem uploading fix now
  6. NooBlet

    Join command error

    question do you use AdminRadar?
  7. NooBlet

    Join command error

    how are they using the joincommand . form chat?????
  8. NooBlet

    Join command error

    just tested it my side and all worked fine ... did you watch the video??????
  9. NooBlet

    Join command error

    the permission is only for person starting the event give me a sec permission is case sens. "oxide.grant group default subwars.use" change this to oxide.grant group admin SubWars.use players should not have this permission ..... permisssion only for person starting event ..... aka admin and joinsubwars only works if event was created by admin
  10. NooBlet

    Sub Wars

    Version 1.4.7


    SubWars is a standalone ,last man standing submarine deathmatch Event for your server with the plugin set to auto spawn. manual commands will not work and Auto prize activated Video Demo on use :D (old vid ,new coming soon) Permission SubWars.use - gives player ability to use open event command Commands /subwars - activates event /jsw - allow player to join event /lsw - allows player to leave event /swtop - displays wipes leaderboard /subwarsconfig - new config menu ingame just for admins to change plugin config on the fly without reloading plugin // only added that seems worthy of in game changes But commands can be changed in config Language File { "alreadyenteredMessage": "You have already Entered, please wait for admin to start event", "notinlistMessage": "You have not entered the Event to leave sed Event", "enteredeventMessage": "You are now entered the SubWar event , Wait for Admin to start", "lefteventMessage": "You now left the SubWar event", "capreachedMessage": "Event is full!", "WinnerMessage": "<size=14>Congratz to <color=green>{playername}</color> for winning the subwar!!</size>", "EventOpenTooltip": "SubWars Now Active!!!!", "EventopenMessage": "<size=20>Subwar Event is now open to join . use <color=green>/jsw</color> to enter and ,<color=green>/lsw</color> to leave...You got {timetoevent} min's</size>", "GoGoMessage": "<color=green><size=20> Go! Go! Go!</color></size>", "jointimerMessage": "<color=green><size=18> The Admin started the Event</color></size>", "eventalreadystartedMessage": "Event already started, you cant join in , Sorry!", "incorrectDepthMessage": "the Depth is to low or to deep . you need between 45 and 55 in depth to spawn event!", "MINPlayersEnterd": "Min Requered Players to Enter not met ", "QuePlayersText": "Queuing Players!!", "EventActiveText": "Active!!", "EventStatusText": "Event Status :", "PlayercountText": "Player Count :", "YouKilled": "You killed <color=#FFD700>{playername}</color>", "KilledBy": "You Got Killed by <color=#FFD700>{playername}</color>" } Config { "1. Event Settings": { "Auto Spawn Event (false will disable spawn commands)": true, "Auto Spawn - Predefined Location Use ? (use this if running custom map)": false, "Auto Spawn - Predefined Location": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Min Players requered to start Event": 4, "Time to enter Event in minutes": 2, "Auto Spawn Timer Minimum (in minutes)": 120, "Auto Spawn Timer Maximum(in minutes)": 180, "Ping System - use on event players": true, "Ping System - min amount of players to start ping": 2, "test - test": false }, "2. Submarine Settings": { "Use Set amount of ammo (if false - ammo will refill on a player elimination)": true, "Start Ammo ammount": 500 }, "3. Prize Settings": { "Give Random Item in list (false will give all)": true, "Give Random Command in list (false will give all)": true, "All Custom Commands": [ "GiveRank {playerid} VIP", "GiveRank {playerid} VIP+" ], "All Prize Items": [ { "Item Amount": 2000, "Item Short Prefab Name": "scrap", "Item Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Item Display Name (empty = Default)": "" }, { "Item Amount": 1, "Item Short Prefab Name": "hat.dragonmask", "Item Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Item Display Name (empty = Default)": "" } ], "Winner Prize : 0 None , 1 = Item , 2 = Customcommand , 3 = Item + Customcommand": 1 }, "4. External Plugin Settings": { "Chat commands to block in event": [ "shop", "shops", "tp", "tpa", "home" ], "Console commands to block in event": [ "god" ], "Zonename For TruePVE to set PVP zone": "SubWars", "ZoneID For TruePVE to set PVP zone": "000111" }, "5 SubWars Chat Commands": { "Chat command to start SubWars": "subwars", "Chat command to enter SubWars": "jsw", "Chat command to leave SubWars": "lsw", "Chat command to see SubWars LearderBoard": "swtop" }, "6. Debug Settings": { "Enable Debug? (enabled will start event without notify and no limit on entry)": false } }
  11. last we played it few wipes ago it was calculate ruffly at 4k
  12. Yes this weekend im aading stuff to own casino
  13. it does not offer all sizes but . i can add a size variable for the owner no problem . Blackjackmachine . do you mean the train cart..... ill spend some time this weekend on some changes .... and i thank you for the contact .. great input . ive been so busy with the new projects , but will be putting some time into your idea this weekend . look out for the update @thepiercedweirdo
  14. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    will implement support for that soon
  15. NooBlet

    The Red Button

  16. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    to be clear the change will only apply o ppl or servers that own the payback plugin
  17. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    that is from the plugin Payback . and no i dont want to copy other creator ideas . but what i can do is add support for payback if you own it
  18. NooBlet

    Wheel cannot move error

    Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  19. NooBlet

    Wheel cannot move error

    That hooks pertan to items places in temanal not wheel pickuo . More info needed on issue.
  20. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    i can give me a bit to sort a option out for you
  21. NooBlet

    Big Wheel no loss or win

    nice hope you enjoy
  22. NooBlet

    Big Wheel no loss or win

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  23. NooBlet

    Big Wheel no loss or win

    Sorry for the late reply . Did you watch the demo video . You need to place terminal first . And wheel last . When wheel is placed it wil detect close by terminals and link it on first spin . Tjats why i ask (in video and discription) to place wheel last to insure proper wheel to yerminal link
  24. Version 1.0.0


    F1 Server Console Log takes server console logs and prints it to players with permission's F1 console. Permissions - f1serverconsolelog.log - permission to log to players F1 console Commands /console on - turns console log on /console off - turns console log off Configuration "DateTime string format output": "HH:mm:ss"
  25. NooBlet

    not broadcasting mst

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.5


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