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8o8 Designs

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Everything posted by 8o8 Designs

  1. First you need to host the map file on dropbox. Once uploaded, copy the dropbox link for the map file. Stop your server. Then you'll need access to the server.cfg file. Open this file and paste levelurl "DROPBOX LINK HERE" (Make sure you replace dl=0 with dl=1 and the end of the link) Save file. That should do it Fred
  2. 8o8 Designs

    Hemp = Cloth + Seed

    Hey Raul Quick suggestion. Can you make the harvester give a Hemp seed with the cloth? or have something in the config to enable/disable it
  3. Added vehicle module vendor @ Dublin Docks Garage (+Camper Module) Make the end-game a bit more dynamic with the camper modules for spawn points on Ireland.
  4. The RustEdit NPC's are horrible tbh. I put those in so it can run as vanilla, but I personally use a different version with all NPC's deleted and use BetterNPC. there should be a config for this on the next update.. and Train Heist plugin too.
  5. Updated the 'buildireland' version of the map to v1.0.8 See requests section of map description.
  6. Automated Workcarts: The trains should never come close to passing at that point. The only way to make them not stick to their timed routes is to slow them down by hitting them with a vehicle. I also provided the data file for Irelands automated trains a while ago. It's on the description, near the bottom in 'Requests'. It "may" be out of date and need it's name changing though. Cobalt Scientist: I will check this out onmy server.
  7. You've been added to the support board @ London Outpost @LazyPVE
  8. I've decided to focus on the bunker in Wales. I don't think it will be done by the next wipe, but It's coming soon. A huge bunker with a loot room for every card type. Should have BetterNPC config files added to the upload soon too. The difficulty is pretty high.
  9. Glad you can enjoy the map now. Thanks for the support everyone. Have a good weekend!
  10. Have you changed the map name? The map name and the data file for automated workcarts must be the same Keith. Maybe you just have them mixed up with the RE one you tried to use previously? Edit: Always update the extra files if you use the optional plugins. I do change them a lot.
  11. I can start working on Decembers winter version now everything is working great.!! Snowmobiles and Sleighs Any suggestions?
  12. Thanks mofokk! I'm so glad it's working and everyone can enjoy it again. I love to set the weather to storm too haha for that authentic feel!
  13. You are using https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit ? Have to make sure. The last guy I asked this had a right fit at me like I insulted him Edit: I have tested Cobalt Harbour and looted every crate Keith. None of the shelves break. The green door is powered and works perfectly. The only issue I can see in cobalt harbour is the floating barrel. Some how the traincart has vanished. That will be fixed for the next forced wipe. Sooner if you really need a fix asap. I can give you 1.0.7a so you don't have to wait till December 1st.
  14. I don't understand why.. everything is working for me. No dead green door, no breaking shelves Come and see the map on my server if you get a spare 5 minutes
  15. I'll look on rustedit and sort that barrel. The file size? They're identical maps. The only difference is the password and the also the RE versions prefabs are all broken in to single prefabs.
  16. Everything is fine on my server Keith. Can you take a screenshot of this traincart please.
  17. Changed Status from Gremlins to Closed
  18. 8o8 Designs

    Missing lifts ?

    Changed Status from Gremlins to Closed
  19. 8o8 Designs


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.7RE
  20. 8o8 Designs


  21. Well I'm 99% sure it's fixed I will test again now I'm home and upload if all goes well.
  22. I have narrowed it down to 7 things removed/replaced on the last test version. Tested 3 times and it works perfectly, so I'm pretty sure I will have it fixed today. Just need to narrow down this list of 7 prefab groups. Half are useless prefabs, a couple were London outpost scientist spawners and the other was replacing shelves with shelves 300


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