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Everything posted by Colors

  1. is this able to lock vehicle, heli, ship/boat & horse?
  2. nope, this device running server only.
  3. getting issue for start up the app I have installed .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime (v6.0.35) for sure. can anyone help on this?
  4. Colors

    XP stop calculating sometimes

    is there a way to track the xp gain?
  5. Colors

    XP stop calculating sometimes

    several players reported that their xp stuck randomly whatever they kill/loot/pick...etc the xp just wont increase. and it fix itself after a while. but I didnt set any xp limit.
  6. Colors

    Npc Random Raids

    looks good, but it need your support to add the permission first. please
  7. Colors

    Npc Random Raids

    but these shops can not sell permission with limit time. will you willing to add these functions?
  8. Colors

    Npc Random Raids

    yes, but I dont prefer to sell it as a permanent permission add. I planned to add auto surrender function to default group. and ignore permission for admin/tester. but maybe selling it for like 30 days temp permission is also a good idea(bundle with VIP group cause the shop command can only run a command, I got another vip manage plugin to handle this time limit group).
  9. Colors

    Npc Random Raids

    I reduce the chance and make the cooldown longer but there are always some players dont want to beat the raid especially the solo player and some player playing all day and afk sometimes(getting raid while afking). So they required auto surrender function to skip enter command every time. and the permissions is for server tester that wont be effect when they are testing new stuff.
  10. I got it. I will send the requests there. Thanks.
  11. Colors

    Npc Random Raids

    Hi is it able to add 3 permissions for ignore random raid on the player? 1 is for stop timer raid 2 is for ignore killing npc's revenge 3 is for ignore raiding base's revenge and please add a command that switch auto surrender on/off some players dont want to against random raid and also dont want to /surrender everytime
  12. Hi is it able to add 3 permissions for ignore random raid on the player? 1 is for stop timer raid 2 is for ignore killing npc's revenge 3 is for ignore raiding base's revenge and please add a command that switch auto surrender on/off some players dont want to against random raid and also dont want to /surrender everytime
  13. Colors

    function require

    need a function/command that can switch back to normal sky
  14. @Mercury why
  15. Colors

    surrender by paying economy

    thanks this fast update to fix it. is there an option that can set a delay for the raid comes? it almost start the raid instantly
  16. Colors

    surrender by paying economy

    /surrender really take my eco now but the raid did not stop
  17. Colors

    surrender by paying economy

    is it able to set surrender by economy or RP?
  18. @Craft sorry, any update for 1.5 month passed?
  19. ok.. let me join your discord first
  20. the new one, and I edited for another issue, please check
  21. 1. whatever you choose RP or economy. the Basket total cost will always shows RP, not like other part can modify both RP and economy's showing text in lang file. this should be fixed or it may confuse players. 2. the currency switch button just go background and not able to click.
  22. ok, I got it. how about the text? is it able to replace the actual time to server local time?
  23. Hi, could you give more details? I am coming for support cause I didnt find a place to set, maybe I missed something or there are some tips IDK. but your answer is likely no help for me.
  24. is it able to move the location of game time, actual time...etc? and I also want to set the text show on it, for example, I want to replace the actual time to server local time.


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