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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Look in the config, if there is null, you need to delete the config and create a new one.
  2. Monster


    Discord - Monster#4837
  3. Monster


  4. Monster


    I don't know why you change other languages in lengs. They will be displayed only for those who have this language enabled in the game settings. In the config, do not change anything in the parameter description. You break the config with this and it is recreated.
  5. Monster


    Where are you trying to change the Russian text?
  6. Monster


    You need to change the link to the logo image in the config.
  7. Monster

    Forgets Upgrade

    Changed Status from No Response to Closed
  8. Monster

    Not work

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  9. Monster


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Monster

    wood gather not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. Monster

    Missing Images

    Hello. Pictures started working or not?
  12. Monster


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. Monster


    It will be in the next update.
  14. Monster


    Some pictures can be changed by the link, the second ones are used only icons from the game.
  15. Monster

    Not work

    ImageLibrary installed?
  16. Monster

    fail Load

    ImageLibrary installed?
  17. Monster


    And so, I have adjusted the Internet so far. Is your building bigger than mine? If so, then in the config you need to increase the radius. For the administration, there are entities for spawn points?
  18. Monster

    Missing Images

    I wrote that you need to check if they work. Now many services are blocked, why don't you observe the situation in the world?
  19. Monster

    Missing Images

    Check if links to images work. Perhaps they have been removed or the service is blocked. Try uploading your pictures to the cloud.
  20. Monster


    Hi dude. Sorry, I can't help you right now. I am from Ukraine, we are at war now.
  21. Monster


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. Monster


    Server fullness (online) relative to server slots.
  23. Monster


    Look in config. There is a function to update information from other plugins.
  24. Monster


    Sure, no problem. settings for moving to the left side will be in the description.
  25. Monster


    Version 1.1.0


    XPanelPlus - beautiful info-panel for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Sound effects when interacting with the panel. - Display of information [ Online | Joins | Time | Sleepers ]. - Display of events [ Airplane, Helicopter, Ship, Chinook, Tank ]. - Display of text information. [ List of messages ] + [ Online | Joins | Time | Sleepers | Queue | Player coordinates ] [ Two options for the location of UI text information ] - Displaying the balance of the economy plugin. [ Economics | IQEconomic ] + [ ServerRewards ] - Ability to hide the panel/button. - Ability to completely remove the panel and buttons from the screen - chat command: /uipanel on/off - Ability to customize panel elements. - The ability to issue access to the panel by permission. - Automatic opening/closing of the panel when issuing/removing a permission to a player. - The panel is automatically hidden when the player is using a computer station, drone or CCTV camera. - Beautiful custom buttons. Settings for the location of the panel on the left side of the screen. Config ---------------------------------------- "GUI settings": { "AnchorMin - panel online": "0 0", "AnchorMax - panel online": "0 0", "OffsetMin - panel online": "210 16", "OffsetMax - panel online": "374 42", "OffsetMax - panel online [ When the Economics/ServerRewards balance panel or the sleep panel is enabled ]": "320 42", "AnchorMin - panel SkillTree": "0 0", "AnchorMax - panel SkillTree": "0 0", "OffsetMin - panel SkillTree": "210 100", "OffsetMax - panel SkillTree": "402 126", "AnchorMin - panel ServerRewards": "0 0", "AnchorMax - panel ServerRewards": "0 0", "OffsetMin - panel ServerRewards": "322 16", "OffsetMax - panel ServerRewards": "374 42", "AnchorMin - panel Economics": "0 0", "AnchorMax - panel Economics": "0 0", "OffsetMin - panel Economics": "322 16", "OffsetMax - panel Economics": "374 42", "AnchorMin - panel events": "0 0", "AnchorMax - panel events": "0 0", "OffsetMin - panel events": "210 44", "OffsetMax - panel events": "402 70", "AnchorMin - panel info": "0 0", "AnchorMax - panel info": "0 0", "OffsetMin - panel info": "210 72", "OffsetMax - panel info": "402 98", "AnchorMin - panel sleep": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel sleep": "1 1", "OffsetMin - panel sleep": "2 0", "OffsetMax - panel sleep": "54 0", "AnchorMin - minimize button": "0 0", "AnchorMax - minimize button": "0 0", "OffsetMin - minimize button": "376 16", "OffsetMax - minimize button": "402 42", "AnchorMin - buttons": "1 1", "AnchorMax - buttons": "1 1", "OffsetMin - buttons": "0 0", "OffsetMax - buttons": "0 0", "Online progress color": "0.7886275 0.4476471 0.2184314 0.92921569", "Connecting progress color": "0.2986275 0.6076471 0.8384314 0.92921569", "SkillTree progress color": "0.7 0.7 0 0.4", "Panel color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Time text size": 13, "Online text size": 13, "ServerRewards balance text size": 11, "Economics balance text size": 11, "Message text size in panel": 11, "Message text size under slots": 12 }, Permissions xpanelplus.use - allow the panel to be used. xpanelplus.usecmd - access to the use of a command that removes the panel and buttons from the screen. Commands /uipanel on/off - completely remove the panel and buttons from the screen. Config { "General settings": { "Enable panel with UI messages": true, "UI message locations - [ True - in the panel above the events | False - under fast slots ]": true, "Enable panel with events and time": true, "Enable panel with SkillTree": false, "SkillTree panel variant. [ True - total XP | False - XP per current level ]": false, "Enable panel with ServerRewards balance": false, "Enable panel with Economics balance": false, "Display economics plugin balance [ True - Economics | False - IQEconomic ]": true, "Enable panel with online": true, "Enable panel with sleep": true, "Enable time in panel": true, "Add the number of queue to the number of connecting players": false, "Enable buttons": true, "List of UI messages": [ "INFO-0 [ ONLINE: {0}/{1} ] INFO-0", "YOUR POSITION: pos", "INFO-1 [ JOINING: {2} ] INFO-1", "INFO-2 [ QUEUE: {3} ] INFO-2", "YOUR POSITION: pos", "INFO-3 [ TIME: {4} ] INFO-3", "INFO-4 [ SLEEPING: {5} ] INFO-4", "YOUR POSITION: pos" ], "Panel update interval with UI messages": 7.5, "Panel update interval with events and time": 20.0, "Panel update interval with online": 12.5, "Panel update interval with ServerRewards balance": 15.0, "Time format - [ HH:mm - 24:00 | hh:mm tt - 12:00 ]": "HH:mm", }, "GUI settings": { "AnchorMin - panel online": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel online": "1 0", "OffsetMin - panel online": "-402 16", "OffsetMax - panel online": "-238 42", "OffsetMax - panel online [ When the Economics/ServerRewards balance panel or the sleep panel is enabled ]": "-292 42", "AnchorMin - panel SkillTree": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel SkillTree": "1 0", "OffsetMin - panel SkillTree": "-402 100", "OffsetMax - panel SkillTree": "-210 126", "AnchorMin - panel ServerRewards": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel ServerRewards": "1 0", "OffsetMin - panel ServerRewards": "-290 16", "OffsetMax - panel ServerRewards": "-238 42", "AnchorMin - panel Economics": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel Economics": "1 0", "OffsetMin - panel Economics": "-290 16", "OffsetMax - panel Economics": "-238 42", "AnchorMin - panel events": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel events": "1 0", "OffsetMin - panel events": "-402 44", "OffsetMax - panel events": "-210 70", "AnchorMin - panel info": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel info": "1 0", "OffsetMin - panel info": "-402 72", "OffsetMax - panel info": "-210 98", "AnchorMin - panel sleep": "1 0", "AnchorMax - panel sleep": "1 1", "OffsetMin - panel sleep": "2 0", "OffsetMax - panel sleep": "54 0", "AnchorMin - minimize button": "1 0", "AnchorMax - minimize button": "1 0", "OffsetMin - minimize button": "-236 16", "OffsetMax - minimize button": "-210 42", "AnchorMin - buttons": "1 1", "AnchorMax - buttons": "1 1", "OffsetMin - buttons": "0 0", "OffsetMax - buttons": "0 0", "Online progress color": "0.7886275 0.4476471 0.2184314 0.92921569", "Connecting progress color": "0.2986275 0.6076471 0.8384314 0.92921569", "SkillTree progress color": "0.7 0.7 0 0.4", "Panel color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Time text size": 13, "Online text size": 13, "ServerRewards balance text size": 11, "Economics balance text size": 11, "Message text size in panel": 11, "Message text size under slots": 12 }, "Event settings": { "BradleyAPC": { "Link to event image": "https://i.ibb.co/5L6qYR4/05.png", "Active event color": "1 1 0.5 0.6", "Inactive event color": "0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6" }, "CH47Helicopter": { "Link to event image": "https://i.ibb.co/DCcp6Td/04.png", "Active event color": "0.5 1 1 0.6", "Inactive event color": "0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6" }, "CargoShip": { "Link to event image": "https://i.ibb.co/LvRq2X3/02.png", "Active event color": "0.5 0.5 1 0.6", "Inactive event color": "0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6" }, "BaseHelicopter": { "Link to event image": "https://i.ibb.co/Sf0w95T/03.png", "Active event color": "1 0.5 1 0.6", "Inactive event color": "0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6" }, "CargoPlane": { "Link to event image": "https://i.ibb.co/m6Fvdn1/01.png", "Active event color": "1 0.5 0.5 0.6", "Inactive event color": "0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6" } }, "Button settings": [ { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /store", "Link to image from internet": "", "Link to icon from the game": "assets/icons/open.png" }, { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /kit vip", "Link to image from internet": "", "Link to icon from the game": "assets/icons/community_servers.png" }, { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /kit premium", "Link to image from internet": "", "Link to icon from the game": "assets/icons/market.png" }, { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /shop", "Link to image from internet": "", "Link to icon from the game": "assets/icons/store.png" }, { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /command1", "Link to image from internet": "https://i.ibb.co/7RSrPHd/002.png", "Link to icon from the game": "" }, { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /command2", "Link to image from internet": "https://i.ibb.co/3BF7k9h/004.png", "Link to icon from the game": "" }, { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /command3", "Link to image from internet": "https://i.ibb.co/tJpxQmh/001.png", "Link to icon from the game": "" }, { "Button color": "1 1 1 0.9", "Button background color": "0.9686275 0.9176471 0.8784314 0.02921569", "Button background material": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Command": "chat.say /command4", "Link to image from internet": "https://i.ibb.co/J2tkN4Q/003.png", "Link to icon from the game": "" } ] }


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