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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster

    help please

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Version 1.2.1


    XRaidProtection - night protection of buildings from raids. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es/fr/pt-PT/pt-BR. - Sound effects when interacting with protection. - Setting the protection time range. - Setting the protection percentage. - Customize GUI/chat messages. [ Custom setting for each type of protection ] - Setting up a list of protected prefabs in addition to building blocks, doors, large walls and gates (they are protected by default). - Support for the IQChat plugin. - Setting up protection in the first N days after the wipe. - Setting the protection percentage for privileges. [ The highest in the list of permissions is valid ] - Setting protection activity on certain days of the week. [ Example: weekdays only ] - Possibility to allow twigs to be broken during protection. - Notification of players in the chat about the activation and deactivation of protection. - The ability to always display the UI when protection is active/inactive. - The ability to include vehicle protection. - The ability to configure a different percentage of protection for each day after a wipe. -> Overview - YouTube <- Commands /protect - view protection status. Config { "Messages in chat and GUI": { "Interval between messages. Min - 10 sec": 30 }, "Setting the protection duration": { "Start protection | Hour": 22, "Start protection | Minute": 0, "End protection | Hour": 7, "End protection | Minute": 0, "Timezone - UTC+0:00": 0, "Protection activity check timer (.sec)": 120, "Use local computer/hosting time. [ Requests to an external time service and time zone will be disabled ]": true }, "General settings": { "Sound effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Protection percentage for all players. 1.0 - 100%": 0.5, "Protection percentage for all vehicles. 1.0 - 100%": 0.5, "Protected all vehicles": false, "Enable sound effect": true, "Protection activity only in the first days of the wipe": false, "How protection will work in the early days of the wipe - [ True - all day | False - only in the specified time range ]": false, "How many first days after the wipe will be active protection": 3, "Percentage of protection by day, only at ( Protection activity only in the first days of the wipe ). If the list is empty or no day is specified, the protection percentage will be taken from ( Protection percentage for all players. 1.0 - 100% )": { "1": 1.0, "2": 0.7, "3": 0.5 }, "Enable GUI message": true, "Enable chat message": false, "Allow breaking twigs during defense": true, "Enable protection for players with permission when the main protect is not active": false, "Enable protection against damage from helicopters, MLRS, submarines, etc. [ Excluding rot damage ]": true, "0 - Protection only for players with permission, 1 - Protection for all players, 2 - Protection for players with permission and for all players": 1, "What days of the week protection can be active - [ Does not apply to protection in the early days of the wipe ] - [ Sun - 1, Mon - 2, Tue - 3, Wed - 4, Thu - 5, Fri - 6, Sat - 7 ]": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, "GUI settings": { "AnchorMin [ When damage is dealt ]": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax [ When damage is dealt ]": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin [ When damage is dealt ]": "-194.5 80", "OffsetMax [ When damage is dealt ]": "175.5 110", "Use icons [ When damage is dealt ]": true, "AnchorMin [ Status is always displayed ]": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax [ Status is always displayed ]": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin [ Status is always displayed ]": "-194.5 -6", "OffsetMax [ Status is always displayed ]": "175.5 24", "Use icons [ Status is always displayed ]": false, "Text color": "1 1 1 0.4", "Text size": 12, "Always display UI when protection is active": true, "Always display UI when protection is inactive": true }, "List of prefabs that will be protected": [ "cupboard.tool.deployed", "wall.frame.shopfront.metal" ], "Setting permissions - [ Permisssion | The percentage of protection by permission. 1.0 - 100% ]": { "xraidprotection.elite": 0.9, "xraidprotection.perm": 0.8, "xraidprotection.vip": 0.7 }, "Wipe date": "01/01/2023", "Time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.00+00:00" }
  3. Monster

    Error on server startup

  4. Monster

    Error on server startup

    Plugin work. Your config work. I can't help you with anything else, because I don't see what you have there and I don't have access to the server.
  5. Monster

    Error on server startup

    The plugin works with your config. See if you have installed - ImageLibrary.
  6. Monster

    Error on server startup

    Check it one more time. Drop your config.
  7. Monster

    Error on server startup

  8. Monster

    new version

    Read the description of the plugin.
  9. The plugin works great. The fact that the plugin cannot load normally after a restart, you need to look at what is stopping it. Most likely there is still some plugin for the loot.
  10. Monster


    The plugin cannot start the server after it is turned off. To do this, you need a script, you can find it somewhere on the Internet.
  11. Monster


    Because it's UI notifications.
  12. Monster

    menu does not refresh

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. Monster

    Lacking Customization

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. Monster

    Lacking Customization

    oxide\lang\en and oxide\lang\ru
  15. Monster

    Kicked out all my players

    I found a bug, I'll fix it soon.
  16. Monster

    Kicked out all my players

    I will check if there are errors, then there will be an update.
  17. Monster

    Kicked out all my players

    Give me your config.
  18. Monster


    Line in code 543-553. More settings in the config will be added in updates.
  19. Monster


    Do you need help? I don't see you buying the plugin.
  20. Monster


    In what plugin?
  21. Monster


    Version 1.1.3


    XRPG - rpg system. Lumberjack, miner, hunter. - When changing the monitor resolution, the panel moves along with the heal bar. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XRPG - There is a lang ru/en. - Setting the maximum category level. - Setting the panel size. - Setting rates for resource gathering. - Setting rates for resource pickuping. - Setting rates for killing animals. - Permission rate multiplier setting. [ Players with permissions will increase rates faster ] - Setting the maximum boosted rates for permissions. - The ability to block the boosting of RPGs with certain tools. - Ability to disable the panel or messages. - The ability to slow down boosting. [ The higher the rates, the slower the boosting ] -> Overview - YouTube <- Permissions xrpg.use - allow access to RPG boosting. xrpg.top - allow access to view TOP players. Commands /rank - view TOP players. Config { "General settings": { "Enable RPG boosting slowdown | The higher the rates, the slower the boosting": false, "Enable RPG panel": true, "Enable RPG messages": true, "Delete data automatically after wipe": false, "Starting multiplier for boosting rates": 1.0, "Text size": 13, "Notification text size": 10, "List of ignored tools": [ "jackhammer", "chainsaw" ] }, "Mini panel location": { "AnchorMin": "1 0", "AnchorMax": "1 0", "OffsetMin": "-402 16", "OffsetMax": "-210 98", "Progress display: TRUE - from minimum to maximum rates | FALSE - from 0 to maximum rates ": true }, "Permissions settings": { "xrpg.default": { "Lumberjack max rates": 12.5, "Miner max rates": 12.5, "Hunter max rates": 12.5, "Rate boosting multiplier": 1.25 } }, "Lumberjack settings": { "Lumberjack max rates": 10.0, "Lumberjack starting rates": 2.5, "Enable boosting lumberjack rates by gathering resources": true, "Enable boosting lumberjack rates by picking up resources": true, "Resources for the gathering/picking of which to accrue lumberjack rates | Resources that will be subject to lumberjack rates": { "wood": 0.05, "charcoal": 0.05 } }, "Miner settings": { "Miner max rates": 10.0, "Miner starting rates": 1.75, "Enable boosting miner rates by gathering resources": true, "Enable boosting miner rates by picking up resources": true, "Resources for the gathering/picking of which to accrue miner rates | Resources that will be subject to miner rates": { "stones": 0.05, "metal.ore": 0.05, "metal.fragments": 0.05, "sulfur.ore": 0.05, "sulfur": 0.05 } }, "Hunter settings": { "Hunter max rates": 10.0, "Hunter starting rates": 1.5, "Enable boosting hunter rates by gathering resources": true, "Enable boosting hunter rates by picking up resources": true, "Enable boosting hunter rates by killing animals": true, "Resources for the gathering/picking of which to accrue hunter rates | Resources that will be subject to hunter rates": { "cloth": 0.05, "leather": 0.05, "bone.fragments": 0.05, "fat.animal": 0.05 }, "Animals for killing which to accrue hunter rates": { "boar": 0.75, "bear": 0.75, "stag": 0.75, "wolf": 0.75, "testridablehorse": 0.75, "chicken": 0.75 } } }
  22. Monster


    Yes, you can turn off what you don't need in config.
  23. "Level_Top": "{0}. LEVEL: {1} | XP: {2}\n{3}", To update lang, just delete it or see the changes in the code.
  24. BetterChat support has already been added in update 1.0.704. Awaiting release. To display avatars, you need to enable them in the ImageLibrary config, and names in lang (XLevels).
  25. Monster


    You bought the plugin from me on another site, but I will answer here. In the config, you can remove unnecessary containers or add the ones you need.


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