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Everything posted by MRC

  1. MRC


    Hello. I have a problem with the plugin. If i hit a barrel close to a house which have TC, i get -1 max raid.
  2. MRC

    does not show reality

    I only gave use permission
  3. MRC

    does not show reality

  4. MRC

    does not show reality

    does not show reality
  5. MRC

    Time problem

    "Update menu [ Only the open menu is updated ]": true, sorry! I managed to solve it
  6. MRC

    Time problem

    Hello the time is not updated on the panel
  7. MRC

    Raid limit problem

    Hello! automatic turrets are not included in the raid! if controlled from a computer, they can raid and it doesn't count!
  8. MRC

    Raid Limits

    they connect the turret to a computer, control it from there, and even if their raid runs out, they can still do damage
  9. MRC

    Raid Limits

  10. MRC

    Raid Limits

    hi If the daily limit runs out, they can still take damage with an automatic touret via computer! can you find a solution for this?
  11. MRC

    How can I adjust its accuracy?

    Thank you
  12. MRC

    How can I adjust its accuracy?

    Hi How can I adjust its accuracy? I throw the grenade but it hits very far away
  13. My sled doesn't fly either! I put fuel in it but nothing flies
  14. MRC

    Teleport problem

  15. MRC

    Teleport problem

    I managed to solve it! There is only 1 error that if I exit admin and stand on floor 1, for example, it teleports into the floor!
  16. MRC

    Teleport problem

    "Restrict Mode To Specfic SteamIds (Leave blank to disable)": [], "Settings": { "On Admin": { "Require Reason": false, "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [], "Toggle Groups To Grant (Leave blank to disable)": [], "Specified Auth Level (1 = moderators, 2 = owners) Must either be 1 or 2 cannot be below or above": 2, "Keep Separate Inventories": true, "Teleport Back Upon Exiting": false, "Revert On Disconnect, Restart, Reload": false, "Ignore Server Violations (Bans, Kicks Etc) (Recommended to keep true)": true, "Blocked Commands": [], "Name Prefix Changes your name to a set prefix (Leave blank to disable)": "", "Admin Outfit": { "Enabled": true, "Lock Outfit": true, "Settings": { "(Shortnam::SkinID)": [ "hoodie::3340670148", "pants::3340670771", "shoes.boots::3318426834" ]
  17. MRC


    hi pls help /addskin 3343727868
  18. MRC

    skin problem

  19. MRC

    Teleport problem

    admin teleports back when exiting! is off! "Teleport Back Upon Exiting": false,
  20. MRC


    Update pls
  21. MRC

    XLIB.dll ??

    { "MODES": [ { "Permission": "master", "Priority": 999, "Master Level CAREFUL! (Enabling this does the following #Overrides priority, mode & permission system! #Allows to set/get modes for yourself or others! #Overrides limitations by current or lower modes": false, "Toggle Commands": [ "admin", "mode" ], "Restrict Mode To Specfic SteamIds (Leave blank to disable)": [], "Settings": { "On Admin": { "Require Reason": false, "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [], "Toggle Groups To Grant (Leave blank to disable)": [], "Specified Auth Level (1 = moderators, 2 = owners) Must either be 1 or 2 cannot be below or above": 2, "Keep Separate Inventories": true, "Teleport Back Upon Exiting": false, "Revert On Disconnect, Restart, Reload": false, "Ignore Server Violations (Bans, Kicks Etc) (Recommended to keep true)": true, "Blocked Commands": [], "Name Prefix Changes your name to a set prefix (Leave blank to disable)": "", "Admin Outfit": { "Enabled": true, "Lock Outfit": true, "Settings": { "(Shortnam::SkinID)": [ "hoodie::1234567890", "pants::1234567890", "shoes.boots::1234567890" ] } }, "Notifications": { "Global Chat": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0, "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%{player.name}% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode" } }, "Self Chat": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0, "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%You% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode" } }, "Self Popup": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%You% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode" } }, "Self Sound": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Sound (Prefab)": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/eggpickup.prefab" } }, "Discord": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Webhook": "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/1284457677912539189/RyTyRq4FilCgfghvSH60k9t1ek6clgX2Z", "Embed Color": 3315400 } } }, "Interface": { "Button": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Opacity (0.0 to 1.0)": 0.64, "Active Color (HEX)": "#008000", "Inactive Color (HEX)": "#800000", "Active Text": "Activated", "Inactive Text": "Disabled", "Active Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff", "Inactive Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff", "Design (Advanced)": { "Anchor": { "Min Width (0.0 - 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  22. MRC

    XLIB.dll ??

  23. MRC

    XLIB.dll ??

    I don't think this plugin works well yet! if I exit vanish and put it in the house, it crashes into the floor and throws out the anti cheat.... can I ask for 1 refound?
  24. MRC

    XLIB.dll ??

  25. MRC

    XLIB.dll ??

    Can I get help on Discord?


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