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This is my last argument that the plugin works, if you can't figure out how the plugin works, it's not my fault!
"UpdateLastMessage": true, if this parameter is enabled, the plugin works on the principle of editing the last notification, if this parameter is disabled, the plugin works on the principle of creating a new notification each time
for test check, you can set these parameters "UpdateInterval": 5, "UpdateLastMessage": true, "UseRandomColor": true,
Because when you make changes in the configuration file, you need to reload the plugin so that it accepts the new operating parameters. This is how all plugins work.
Version 0.0.2
Warning: The APRemove plugin is in an early development stage and is a raw version. Some features might be incomplete or contain bugs. We are actively working on improvements and adding new functionalities. Your feedback will help us make the plugin better! Description: The APRemove plugin enhances the standard system for removing and rotating building blocks in Rust using a hammer. It allows players with the appropriate permissions to remove and rotate building elements with personalized time limits. Additionally, the plugin adds a visual display at the hammer strike location, showing the remaining time for interaction. Plugin Features: Personalized label display for each user based on their permissions. Multi-language support (e.g., English and Russian) for the interface. Removal of foreign objects if the player is authorized in the cupboard Configurable time limits for object removal. Automatic cleanup and data saving for building blocks. Support for colored text labels. Configuration: { "Active label display time (seconds)": 10, "Allow removal of foreign objects with cupboard authorization": true, "Permissions list for object removal - Time (seconds)": { "apremove.gold": 172800, "apremove.prem": 86400, "apremove.vip": 54000 }, "Object removal time limit after expiration (seconds)": 21600, "Data save interval (seconds)": 30, "Display frequency interval (seconds)": 10, "Cleanup and save interval for building blocks (seconds)": 600, "Text color": "#FFFFFF" } The plugin’s configuration options include: ActiveLabelTime: Active label display time (in seconds). AllowAuthorizedRemove: Allow removal of foreign objects with cupboard authorization. PermissionTimes: A list of permissions and their respective removal time limits. SaveInterval: Data save interval (in seconds). DisplayFrequency: Display frequency interval (seconds) CleanUpInterval: Cleanup and save interval for building blocks (seconds) You can change the configuration language in the APRemove.cs file // | Line: 16, Pos: 506 private string currentLanguage = "en"; // en or ru The configuration supports localization, providing convenience for users in different languages. Permissions: apremove.gold apremove.prem apremove.vip apremove.use apremove.admin$15.00- 1 comment
- #remove
- #tme remove
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- #discord online players
- #players online
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- #discord online players
- #players online
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Version 0.0.4
APDiscordOnline is a versatile plugin for Rust servers that automatically sends a list of online players to a specified Discord channel. While primarily designed for servers with smaller populations, it is equally useful for servers of any size. Features: Automatic Player List Updates: The plugin sends a list of all currently online players to Discord, including their Steam IDs. Messages are updated at a configurable interval, set via the configuration file. Multilingual Support: Includes 4 languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish. Easily switch languages through the configuration file. Customizable Embed Colors: Set a static color for the Discord message's embed stripe using RGB format. Enable random colors for unique styling of each message. Flexible Configuration: Customize the following settings via the configuration file: Update interval (default: every 5 minutes). Embed color in Discord messages. Language of the plugin interface. ability to edit messages rather than create new ones Ease of Use: Quick setup with minimal configuration required. Full integration with Discord via webhook. Configuration: { "EmbedColor": "16777215", "Language": "en", "UpdateInterval": 300, "UpdateLastMessage": true, "UsePlatformSync": true, "UseRandomColor": true, "WebhookUrl": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your_webhook_url" } WebhookUrl: The Discord webhook URL to send messages. UpdateInterval: Update interval in seconds (default is 300 seconds). Language: The plugin language (en, ru, uk, pl). EmbedColor: The color of the embed stripe (e.g., 16711680 for red, 255 for blue). UseRandomColor: If true, a random embed color is used for each message. Added clickable links to Steam profile added the ability to edit messages rather than create new ones Installation: Upload the APDiscordOnline.cs file to the oxide/plugins folder on your server. Reload the server or run the command: oxide.reload APDiscordOnlineFree- 3 comments
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- #discord online players
- #players online
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Version 0.0.1
APErrorNotify is a Rust server plugin that monitors the loading status of other plugins and sends notifications to Discord if any plugins fail to load. With support for multiple languages (English, Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish), this plugin lets users select their preferred notification language. APErrorNotify automatically scans all server plugins on startup or reload, identifies those that failed to load, and sends detailed messages, including error descriptions if enabled, as an embedded Discord message via Webhook. Key Features: Multi-language notification support (English, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish). Automatic notifications of plugin load failures on server startup and plugin reload. Configurable embed color for Discord notifications. Option to enable/disable error description in messages. Configuration: { "EmbedColor": 16711680, "IncludeErrorDescription": true, "Language": "en", "NotifyOnPluginLoadFail": true, "Translations": { "en": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify detected plugin load errors", "PluginReloadTitle": "Plugin Reload: Plugins Failed to Load", "ServerStartTitle": "Server Started: Plugins Failed to Load" }, "pl": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify wykrył błędy ładowania pluginów", "PluginReloadTitle": "Przeładowanie pluginu: Błąd ładowania pluginów", "ServerStartTitle": "Serwer uruchomiony: Błąd ładowania pluginów" }, "ru": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify обнаружил ошибки загрузки плагинов", "PluginReloadTitle": "Перезагрузка плагина: Ошибка загрузки плагинов", "ServerStartTitle": "Сервер запущен: Ошибка загрузки плагинов" }, "uk": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify виявив помилки завантаження плагінів", "PluginReloadTitle": "Перезавантаження плагіна: Помилка завантаження плагінів", "ServerStartTitle": "Сервер запущено: Помилка завантаження плагінів" } }, "WebhookUrl": "" }$3.00-
- #error
- #error fix
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- #error
- #error fix
- #error plugin
- #plugin error
- #error message
- #message error discord
- #discord error message
- #discord error
- #discord message
- #notify error
- #notifu error message
- #notification
- #error tracking
- #admin tools
- #server management
- #debugging
- #rust notifications
- #notifications
- #plugin bug
- #admin
- #admin plugins
- #discord notify
- #error load
- #error load notify
- #plugin notify
- #plugin notification error
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
This plugin loads and unloads other plugins, an example of what the plugin does: The standard oxide has the following commands: o.reload Vanish ( oxide.reload Vanish ) o.load Vanish o.unload Vanish APControl executes commands #2 and #3 only with several plugins from the list at once. And what you need is most likely Timed Permissions on umod.
you need to create a group "medical" to which you add apcontrol.use.survival and permission for example injuriesanddiseases.doctor and give the player the medical group temporarily or forever; if you take away the group from the player, the player will not have access to the permissions that were in this group. Maybe it will be right
The blacklist works fine, maybe you're doing something wrong, I'll try to explain to you. CONSOLE: pve on Unloaded plugin InjuriesAndDiseases Unloaded plugin TiersMode Loaded plugin SkillTree pve off Loaded plugin InjuriesAndDiseases Loaded plugin TiersMode Unloaded plugin SkillTree the pve on or off command affects plugins from the "Plugins" list, and the "Blacklist" works depending on the "Plugins"
ok, I'll check this situation and let you know
New version 1.0.9 has everything you need Just remember that permissions can be changed in such variations. Example: "apcontrol." should stay apcontrol.use.pvp apcontrol.use.p32423 apcontrol.use.dfdfghfgh apcontrol.sdefsdfdfg apcontrol.12312332
At the moment you cannot create your own permissions; you can use existing ones. I will add the ability to change and create your own permissions in the next update!
Version 1.1.26
APDistance is an essential Rust plugin designed to enhance server management by tracking and reporting proximity violations between players. This plugin is perfect for server administrators who want to enforce social distancing rules or prevent player clustering in specific areas. Key Features: Proximity Detection: Automatically detects when players come within a specified distance of each other, configurable via the Detection Distance setting. Configurable Check Intervals: Set how frequently the plugin checks for proximity violations with the Check Interval option. Threshold Reporting: Define the number of checks that must pass before a violation is reported using the Report Threshold setting. Player Notifications: Notify players when they are too close to others with customizable messages. Discord Integration: Send notifications of violations directly to a Discord channel using a webhook. Language Support: Fully supports both English and Russian, with built-in localization for additional languages like Ukrainian and Polish. Admin Console Messages: Customize admin notifications with the Admin Message Console setting. Commands: /distance "on" or "of" Toggle the distance ignore feature for a player, requiring the apdistance.ignore permission. Permissions: apdistance.ignore apdistance.notify Grants players the ability to toggle the distance ignore feature. Added a new permission apdistance.notify to receive admin notifications. Modified the NotifyPlayersAndAdmin method to check for the apdistance.notify permission for players who will receive notifications. Configuration: Detection Distance: Set the proximity distance to trigger checks (default: 50.0 meters). Check Interval: Interval in seconds between proximity checks (default: 10.0 seconds). Report Threshold: Number of consecutive checks required to report a violation (default: 3 checks). Player Notify Threshold: Number of consecutive checks before notifying players (default: 3 checks). Send To Discord: Enable or disable sending notifications to Discord (default: true). Discord Webhook Url: URL of the Discord webhook to send notifications to. Send Test Message On Load: Send a test message to Discord on plugin load (default: true). Admin Message Console: Format of the admin console message for proximity violations. Configuration CODE: { "Admin Message Console": "{0} and {1} are closer than {2} meters for {3} checks.", "Check Interval": 10.0, "Detection Distance": 50.0, "Discord Webhook Url": "", "Player Notify Threshold": 3, "Report Threshold": 3, "Send Test Message On Load": true, "Send To Discord": true } Installation: Download the APDistance plugin from Codefling. Place the plugin file in your server's oxide/plugins directory. Restart your server or load the plugin using the command. o.reload APDistance$5.00-
- #distance
- #distance control
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.9
The "APControl" plugin is designed for Rust game servers to manage and control various plugins based on user permissions. It allows server administrators to load and unload specific plugins for different user groups such as all players, admins, moderators, VIPs, and test users. Features: 1. Permission-Based Plugin Control: Define permissions for different user groups to control access to specific sets of plugins. Permissions include apcontrol.use.allp, apcontrol.use.adminp, apcontrol.use.moderp, apcontrol.use.vipp, apcontrol.use.testp, apcontrol.use.pvp, and apcontrol.use.pve. 2. Configurable Plugin Lists: Each user group has its own list of plugins that can be configured and managed. Default plugin lists for each group are set in the configuration file. Added support for blacklisting plugins, which will be automatically unloaded before loading the main plugins. 3. Console Commands for Plugin Management: Server administrators can use console commands to load and unload plugins based on the user group. Commands include allp, adminp, moderp, vipp, testp, pvp, and pve. Added support for delayed execution of commands (e.g., /pvp on 300 to execute after 300 seconds). 4. Automatic Configuration Management: The plugin automatically loads the configuration on initialization and ensures it is correctly formatted. If the configuration file is missing or corrupted, a new one is generated with default settings. State of plugin execution is saved in a data file and restored upon server restart. 5. Multilingual Notifications: All messages are in English by default, but can be changed to Russian or any other language through the configuration file. Commands: allp [on/off] [delay]: Load or unload plugins for all players with the appropriate permission. adminp [on/off] [delay]: Load or unload plugins for administrators. moderp [on/off] [delay]: Load or unload plugins for moderators. vipp [on/off] [delay]: Load or unload plugins for VIP players. testp [on/off] [delay]: Load or unload plugins for test users. pvp [on/off] [delay]: Load or unload plugins for PvP scenarios. pve [on/off] [delay]: Load or unload plugins for PvE scenarios. Permissions: apcontrol.use.allp : Permission to use the allp command. apcontrol.use.adminp : Permission to use the adminp command. apcontrol.use.moderp : Permission to use the moderp command. apcontrol.use.vipp : Permission to use the vipp command. apcontrol.use.testp : Permission to use the testp command. apcontrol.use.pvp : Permission to use the pvp command. apcontrol.use.pve : Permission to use the pve command. Usage: 1. Initialization: The plugin is initialized by loading the configuration and registering permissions and console commands. 2. Loading plugins: Use the appropriate console command followed by on to load plugins for the group. Example: adminp on to load all plugins listed in the adminp group. 3. Unloading plugins: Use the appropriate console command followed by off to unload plugins for a group. Example: adminp off to unload all plugins listed in the adminp group. 4. Configuration: The configuration file defines lists of plugins for each user group. Administrators can edit the configuration file to add or remove plugins from the list of each group. { "CommandConfigs": { "allp": { "Permission": "apcontrol.use.allp", "Blacklist": [], "Plugins": [] }, "adminp": { "Permission": "apcontrol.use.adminp", "Blacklist": [ "AdminESP", "AdminMenu" ], "Plugins": [ "AdminESP", "AdminMenu", "CheckCupboard", "ConvertStatus", "ItemShortname", "PlayerAdministration", "TPOnMap", "Vanish", "XScan" ] }, "moderp": { "Permission": "apcontrol.use.moderp", "Blacklist": [], "Plugins": [ "AdminESP", "AdminMenu", "CheckCupboard", "ItemShortname", "PlayerAdministration", "TPOnMap", "Vanish", "XScan" ] }, "vipp": { "Permission": "apcontrol.use.vipp", "Blacklist": [], "Plugins": [ "TPOnMap", "XScan", "ItemShortname" ] }, "testp": { "Permission": "apcontrol.use.testp", "Blacklist": [], "Plugins": [ "Vanish" ] }, "pvp": { "Permission": "apcontrol.use.pvp", "Blacklist": [], "Plugins": [] }, "pve": { "Permission": "apcontrol.use.pve", "Blacklist": [], "Plugins": [] } }, "Messages": { "CommandUsage": "Usage: {0} <on/off> [delay]", "InvalidDelay": "The second argument must be a number indicating the delay in seconds.", "CommandScheduled": "Command {0} {1} will be executed in {2} seconds.", "ConfigFileNotFound": "Configuration file not found or empty, creating a new configuration file.", "ConfigFileLoaded": "Configuration file loaded successfully.", "ConfigFileLoadError": "Error loading configuration file: {0}", "LoadingPlugin": "Loading {0} plugin...", "UnloadingPlugin": "Unloading {0} plugin..." } } Installation: Place the APControl.cs file in the oxide/plugins directory of your Rust server. Start or restart the server to load the plugin. Configure the plugin by editing the configuration file located at oxide/config/APControl.json.$2.50