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Everything posted by Zittla

  1. Zittla

    Problem with use

    ty it now works i might have tryed to use the other, this plugin is amazing btw
  2. Zittla

    Problem with use

    like things from the default one does work in the game after i add that config its just i cant edit it ingame.
  3. Zittla

    Problem with use

    Hey i just updated the plugin to the newest version deleted the config file, and when i do /sledit and try and edit anything it doenst work i tested this yesterday and it did work but i dident update the plugin before today. i do have permissions aswell i tested my e key works on anything else dident rebind or anything. Config file: https://pastebin.com/0zs5rG7u (i havnent edited it) still have the same issue with the default config i did reload it even restarted the server aswell and still it wont work Picture:
  4. Zittla

    Pictures are gone

    okay cool
  5. Zittla

    Pictures are gone

    ive been trying now for 5 hours idk what else i can do or what i have done wrong with the plugin i havnet changed anything im about to just give up on this (its a mix from imgur and drop box that doenst show up). Its like sometimes the pictures load sometimes they dont on some but its usally half missing every time like i deleted the image libary data again and then started the server and now it shows 1 picture in the cooking tree when it dident before
  6. Zittla

    Pictures are gone

    i just tryed to load up 1.1.17 and it works with all the images, just to compare between but its when i change it to 1.1.18 or 1.1.19 it starts doing this with the pictures )
  7. Zittla

    Pictures are gone

    Yeh i did this earlyer aswell but just did it again i waited actually 45 mins, thise skills are missing picture of: Stroke of luck, Skilled Tracker, Amature Harvester, Extra Pockets, Bandage Expert, Revitalization, Battle Medic, Duelist, Assassin, Lucky Shot, Guarded, Blast Furnace, Loot Magnet, Optimized Recycling, Glutton, Iron Stomach, Fruggal Rationer, yatchman, amature rider, economical captain, economical pilot, adept rider, hybrid pilot, expert rider. mechanic. abit confusign tbh that it worked before on 1.1.17. https://imgur.com/pQ9lwy1 https://imgur.com/6V6vbZW
  8. Zittla

    Pictures are gone

    yes i did not change anything here is a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/2CXwgU5V of the config file it just generated again, did wipe all the data folder aswell before re gen it, not sure whats going on i use latest version to, did check the picture links and they are there on the links its just not loading for some reason, also running no other plugins than Skilltree and image ImageLibrary, tested this also on a new install on my pc and i get the same issue
  9. Zittla

    Pictures are gone

    uhm i did make a full re install on a new dedi host so its 100% pure installed i only logged into the server once to find this after i updated to the last version not sure whats causing it. did even delete the configs a few times aswell still get same issue, seems like only the pictures in imgur doenst load
  10. Zittla

    Pictures are gone

    Hey im having an issue with the pictures in the skill tree (more are missing than just thise 4) i just re installed the plugin did delete the config beforehand not sure what ive done wrong or if its a bug (all pictures in imgur doenst work)
  11. Zittla

    Not detecting economics

    did re install the server it now works
  12. Zittla

    Not detecting economics

    Hey im having an issue with economics arent detected, i did run it by itself first then it works but when i add this plugin it doenst work for some reason. it did work before the latest patch upate of rust, did just update the server and the plugins and still i cant get it to load even deleted the data files on the plugins to.
  13. Zittla

    Skill Tree

    OMG i love this plugin so good, nice updates, realy active dev
  14. Hey first of all love the plugin, but i just encountered an issue. When i click on the arrows to change skill trees, i go from Harvesting skill tree to medical skill tree if i click the arrow back towards harvesting skill tree from medic it turns into combat, i think its not suposed to work like that should be going towards combat first i assume idk how that works but thats how i can only access the combat tree had a player report this.


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