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Everything posted by tofurahie

  1. by the way do you have this plugin installed?
  2. not the game console, check the server console
  3. thats looks like the plugin wasn't loaded correctly, can you reload the plugin and take a screen from console
  4. 1. Yes you just need to have the permission "npcshop.admin" and it should work, i tested it right now. 2. Here works fine too, did you get any console errors when you load the plugin?
  5. tofurahie

    Spray Skins

    no, some skins are loaded from steam's api
  6. tofurahie

    Spray Skins

    "Your skins": { "furnace": [ 2729798683, ], "any_short_prefab": [ skinID, ] } like this
  7. tofurahie

    Please add a blacklist

    Hey, i want to ask what is wrong with personal rates list? You can add items there and set the rate to 1 and it will work as default rate
  8. tofurahie

    Please add a blacklist

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  9. tofurahie

    Please add a blacklist

    Will update today
  10. tofurahie

    Can't control Day/Night

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  11. tofurahie

    error in safezone

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.6.2
  12. tofurahie


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. tofurahie


    entspawn %steamid% assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab like this
  14. tofurahie


    assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab when you buy the lot you will get an item and when you try to open it the command will execute
  15. tofurahie


    you need to put prefab of tugboat insted of "TUGBOAT_PREFAB"
  16. tofurahie


    it should look like "Item for sale": { "DisplayName": "xmas.present.large", "Image": null, "Command": "entspawn %steamid% TUGBOAT_PREFAB", "Use the command immediately after purchase": false, "Refill settings": { "Max stock [-1 = disabled]": -1, "Refill inteval [seconds]": 0, "Refill amount": 0 },
  17. tofurahie


    can you show me how the Lot Item looks in the config
  18. You need to grant a permission for furnace owner
  19. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  20. kk will add later
  21. tofurahie

    Can't control Day/Night

    Just to make it clear Day means time from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm or for 24 it's (8:00 to 20:00) For Night it will be from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am or for 24 (20:00 to 8:00) so how do you check the length of the day?
  22. did you have a permission?
  23. Hello, you need to set "Quick smelt multiplier" to 5 so it will make furnaces cook 5x faster
  24. tofurahie

    Error in console

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version


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