About Visibility
This plugin will give a player temporary visibility into various entities in the game. Currently, there are three types of entities: nodes, animals, and food.
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- view all nodes on the map (sulfur is yellow, metal is red, stone is black).
- view all animals on the map (bears - black; boars - red; wolves - yellow; stag - cyan)
- view all food items in containers (eg. apple, chocolate) as well as growables (eg. corn)
visibility.use -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command.
visibility.nodes -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command for nodes.
visibility.animals -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command for animals.
visibility.food -- Allows a player to use Visibility via chat command for food.
Commands (chat)
/vi nodes
/vi animals
/vi food
/vi clear
"Visibility time (seconds):": 8,
"Visibility cooldown (seconds):": 60,
"Allow Nodes Visibility:": true,
"Allow Animals Visibility:": true,
"Allow Food Visibility:": true,
"Announce Player Connection": true
"InitNodes": "-- gathered nodes --",
"InitAnimals": "-- spotted animals --",
"InitFood": "-- visualized food --",
"NoPerms": "You don't have permissions to use this command",
"NoPermsNodes": "You don't have permissions to use this command for nodes",
"NoPermsAnimals": "You don't have permissions to use this command for animals",
"NoPermsFood": "You don't have permissions to use this command for food",
"Cooldown": "Sorry, you are in a cooldown period and cannot use Visibility at this moment."