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About Vehicle Registration

Enhance your Rust server with the Vehicle Registration plugin, designed to bring a realistic and organized vehicle management system to your gameplay. This plugin allows players to register their vehicles and manage their registration details seamlessly. Ideal for role-playing servers or any server looking to add depth to their vehicle interactions.



 Players can register their vehicles, providing necessary details like owner name, registration number, date of birth, and expiration date.


Tutorial video (This is an old version of this plugin)

(New Coming Soon)


Permission-Based Access

vehicleregistration.dealer: Allows players to register vehicles.

vehicleregistration.police: Allows players to view vehicle registration details and fines/cases.


Data Management:

Store car registration data and associated notes.

Load and save data efficiently to ensure information persistence across server restarts.


Chat Commands:

/registervehicleto <playerName> <registrationNumber> <dateOfBirth> <expirationDate> : Register a vehicle to a specified player. (only vehicleregistration.dealer can do this)

/editregistration <Name> <DOB (dd-MM-yyyy)> <ExpirationDate (dd-MM-yyyy)> : Edit already register vehicle details. (only vehicleregistration.dealer can do this)

/checkregistration : For checking registration details with fines/cases. (only vehicleregistration.police can do this)

/showregistration : Any normal player can see the registration number only. (No permission required)

/fine <Car RegistrationNumber> <Charges> : For add fine to a vehicle. (only vehicleregistration.police can do this)

/editfine <Car RegistrationNumber> <Case Number> <New Charges> : For edit the old fines/cases. (only vehicleregistration.police can do this)

/deletecase <Car RegistrationNumber> <case number> : For delete a fine/case. (only vehicleregistration.police can do this)


Manage Registration Fine:

Add fine to vehicle registrations to keep track of important details or incidents related to the vehicle.



Download the Vehicle Registration plugin.

Place the plugin file in your server’s oxide/plugins or carbon/plugins directory.

Reload the server or use the appropriate command to load the plugin.



  "RegisterCommand": "registervehicle",
  "EditCommand": "editregistration",
  "ShowCommand": "showregistration",
  "CheckCommand": "checkregistration",
  "AddFineCommand": "addfine",
  "EditFineCommand": "editfine",
  "DeleteCaseCommand": "deletecase",
  "RegisterUsageMessage": "Usage: /registervehicle <Name> <DOB (dd-MM-yyyy)> <ExpirationDate (dd-MM-yyyy)>",
  "InvalidDOBMessage": "Invalid date of birth format. Use dd-MM-yyyy.",
  "InvalidExpirationDateMessage": "Invalid expiration date format. Use dd-MM-yyyy.",
  "MustBeMountedMessage": "You must be mounted on a vehicle to register it.",
  "AlreadyRegisteredMessage": "This vehicle is already registered.",
  "RegistrationSuccessMessage": "Vehicle registered successfully. \n <color=#00FF00>Registration Number:{0}",
  "EditUsageMessage": "Usage: /editregistration <Name> <DOB (dd-MM-yyyy)> <ExpirationDate (dd-MM-yyyy)>",
  "NotRegisteredMessage": "This vehicle is not registered.",
  "EditSuccessMessage": "Registration details updated successfully.",
  "MustBeLookingAtVehicleMessage": "You must be looking at a vehicle to see its registration number.",
  "ShowRegistrationMessage": "Registration Number: {0}",
  "CheckRegistrationMessage": "<color=#FF00FF>================================\n<color=#FFFFFF>Registration Number: {0} \nOwner: {1}\nDOB: {2:dd-MM-yyyy}\nExpiry: {3:dd-MM-yyyy}\n<color=#FF00FF>================================",
  "CheckRegistrationNoteMessage": "Case Number: {0} \n <color=orange> Charges: {1} \n \n <color=#FFFFFF>--------------------------------------------",
  "AddFineUsageMessage": "Usage: /addfine <Car RegistrationNumber> <Charges>",
  "AddFineSuccessMessage": "Fine added successfully to Registration Number: {0}",
  "EditFineUsageMessage": "Usage: /editfine <Car RegistrationNumber> <Case Number> <New Charges>",
  "InvalidCaseNumberMessage": "Invalid case number. Please provide a valid case number.",
  "EditFineSuccessMessage": "Case number {0} edited successfully for Registration Number: {1}",
  "DeleteCaseUsageMessage": "Usage: /deletecase <Car RegistrationNumber> <case number>",
  "DeleteCaseSuccessMessage": "Case number {0} deleted successfully for Registration Number: {1}",
  "MountedUnregisteredVehicleMessage": "<color=#FF0000>Unknown Vehicle Number Plate.",
  "MountedRegisteredVehicleMessage": "<color=#00FF00>Vehicle Number Plate: {0}"



For any issues or support, please visit my support page or contact us through the server’s community channels.


Bring order and realism to your server’s vehicle management with the Vehicle Registration plugin!

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