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Message added by LeroyJenkins420,

THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT ALLOWING BUILDING ON TRAINS, For building on trains please see the remastered version. 


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looks good! 🙂
Any Video for the Plugin? Like if a Player Claims it can the Train be picked up?

If im right i saw something on Discord but cant find the Post... 😕

  • Like 2

Posted (edited)

Hi @Kaho no video yet however I will soon be releasing one! I have a few more items i'd like to add to this project before I release a video. 

if you have any questions about how the plugin works you're welcome to comment here or PM me in the CodeFling discord @Schmenkins

to answer your questions, players cannot pick up the train or any items on the train, at chance (configurable) the train will spawn built or vanilla. From there players can upgrade doors, workbench, chests, etc (if the train has the item on it) by attempting to pick the item up. If they have the required materials it will replace the initial item with the upgraded item.

Edited by LeroyJenkins420
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I do also have a video in the codefling discord #showoff that showcases these features

  • Like 1


This looks very interesting.

Can the trains be customized with additional building options, like other benches or decoration? 

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Hi @RadioFreeKrieg at the moment no, 

I am however working on a way for the trains to be further customized. At the moment I have an update in the works to allow turrets, electric furnaces, and also syncs your train throttles.


my next update will have:

1. added turret (can be turned off in config)

2. made helicopters parent to trains (I.E helicopters will stay on the train when landed) 

3. made all train throttles sync when starting your train.

4. added ability to upgrade furnace to electric.

5. made all electric items excepts car lift turn on when train is on.

6. general code cleanup

after this update I will be strongly looking into allowing even further customization options for the players

  • Like 1


I am very interested. Knowledge of mine who started it. Didn't dare to buy it because she doesn't know how or what and can't find a tutorial. When I heard it, I of course had to go take a look. You have to be very creative. That's also the great thing about it. Of course I could make a tutorial. That is not a problem at all. My question is, either on or (in) the train! TC can be installed? Or in the wagon? Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely. Danielle

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Posted (edited)

16 hours ago, Daniëlle said:

I am very interested. Knowledge of mine who started it. Didn't dare to buy it because she doesn't know how or what and can't find a tutorial. When I heard it, I of course had to go take a look. You have to be very creative. That's also the great thing about it. Of course I could make a tutorial. That is not a problem at all. My question is, either on or (in) the train! TC can be installed? Or in the wagon? Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely. Danielle

Hello @Daniëlle, my trains do not require TCs nor can you place them, this includes other deplorables too. 

the way in which the plugin works is the trains will spawn with presets 
EX: Wagon B 
spawns with wooden doors (upgradable) chests (upgradable) and a few other items, I have some planned updates coming for this plugin which will further enrich the player experience. 

if you are interested in actually building/placing items on the train you cannot do that with this plugin! (All items are pre-placed)  

Edited by LeroyJenkins420
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Posted (edited)

is there a way to slow the decay? They seem be vanishing at a very fast rate.To explain the track are a short from my main base.i leave the train to go back to base and the return say 30 min or more the train decay and gone.i had 5 wagon on ti when i return there was barely 2.

Edited by VOID513
  • Like 2


After my purchase. Tried it right away. 
The idea is fun and creative. But there are nothing just some bugs. 
But also conflicts with server, I read that I have no warranty. 
And content is not allowed to be edited. 
What option do I have then? To solve the problem? That's why I decided to adjust the script anyway. 
After a few hours, 
you can finally sit with the door closed or go out. I solved that. 
Clippy didn't really cooperate (unfortunately!), but can now sit and stand with the door closed. 
Then I'm talking about the Locomotives. Server FPS that has to do with something very important. 
Unfortunately I can't say here on the site how exactly I solved it. Since I paid. 
I think I am not the best person to solve problems.
I also solved the DSpawning of all trains 
Briefly summarized about my review. Negative and Positive, especially sincere. 
1 Find a lot of doors that have defects. Especially the time I had to put into it. 
Too bad. But nice idea and very creative.
Of course I can make a YouTube video if there is distrust.
And time have seen my work. Once again, I am willing
to hand over my modified perfectly working version against reasonableness.
For the rest I am sporty and I think it's all fine.
Still with this experience. I have serious doubts about making a purchase during an upcoming viewing. 
Hopefully that will change in the future.
Furthermore, good work and respect.   


Ik gif 2 and half Stars. 

  • Like 1


5 hours ago, VOID513 said:

is there a way to slow the decay? They seem be vanishing at a very fast rate.To explain the track are a short from my main base.i leave the train to go back to base and the return say 30 min or more the train decay and gone.i had 5 wagon on ti when i return there was barely 2.

Hey @VOID513 In my next update I plan to address this, I do appreciate you for bringing it to my attention!



2 hours ago, Daniëlle said:

After my purchase. Tried it right away. 
The idea is fun and creative. But there are nothing just some bugs. 
But also conflicts with server, I read that I have no warranty. 
And content is not allowed to be edited. 
What option do I have then? To solve the problem? That's why I decided to adjust the script anyway. 
After a few hours, 
you can finally sit with the door closed or go out. I solved that. 
Clippy didn't really cooperate (unfortunately!), but can now sit and stand with the door closed. 
Then I'm talking about the Locomotives. Server FPS that has to do with something very important. 
Unfortunately I can't say here on the site how exactly I solved it. Since I paid. 
I think I am not the best person to solve problems.
I also solved the DSpawning of all trains 
Briefly summarized about my review. Negative and Positive, especially sincere. 
1 Find a lot of doors that have defects. Especially the time I had to put into it. 
Too bad. But nice idea and very creative.
Of course I can make a YouTube video if there is distrust.
And time have seen my work. Once again, I am willing
to hand over my modified perfectly working version against reasonableness.
For the rest I am sporty and I think it's all fine.
Still with this experience. I have serious doubts about making a purchase during an upcoming viewing. 
Hopefully that will change in the future.
Furthermore, good work and respect.   


Ik gif 2 and half Stars. 

Hey Danielle, 

I appreciate your time for leaving the review, I believe my license does allow you to edit your personal copy, however would strictly prevent anyone from selling an edited copy, etc. I strive to allow servers owners as much flexibility as possible! 
2. RESTRICTIONS. You may not distribute, sell, sublicense, or otherwise transfer the Software or any portion thereof to any third party. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

to address your concerns of no warranty this section of the license essentially frees me from any liability should you encounter any issues with the plugin or your server after installing. I completely stand behind my work and if you do have any issues I encourage you to reach out to me through the below communication methods, I usually respond within 24 hours! 

4. NO WARRANTY. The Software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Licensor does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the Software will meet your specific requirements.

I do sincerely apologize about any issues or frustrations you had while configuring/setting this up! I'd love to hear more about them so I can resolve these for yourself, and potential future customers! Videos do of course help so if you have any showing the bugs you encountered i'd love to see them! 

Communication Channels:
CodeFling Discord: https://discord.gg/codefling
RedBerry Discord (my personal one): https://discord.com/invite/redberry

Best regards,

  • Like 1


LeroyJenkins420, Thanks for the quick response. 
It sounds like we are on the same page.
Maybe I haven't stated everything yet. 
Is that what you have made is very cleverly conceived. 
I hadn't noticed the transfer to different upgrades.
You don't have to doubt your creations. 
Learning from each other seems like a better plan to me.
You can certainly be proud. My message is not to adjust your self-esteem. 
In any respect. Certainly not with this complicated memory language. 
You should also be proud of yourself. 
My review is focused on product only. 
That's all really. 
I have neatly indicated areas for improvement. 
But above all, I have been honest about what I had to make a choice about.
Discord almost cost me my job a few times by clicking on the wrong links. 
Installing on the Computer is too much of a risk as Processors ( UPDATE ) are floating around. 
Which is a big risk for our private life. But I'm not allowed to say. 
Of course I am willing to discuss further here in Private Chat. 
Considering my purchase here, I have no objections. I am not angry. I remain very positive about you. 
To be honest, most people really don't imitate you. 
Very clever of you to deal with it this way. 
Give in or try it out to see if what the customer says is wrong. 
Can be a good quality that is much appreciated. 
Without feedback you simply wouldn't know what we customers think. 
Hopefully you understand my commitment and that you cannot fail, even if you give in.
Considering your computer capacity, will you, despite a bug, or conflict? Change the script sooner or later. 
You will solve it anyway. However, this is all you really need to perfect. I do not doubt that. 
I think all customers believe in this. You should know how many people look up to you. 
That is the complaint of your position.
You can test and make adjustments afterwards. 
Improve and update. We are all human. 
I will not offer or distribute your work on the Internet. 
If? (If) I put YouTube? I should have set that to Private and just given you a link.
Initially my intention was to make a YouTube video to help your customers. 
But I didn't do that. Because as I have already stated. That now leaves only one question. 
You don't have to answer. This is purely a thought for strength and faith.
What can actually go wrong?

Very well done. Fast response. Deep and substantively sincere and honest.
That's why I added 1 and a half big stars.
out of Five (5),, For this I would have given you 2 and a half.
I'll give you an extra 1 and a half. 
Then you get a 4 star rating from me.
I tried to give this one. 
But I can't find how and where I can provide that on the website. 
Hopefully you are happy with it? At least I hope so?



On 3/24/2024 at 1:21 PM, VOID513 said:

is there a way to slow the decay? They seem be vanishing at a very fast rate.To explain the track are a short from my main base.i leave the train to go back to base and the return say 30 min or more the train decay and gone.i had 5 wagon on ti when i return there was barely 2.

Hey @VOID513 just released an update with this config option, enjoy! 😄



On 3/25/2024 at 10:38 AM, Daniëlle said:

LeroyJenkins420, Thanks for the quick response. 
It sounds like we are on the same page.
Maybe I haven't stated everything yet. 
Is that what you have made is very cleverly conceived. 
I hadn't noticed the transfer to different upgrades.
You don't have to doubt your creations. 
Learning from each other seems like a better plan to me.
You can certainly be proud. My message is not to adjust your self-esteem. 
In any respect. Certainly not with this complicated memory language. 
You should also be proud of yourself. 
My review is focused on product only. 
That's all really. 
I have neatly indicated areas for improvement. 
But above all, I have been honest about what I had to make a choice about.
Discord almost cost me my job a few times by clicking on the wrong links. 
Installing on the Computer is too much of a risk as Processors ( UPDATE ) are floating around. 
Which is a big risk for our private life. But I'm not allowed to say. 
Of course I am willing to discuss further here in Private Chat. 
Considering my purchase here, I have no objections. I am not angry. I remain very positive about you. 
To be honest, most people really don't imitate you. 
Very clever of you to deal with it this way. 
Give in or try it out to see if what the customer says is wrong. 
Can be a good quality that is much appreciated. 
Without feedback you simply wouldn't know what we customers think. 
Hopefully you understand my commitment and that you cannot fail, even if you give in.
Considering your computer capacity, will you, despite a bug, or conflict? Change the script sooner or later. 
You will solve it anyway. However, this is all you really need to perfect. I do not doubt that. 
I think all customers believe in this. You should know how many people look up to you. 
That is the complaint of your position.
You can test and make adjustments afterwards. 
Improve and update. We are all human. 
I will not offer or distribute your work on the Internet. 
If? (If) I put YouTube? I should have set that to Private and just given you a link.
Initially my intention was to make a YouTube video to help your customers. 
But I didn't do that. Because as I have already stated. That now leaves only one question. 
You don't have to answer. This is purely a thought for strength and faith.
What can actually go wrong?

Very well done. Fast response. Deep and substantively sincere and honest.
That's why I added 1 and a half big stars.
out of Five (5),, For this I would have given you 2 and a half.
I'll give you an extra 1 and a half. 
Then you get a 4 star rating from me.
I tried to give this one. 
But I can't find how and where I can provide that on the website. 
Hopefully you are happy with it? At least I hope so?

Hello @Daniëlle

i've released an updated version which should resolve most if not all errors you encountered, please let me know if otherwise and I am happy to work further to ensure this works for your application! 



Hi Leroy,


I am trying to download the newest version of the plugin, but it keeps just downloading 2.0.7?

  • Like 1


16 hours ago, Hwang85 said:

Hi Leroy,


I am trying to download the newest version of the plugin, but it keeps just downloading 2.0.7?

Hey @Hwang85 thats totally my bad, I forgot to update the version number inside of the .cs file. I assure you the version available for download is the latest version! I will update the version number shortly if you wish to re-download at that time 🙂



Thank you, Sir!



is the plugin loading for anyone since the update? im getting error  

[WRN] Failed to compile TrainBuildPlugin.cs - The type or namespace name 'Harmony' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (L: 11 | P: 7) | Removing from project

this started right after the last update to oxide and rust


Posted (edited)

53 minutes ago, VOID513 said:

is the plugin loading for anyone since the update? im getting error  

[WRN] Failed to compile TrainBuildPlugin.cs - The type or namespace name 'Harmony' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (L: 11 | P: 7) | Removing from project

this started right after the last update to oxide and rust

Hey @VOID513

I thought I had accounted for this recent update, I am currently on lunch at work, i'll take a look into a patch now. Otherwise I can continue working on it after work! 

can you share whether this is an Oxide or Carbon server you are having difficulties with?

Best regards,

Edited by LeroyJenkins420


its axide server



dont know if this helps but it dosent seem be working on my test server with carbon either



Hey @VOID513

I released an update a few hours ago which should have resolved this issue. I test compiled on both Carbon and Oxide servers, if after downloading the latest version it is still not working please let me know 🙂

Best regards,







Im new to building servers and The map that I have only has underground train tracks.. Does this plugin add train track above ground?

  • Like 1


Hello @kamikaze

this plugin will add trains with doors chests etc when they spawn, this will not add rails to your map, if you want a map with trains you need to make the map bigger, I think 4500+ supports trains.

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