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Smelting Controller 1.5.15

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Increasing the FuelAmount will make each unit of wood burn during more time thus reducing the overall consumption.



Changing this, will reduce wood consumption?


4 hours ago, kasvoton said:

Did you tried to change the FuelAmount for wood ? That might work.

"wood": {
      "FuelAmount": 10,   --- When I changed it to 1 or 10 it didn't make any difference
      "ByProduct": "charcoal",
      "ByProductAmount": 1,
      "ByProductChance": 0.75





5 hours ago, kasvoton said:

Increasing the FuelAmount will make each unit of wood burn during more time thus reducing the overall consumption.

sor..I've found the cause of the failure, I'm modifying the config file on Server A but I'm testing it on Server B.
Thanks for your patience and sorry for my stupidity

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I can't get it to work no matter what settings I use.  What am I missing here?



updated my plugin today = nothing works. Thx



The newest version is easy. Delete your old config and delete your furnace splitter config (only if you modified it) and reload the plugin. Set your multipliers and you're done.



1 hour ago, Seezure said:

The newest version is easy. Delete your old config and delete your furnace splitter config (only if you modified it) and reload the plugin. Set your multipliers and you're done.

have no furnace splitter, deleted old plugin, and config. uploaded new plugin, it creates a new config, i edit multiplyers, reloads plugin and nothing smelts fast on the server..... i have reverted to my OxidationSmelting 1.4.16, that worked, but has high hook times on server performance



Hi, I'm experiencing some spam after updating to
also it's not working according to the multipliers I set, for example I set all the smelting equipment multipliers to 1 and then set the sulfur ore cooking speed to 4.0 seconds, but I get 20 sulfur a second on a small furnace.

09/22 01:28:54 | Failed to call hook 'Unload' on plugin 'SmeltingController v1.5.11' (InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.)
at Harmony.PatchInfoSerialization.Deserialize (System.Byte[] bytes) [0x00021] in <ef472ad41f4948fdb52674edfe069979>:0
at Harmony.HarmonySharedState.GetPatchInfo (System.Reflection.MethodBase method) [0x00019] in <ef472ad41f4948fdb52674edfe069979>:0
at Harmony.PatchProcessor.GetPatchInfo (System.Reflection.MethodBase method) [0x00013] in <ef472ad41f4948fdb52674edfe069979>:0
at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.GetPatchInfo (System.Reflection.MethodBase method) [0x00001] in <ef472ad41f4948fdb52674edfe069979>:0
at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.UnpatchAll (System.String harmonyID) [0x0004a] in <ef472ad41f4948fdb52674edfe069979>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SmeltingController.Unload () [0x0005e] in <a6ec0feac7484d26b3ab503ef47d221d>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SmeltingController.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00072] in <a6ec0feac7484d26b3ab503ef47d221d>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <e3740cd7ab6f40909737d74eeeaf1a8a>:0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <032ab7611607468ebf42c14e3cf9df20>:0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <032ab7611607468ebf42c14e3cf9df20>:0

09/22 01:28:54 | Unloaded plugin SmeltingController v1.5.11 by kasvoton

09/22 01:28:54 | [SmeltingController] [INFO] Changed 'hq.metal.ore' cookTime from 2.5 to 5

09/22 01:28:54 | [SmeltingController] [INFO] Changed 'metal.ore' cookTime from 2.5 to 5

09/22 01:28:54 | [SmeltingController] [INFO] Changed 'sulfur.ore' cookTime from 2.5 to 5

09/22 01:28:57 | Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'SmeltingController v1.5.11' took 2398ms



Posted (edited)

When I tried to reset it to 1.5.10 or 1.5.09 I found that I could no longer download it

Edited by AaronL

Posted (edited)

  "NoBurntMeat": true,
  "Ovens": {
    "bbq.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "campfire": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "electricfurnace.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "fireplace.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "furnace.large": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "furnace": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "hobobarrel_static": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "hobobarrel.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "refinery_small_deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "skull_fire_pit": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "small_refinery_static": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
  "Products": {
    "sticks": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "fish.raw": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "chicken.raw": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "deermeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "horsemeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "humanmeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "bearmeat": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "wolfmeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "meat.boar": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "crude.oil": {
      "CookTime": 1.0,
      "Amount": 3
    "can.beans.empty": {
      "CookTime": 5.0,
      "Amount": 15
    "can.tuna.empty": {
      "CookTime": 5.0,
      "Amount": 10
    "hq.metal.ore": {
      "CookTime": 2.5,
      "Amount": 1
    "metal.ore": {
      "CookTime": 2.5,
      "Amount": 1
    "sulfur.ore": {
      "CookTime": 2.5,
      "Amount": 1


Edited by AaronL

Posted (edited)

Sorry this report is a little long

Edited by AaronL


Hey there. We are using this plugin on our servers. Finding after force, have to reload the plugin after server reboot as everything reverts to default vanilla speeds. reloading via console fixes this. is this known and is a fix in the works?



Hey kasvoton, I bought your plugin in hopes of getting proper 2X smelting speed to work on my servers but to no avail, I've tinkered with most parameters in the config but can't get it to work, it's either too fast or to slow, or the wood burn rate just isnt following the ore smelting rate.

Could you please help me configure my .cfg to be a proper 2X smelting speed? Thanks 


  "NoBurntMeat": false,
  "Ovens": {
    "bbq.campermodule": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 21
    "bbq.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "campfire": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "carvable.pumpkin": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "chineselantern.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "cursedcauldron.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "electricfurnace.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "fireplace.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "furnace.large": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "furnace": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "hobobarrel.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "jackolantern.angry": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "jackolantern.happy": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "lantern.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
    "legacy_furnace": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "refinery_small_deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "skull_fire_pit": {
      "Multiplier": 2,
      "Charcoal": 2
    "tunalight.deployed": {
      "Multiplier": 1,
      "Charcoal": 1
  "Products": {
    "fish.raw": {
      "CookTime": 20.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "chicken.raw": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "deermeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "horsemeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 26.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "humanmeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "bearmeat": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "wolfmeat.raw": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "meat.boar": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 1
    "crude.oil": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 3
    "can.beans.empty": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 15
    "can.tuna.empty": {
      "CookTime": 30.0,
      "Amount": 10
    "hq.metal.ore": {
      "CookTime": 10.0,
      "Amount": 2
    "metal.ore": {
      "CookTime": 5.0,
      "Amount": 2
    "sulfur.ore": {
      "CookTime": 2.5,
      "Amount": 2
  "Fuel": {
    "door.key": {
      "FuelAmount": 10.0,
      "ByProduct": "charcoal",
      "ByProductAmount": 1,
      "ByProductChance": 0.0
    "wood": {
      "FuelAmount": 4.0,
      "ByProduct": "charcoal",
      "ByProductAmount": 1,
      "ByProductChance": 0.75




Possible to add different smelting speeds with permissions?
Would love to integrate this into SkillTree plugin so i can unlock faster smelting speeds with skillpoints

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Wish this was permission based

  • Like 2


Doesn't Work at all.. Nothing changes...



@kasvotonAny chance that you add vip permissions and let us configure different values for this permission group?  So that we have the default settings for everyone (the same what we have now) but that we also have a vip group with higher smelting rates. Such a feature would be really awesome. 🙂



I am eager to know, can this plugin adjust the speed of the electric furnace,Also, I would like to know if there are any discounts available recently?


Posted (edited)

After todays update and plugin update, players are reporting that ores are smelting at vanilla rates. EDIT: I reloaded the plugin, and it started to work after a plugin reload.

Edited by FandangoChristmas


Does this plugin change the speed of the green progress bar animation in the oven's inventory screen?



Posted (edited)

With the latest version I am getting following error.

o.reload SmeltingController
Added '// Reference: 0Harmony' in plugin 'SmeltingController'
[CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v successfully
Error while compiling SmeltingController: The type or namespace name 'Harmony' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 29, Pos: 7
Shutting down compiler because idle shutdown

Edited by z77extreme


Can anyone tell me how i make this consume 1000 wood in all furnaces and recieve a 1000 charcoal?
Also 1000 ore per tick want it to give me 1000 cooked ore

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