About OGFurnace
OGFurnace brings back the original rust furnace interface. This gives a player primary control over how they want to utilize their furnace slots!
- Includes smelting and cooking speed/output config options
- Compatible with OGSplitter, FurnaceLevels, QuickSmelt & PowerSmelt
- Store and cooking multiple stacks of wood for your coal farm
- Custom capacities (permissions based)
- Customize your loot room with furnace storage
- Customize and upgrade the amount of slots for your ovens!
Accessible splitter API!
Permissions and Commands:
Custom permissions can be set using the custom capacities options in the config. This will allow players to place furnaces with slot amounts according to their permissions.
{ "Configure oven capacity": { "bbq.static": 12, "bbq.static_hidden": 12, "campfire_static": 5, "furnace_static": 18, "hobobarrel_static": 5, "small_refinery_static": 6, "bbq.campermodule": 12, "bbq.deployed": 12, "campfire": 5, "fireplace.deployed": 5, "furnace": 6, "furnace.large": 18, "jackolantern.angry": 1, "jackolantern.happy": 1, "lantern.deployed": 1, "refinery_small_deployed": 6, "tunalight.deployed": 1, "chineselantern.deployed": 1, "carvable.pumpkin": 1, "cursedcauldron.deployed": 5, "skull_fire_pit": 5, "hobobarrel.deployed": 5 }, "Show oven toggle UI": true, "UI Button Toggle Min Position": "0.65 0.07", "UI Button Toggle Max Position": "0.73 0.12", "UI Button Toggle Font Size": 17, "Configure cookable items": { "hq.metal.ore": { "cooktime": 10.0, "amountToBecome": 1 }, "metal.ore": { "cooktime": 5.0, "amountToBecome": 1 }, "sulfur.ore": { "cooktime": 2.5, "amountToBecome": 1 }, "fish.cooked": { "cooktime": 30.0, "amountToBecome": 1 }...... "Configure burnable items": { "lowgradefuel": { "byproductAmount": 1, "byproductChance": 0.0, "fuelAmount": 150.0 }, "wood": { "byproductAmount": 2, "byproductChance": 0.0, "fuelAmount": 20.0 } }, "Custom Capacity (Set custom capacities per furnace via permission-name : capacities)": { "customPerm1": { "bbq.static": 12, "bbq.static_hidden": 12, "campfire_static": 5, "furnace_static": 18, "hobobarrel_static": 5, "small_refinery_static": 6, "bbq.campermodule": 12, "bbq.deployed": 12, "campfire": 5, "fireplace.deployed": 5, "furnace": 6, "furnace.large": 18, "jackolantern.angry": 1, "jackolantern.happy": 1, "lantern.deployed": 1, "refinery_small_deployed": 6, "tunalight.deployed": 1, "chineselantern.deployed": 1, "carvable.pumpkin": 1, "cursedcauldron.deployed": 5, "skull_fire_pit": 5, "hobobarrel.deployed": 5 } } }