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ItemBox 1.0.3

$14.99 $9.99
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About ItemBox

Welcome to a world of not worrying about your items going into the void when you buy them from a marketplace or when you give another player an item. With ItemBox, it opens up a separate inventory that can accept items from a webstore (via rcon commands) as well as in game commands to give items to a player / players. Let ItemBox be your gateway to the bliss of not hearing your players complain they paid for something on your webstore and never received it.


  • Give an item or preset to a player on your server, both via chat and in rcon
  • Give an item or preset to all active players on your server either via chat or rcon
  • View your itembox to see all the juicy items you got stored away
  • Any active looters will have their containers closed on plugin unload to prevent item duplication
  • Containers will update in real time for any active looters so they never miss out on items
  • More to come! (trust me)


  • /give <shortname or presetName> <steamID or playerName> [amount]
    • Requires itembox.give permission
    • Example Usage: /give rifle.ak Misty 3 or /give rifle.ak Misty
    • Works same in rcon console
  • /giveall <shortname or presetName> [amount]
    • Requires itembox.give.all permission
    • Example Usage /giveall AssaultRifle or /giveall rifle.ak 3
    • Works same in rcon console
  • /itembox
    • Requires the itembox.view permission
<> = required and [] = optional


Example Config:

  "Presets": {
    "AssaultRifle": [
        "Shortname": "rifle.ak",
        "DisplayName": "Assault Rifle",
        "Amount": 1,
        "Skin": 1202410378,
        "Attachments": [
        "Ammo": 6,
        "AmmoType": "ammo.rifle"
        "Shortname": "wood",
        "DisplayName": "Wood",
        "Amount": 500,
        "Skin": 0,
        "Attachments": [],
        "Ammo": 0,
        "AmmoType": ""
  "Slots": 30,
  "NoEscape (Enable/Disable)": true,
  "Check Inventory": false,
  "Wipe Data (On Map Wipe)": false,
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 2
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