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Inventory Cleaner 1.0.1

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About Inventory Cleaner


The Inventory Cleaner plugin is designed to provide simple and efficient tools for clearing and managing player inventories in a game server. It integrates with the Oxide permission system to allow administrators to control who can use the commands.




inventorycleaner.use: This permission allows the user to access the plugin’s functionality.

Grant permission to a group:
Use the following command to give the "admin" group access:
/grant group admin inventorycleaner.use




Command Implementations:

/cl <steamid/username>
Clears the inventory of a specified player. Replace <steamid/username> with the target player's Steam ID or username.

Clears the inventory of the player who is executing the command.

Drops the inventory of the player who is currently being looked at by the command executor. This allows for easier item transfer or disposal.


Notification Messages:

Players will receive a chat message when any of the above commands are executed. The message informs them that the action has been successfully carried out on their inventory.

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