About InfoBar
Display an information bar above the inventory(or below the inventory), display configuration information in a loop, and support click commands.
Config FIle:
{ "Enable Info Bar (true/false)": true, "Position(ABOVE_INVENTORY/BELOW_INVENTORY)": "BELOW_INVENTORY", "Information displayed in a loop": [ { "Text": "Welcome to this server, click here to open the <color=#ED1C24>WelcomePanel</color>", "CommandOnClick": "chat.say /info", "ShowSeconds": 30 }, { "Text": "Please don't cheat, the account will be <color=#ED1C24>banned</color>, the loss outweighs the gain.", "CommandOnClick": "chat.say /info", "ShowSeconds": 30 }, { "Text": "Discord: discord.gg/playrust, Join discord to recceive the <color=#ED1C24>gift pack</color>.", "CommandOnClick": "chat.say /info", "ShowSeconds": 30 } ] }