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4.0 out of 5 stars

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It is a good plugin. I have used it for a while now on my PVE Servers. I like how it allows the players to add their friends but restricts them and chooses the limits of what they have access to. For a friend's plugin, it is pretty expensive, though. Please include a few features for which I need separate plugins. Most server owners don't like to have 1 plugin for every little thing they need. So, spending money on 1 premium plugin that replaces 4 others is a godsend. 

Could you incorporate this plugin: https://codefling.com/plugins/team-fix since when servers crash, everyone loses their friend list, and teammates lose access to anything they put down?

Also, perhaps this Loot Defender. To prevent anyone from picking up a player bag, boxes, etc, that are not on their friends list. https://umod.org/plugins/prevent-looting

Adding these features would help justify being more than 4x more expensive than the other paid Friends plugins available.


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