About Door Upgrade
Allows players to upgrade doors to the next tier without having to take the doors off. Activate with the /dup command, and then hit with the building hammer to go to the next grade.
Pay Options:
Players must have the required resources on them to upgrade, and know the blueprint. These can be set in the config.
Blocking Options:
Recent Damage
Raid Block
Building Block
Blueprint Block
{ "Chat command": "dup", "Disable when item is switch from allowed tool": true, "Player must pay upgrade costs": true, "Player must have required blueprint unlocked": true, "Blocked upgrade when recently damaged": true, "Blocked upgrade when building blocked": true, "Blocked upgrade when raid blocked": true }
{ "Prefix": "<color=#90fce7>Door Upgrade</color>: ", "MissingBlueprintReq": "missing blueprint requirement.", "MissingIngredientReq": "missing upgrade items.\n{0}", "BuildingBlocked": "you are currently building blocked.", "NoEscapeBlocked": "you are currently raid/combat blocked.", "AlreadyTopTier": "door is currently top tier.", "UpgradeToggle": "was {0}.", "Enabled": "<color=#affc62>Enabled</color>", "Disable": "<color=#fc3d3d>Disabled</color>", "AttackBlocked": "unable to upgrade, upgradable in: <color=#90fce7>{0}</color>s." }