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Discord Admin Panel 1.8.4

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possible to support ember for ban, mute, unmute command please?

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i case we got multiple servers how it works?

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You can use multiple bots in multiple channels.
That would be the most fitting way to use it on multiple servers.
You can also use the same bot with two different servers in two different channels.

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On 8/17/2022 at 6:57 PM, Tanki said:

possible to support ember for ban, mute, unmute command please?

The plugin uses the direct command Ban and Unban in console.
It would support the same syntax for ember or enhanced ban system.

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Posted (edited)

11 hours ago, AimonMurasaki said:

The plugin uses the direct command Ban and Unban in console.
It would support the same syntax for ember or enhanced ban system.

Thanks for you answer.

Have a good day!

Edited by Tanki
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we need a log system for all commands and can we set discord role id for each commands just like who can use the timed permissions = (role id)



6 hours ago, techrax1423 said:

we need a log system for all commands and can we set discord role id for each commands just like who can use the timed permissions = (role id)

It will be added in the next update ^^ Log system is pretty much ready to go.
For the role id for each command I'll try adding them this week.



1 hour ago, AimonMurasaki said:

It will be added in the next update ^^ Log system is pretty much ready to go.
For the role id for each command I'll try adding them this week.

please add change ban and mute time in config



2 minutes ago, techrax1423 said:

please add change ban and mute time in config

and we can not give a vip when player is offline with timed permissions, this is so bad thing please change this settings so we can give vip even player is offline thanks



22 hours ago, techrax1423 said:

we need a log system for all commands and can we set discord role id for each commands just like who can use the timed permissions = (role id)

Log system added. discord role id for every command not yet.

13 hours ago, techrax1423 said:

and we can not give a vip when player is offline with timed permissions, this is so bad thing please change this settings so we can give vip even player is offline thanks


14 hours ago, techrax1423 said:

please add change ban and mute time in config




we cant ban players when they are offline, please change the ban command with banid "nickname" "reason" thanks



On 9/4/2022 at 12:51 AM, techrax1423 said:

we cant ban players when they are offline, please change the ban command with banid "nickname" "reason" thanks

I'm working on an integration with the ban systems that are available like enhanced ban system, ember and server armour.

it will be available next update.



On 9/4/2022 at 12:51 AM, techrax1423 said:

we cant ban players when they are offline, please change the ban command with banid "nickname" "reason" thanks

Should be working completely now ^^ added support for banid if you don't have serverarmour or enhancedbansystem loaded.



On 8/19/2022 at 9:09 AM, Tanki said:

Thanks for you answer.

Have a good day!

As of checking ember ban system, It did not have an api nor a console command that we can use to ban players using it.

I would suggest using enhanced ban system or server armour since both of them actually synchronize bans with ember.



I've asked for add a console command but seems inactive...


thanks for suggestion but i've paid ember so i don't want use a free plugin separatly ^^



I'm working on it seperately... It needs time to be completed as a full feature.



On 9/18/2022 at 7:41 AM, Tanki said:

I've asked for add a console command but seems inactive...


thanks for suggestion but i've paid ember so i don't want use a free plugin separatly ^^

I have added Ember support, you just have to make Ignore Ember false and it will all work accordingly.
Sorry It took so long.
I could work on a seperate plugin to add the ban and unban command to console for ember if you contact me on codefling.



Can roles specified in the config, which do not have admin permissions on Discord, use these commands?



On 1/7/2025 at 5:16 PM, Begi said:

Can roles specified in the config, which do not have admin permissions on Discord, use these commands?

you need to specify at least one role in the config for the plugin to work
the slash commands by default need administrator privileges to show up and you can override them in Server settings , Integrations, your app and the command you need to override.
you can also specify multiple roles for the main commands , and multiple roles for each command seperate for more limitations on admins



Does this plugin support the ability to ban a player on the server in a timely manner from Discord? And how does this work?

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