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Posted (edited)

I guess the instructions aren't clear on this. When I type /admin, it says "You are not assigned to any admin modes". How do I assign myself to an admin mode?

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed
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If you were wanting to fulfill Zeds request, you can use the existing API from SkillTree to prevent xp gain.

object STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity source)

Return a non-null value to prevent xp gain.

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Posted (edited)

@TomNXT you can leave the skin id as 0 because it doesn't exist
example > hoodie::0

Edited by Xray


10 hours ago, BetterDeadThanZed said:

I guess the instructions aren't clear on this. When I type /admin, it says "You are not assigned to any admin modes". How do I assign myself to an admin mode?

To grant yourself the default permision write this in the server console

o.grant user YOURNAME admintoggle.master

Posted (edited)

5 hours ago, Xray said:

To grant yourself the default permision write this in the server console

o.grant user YOURNAME admintoggle.master

i was struggling with this aswell, it is not mentioned anywhere that you must use prefix admintoggle + the title you have entered for the permission...


Edited by TomNXT
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15 minutes ago, TomNXT said:

i was struggling with this aswell, it is not mentioned anywhere that you must use prefix admintoggle + the title you have entered for the permission...


I highly recommend you use this amazing tool 
As then you do not have to worry about permissions names anymore



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Posted (edited)

Feature request: Section for items to add to your inventory while using Admin Mode (like a hammer for adminhammer or entityowner plugins)

Edited by TomNXT
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Hey mate a customer of mine mentioned a conflict between your plugin and EpicLoot.

Apparently when switching inventories, the items from EpicLoot are being returned as vanilla items, and they lose their name.


If you are destroying the items and serializing them, it should be a simple matter of storing the item.name, and then restoring it when creating the items again.

If you need any help feel free to download EventHelper for some inspiration or send me a pm ❤️


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Posted (edited)

how about adding an exception, whenever you would try to leave the admin mode while having active noclip/vanish, it would not allow you to do so and it could also throw up some warning message that you must turn it off first? Not possible? (To prevent being banned for flying)


Edited by TomNXT
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Is there a skin number for the admin outfit or a site where i can find one?

  • Like 1


8 hours ago, swagger_jacker said:

Is there a skin number for the admin outfit or a site where i can find one?

You can find some in the Rust Workshop.

We use this for our Outfit:



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On 10/3/2022 at 10:13 PM, TomNXT said:

how about adding an exception, whenever you would try to leave the admin mode while having active noclip/vanish, it would not allow you to do so and it could also throw up some warning message that you must turn it off first? Not possible? (To prevent being banned for flying)


I might do this making a setting in the config like
SafeExit = true;
Having this set to true wouldn't allow you to leave admin mode if not the following conditions are set
Player must NOT be flying
Player MUST be down on the ground

And regarding vanish there is nothing wrong in that end


  • Like 2


9 hours ago, swagger_jacker said:

Is there a skin number for the admin outfit or a site where i can find one?

You put itemShortName before :: and ItemWorkshopSkinID After ::

The example @Geini provided is very useful Thanks

47 minutes ago, Geini said:

You can find some in the Rust Workshop.

We use this for our Outfit:






On 10/7/2022 at 9:10 AM, Xray said:

I might do this making a setting in the config like
SafeExit = true;
Having this set to true wouldn't allow you to leave admin mode if not the following conditions are set
Player must NOT be flying
Player MUST be down on the ground

And regarding vanish there is nothing wrong in that end


yes please

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

On 10/8/2022 at 8:51 PM, TomNXT said:

yes please


Edited by TomNXT


On 10/7/2022 at 9:10 AM, Xray said:

I might do this making a setting in the config like
SafeExit = true;
Having this set to true wouldn't allow you to leave admin mode if not the following conditions are set
Player must NOT be flying
Player MUST be down on the ground

And regarding vanish there is nothing wrong in that end


so when we will have this feature please?

  • Like 1


6 hours ago, TomNXT said:

so when we will have this feature please?

In the next version
I barely have any time to code as of now (Sorry)
and as far as i am aware of i have delivered a finished product provided "as is" as it states in the license



Any options for those of us who don't have access to the data folder (hosted server)  ?  I know Bot repspawn has a secondary plugin that can download the  files required for that mod to that folder.    Anyone know a workaround ?



On 10/29/2022 at 11:12 PM, Xray said:

In the next version
I barely have any time to code as of now (Sorry)
and as far as i am aware of i have delivered a finished product provided "as is" as it states in the license

we would also appreciate a preset items like hammer inside the inventory when we enter the admin mode 😞



On 11/11/2022 at 11:44 PM, TomNXT said:

we would also appreciate a preset items like hammer inside the inventory when we enter the admin mode 😞

try to add:


in your outfit settings/config



I see your comments about not having time to code, but in the future, is there a chance that the plugin will be able to block an admin from getting economics coins, rust rewards, Skill Tree XP, etc while in admin mode? For my own purposes, I'd want it so the player earns no Economics coins and doesn't get XP towards Skill Tree.



I thought I had seen some discussion about the admin's name changing when switching modes. Is that not a thing in this plugin?

Wajeeh Agbariya


Failed to run command '/mode' on plugin 'CoreLevel'. (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at XLIB.PLAYER+Location+Utility.MountChair (BasePlayer player, System.Boolean LockMovement) [0x000f2] in <42b5d4b7ae6e481fa6dc987f1bb1cc61>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+CoreLevel.Set (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String reason, XLIB.PLAYER+AuthLevel+LevelType authLevel, Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+ConfigData+Modes targetMode, BasePlayer targetPlayer, System.Boolean QuickUnload, Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+ConfigData+Modes OnRevokeMode) [0x00694] in <6a2b616531fb4533b5b91053863c178d>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle+CoreLevel.Toggle (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00420] in <6a2b616531fb4533b5b91053863c178d>:0
  at Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries.Command+ChatCommand.HandleCommand (BasePlayer sender, System.String name, System.String[] args) [0x0001b] in <f514aa2c40934e9eace4d41edbe3cb9e>:0
  at Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries.Command.HandleChatCommand (BasePlayer sender, System.String name, System.String[] args) [0x00015] in <f514aa2c40934e9eace4d41edbe3cb9e>:0
  at Oxide.Game.Rust.RustCore.IOnPlayerCommand (BasePlayer basePlayer, System.String message) [0x000db] in <f514aa2c40934e9eace4d41edbe3cb9e>:0



Is anyone else having problems with this plugin after forcewipe?



Is anyone else having problems with this plugin after forcewipe?

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