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  1. Tangerine

    Not working after Update

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Cluster rockets - this plugin allows you to give unique cluster rockets to players. After rocket explosion it will create configured number of 40mm explosive grenades around it. WARNING! Plugin will work correctly only with rockets loaded into rocket launcher. Sam missiles or any other interaction with external plugins won't work. Plugin config variables { "SkinId": 3241394422, "AmmoShortName": "ammo.rocket.basic", "DisplayName": "Cluster Rocket", "GrenadesToDrop": 12, "Rocket explosion time after launch seconds Minimal": 5, "Rocket explosion time after launch seconds Maximum": 10 } Commands: clusterrockets.give <name or steamID> <amount> - give rockets to player How it works? Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. I working on couple updates for this plugin, so it takes some time. I think by end of this month there will be huge update for sentry turrets.
  4. I'm sorry to hear that, seems harmony work in a bit weird way, I already made an update for that!
  5. Version 1.0.2


    This plugin solves the problem of items with different skins transferred by industrial pipe lines being improperly stacked together. This plugin ensures that items with different skins are kept as separate stacks during transfer to storage containers. Important note. Plugin fully depends Harmony. How it works?
  6. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    About UPromocodes This essential plugin allows players to redeem exclusive in-game benefits by entering unique promo codes. Whether unlocking special items, resources, or perks, players can enhance their Rust experience with this intuitive promo code system. Plugin config { "Promo codes": [ { "Names ( chat command names )": [ "promo", "promo2" ], "Commands with delay": [ { "Delay seconds": 0.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] }, { "Delay seconds": 86400.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] } ] }, { "Names ( chat command names )": [ "promo", "promo2" ], "Commands with delay": [ { "Delay seconds": 0.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] }, { "Delay seconds": 86400.0, "Console commands": [ "test 1 %STEAMID%", "test 2 %STEAMID%" ] } ] } ] } Localization { "Chat_PromoWasActivated": "You successfully activated promo code.", "Chat_PromoAlreadyActivated": "You have already activated this promo code." } Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. @OverlordCyco You should download latest plugin version. I pushed it right after update.
  8. Tangerine


    Such things cannot be implemented due to how Rust works. I cannot track if player has opened his inventory or when he opens backpack to show the UI. Only when an actual container is opened.
  9. Tangerine


    Basically this is made so it doesn't take all the ammo from box, instead, it decomposes evenly. Also, if turret will be destroyed, it won't drop all the ammo. In future updates I'll add ability to set those amounts manually. Can you message me in discord ( metangerine ), so I can help you?
  10. Version 1.0.4

    1 download

    Cupboard auths will add an interactive UI to your server that will allow players to manage authed users list in cupboards. Permission: cupboardauths.use - permission required to use the plugin How it works? Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Tangerine


    Version 2.1.2


    Enhances base defense strategies by allowing players to connect all their traps and automated turrets to a specific supply box, that will provide ammo for them. Plugin config: { "Command": "tbox", "Box skin": 813269955, "Auto turret": true, "SAM site": true, "Gun trap": true, "Flame turret": true, "Sentry turret": false } Commands: /tbox add/remove - adds or removes target box as turret supply box. Permission: turretbox.use - permission required to use tbox command. How it works? Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Tangerine


    Version 1.2.7


    Trade with other players using shopfront interface Features: Smooth rust interface (shopfront) Moving items with right-click Rust trade logic (that means no bugs) Permission support (size, cooldown, etc) Items blacklist Config: { "Command": [ "trade", "t" ], "Extra accept command": [ "ta", "taccept" ], "Extra decline command": [ "td", "tcancel" ], "Effect on completing trade": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.shopfront/effects/metal_transaction_complete.prefab", "Effect on pending request": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Log trades": false, "Block trade in raidblock": true, "Block in building privilege": true, "Start cooldown after accepting trade": false, "Effects volume": 1.0, "Chat sender id": 0, "Permissions": [ { "Permission": "trade.default", "Priority": 1, "Size": 2, "Cooldown": 600 }, { "Permission": "trade.vip", "Priority": 2, "Size": 6, "Cooldown": 300 }, { "Permission": "trade.top", "Priority": 3, "Size": 12, "Cooldown": 60 } ], "Items black list": [ "rifle.ak", "stones" ] } Language: { "Usage": "Usage:\n/trade playerName\n/trade yes\n/trade no", "NoPending": "There are no pending trades!", "RequestAlreadyPending": "That player already have pending requests!", "TradeBegins": "Trade between {name1} and {name2} begins!", "RequestSent": "You sent trade request to {name}", "RequestReceived": "You received trade request from {name}", "TradeCancelled": "Trade was cancelled", "CantRightNow": "You can't do that right now", "Cooldown": "Cooldown for {seconds}", "Permission": "You don't have permission to do that!", "NoPlayers": "There are no players with that 'Name' or 'Steam ID' ({name})", "MultiplePlayers": "There are multiple players with that 'Name' :\n{list}" } Commands: trade <name or steamID> - request trade trade accept/+/yes/y/a - accept trade from player trade cancel/-/no/n/c - decline trade from player Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Yep, will add it in next update. Not yet, but will be in next update


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