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Total Admin Bot 1.0.2

   (1 review)

16 Screenshots

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About Total Admin Bot

This bot includes the features:


Suggestions bot to turn text into suggestions in a specific channel.

Link scanning bot with VirusTotal api checking with a log channel

Quick admin replies with slash commands via /tabhelp

/Search feature to query player data with integrations with SimpleLink

Please reach out for questions, concerns, or suggestions!
Leave a comment and rate this bot on codefling!

This bot is light-weight and doesn't require many resources.
It doesn't log anything, so you just need to deploy it and forget about it.

The search feature is hidden to only you, so don't be afraid to use it in any channel.



Fill out all the options in the config.json file. 

We've provided a file called 'colors' that has colors you can use for embed colors.
Just plug one of those numbers into the colors option in the config.

Make sure each link has a https:// behind it otherwise some
of the features wont work as intended.

If you don't require a certain feature, remove the cog from the cogs folder.
You can leave the config options in the file, the rest will still function.

If you don't have simple-link installed, it cannot query any API to pull links
and that feature will not function.

The suggestions feature just takes text that is put into that specific channel you entered into
config and deletes the original text and replaces it with an embed with automated reactions and a thread.
There is no command.


SimpleLink - https://codefling.com/tools/simple-link-discord-steam-linking-system
Discord Bot Token - https://discord.com/developers/applications
VIRUSTOTAL API KEY: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/my-apikey
SteamAPI key: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey

For some of the features like link_url, steam_group_link, and vip_webpage, you MUST provide links
to each of these otherwise the bot will not respond to you.

If you don't have them, it is a good idea to make them.

In the developer portal for discord in the bot section of your applicated will be some checks for privalged intents.
You need to select, presense, message, and server intents. Make sure they are on or the bot wont run.


Running the bot:

DISCLAIMER: I will provide instructions and links to each thing, but you will have to read how to install it
on your environment given the links I provide.

If you are on windows I have included a start.bat that will automatically run the startup and download
all the requirements to run the application.

You must install python on the windows machine.




The machine needs to have the latest version of python installed.
If you are on linux then I'm assuming you can figure this out.



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