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Self Hosted

This is a self-hosted Discord bot which will require a hosting environment. Host for free on your own or find a reliable host!

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About CrazyBot - EASY SETUP

This is a Rust discord bot, that i have developed myself. It can do alot of things.



You legit just have to run install.bat and change token in the Src/Credentials/Config.js

Clan system

            General Commands:

            Clan Admin Commands:

            Clan Owner Commands:

Admin Commands

Suggestion System

Ticket System

Giveaway System

/giveaway <duration> <winners> <prize> <channel it should be sent in> - Starts a giveaway in the given channel - Join message: https://imgur.com/a/ehKqzcQ

/reroll <giveaway messageid> - Rerolls the given giveaway

/end <giveaway messageid> - Ends the given giveaway

/list - Gives a list of the current ongoing giveaways

Other Systems

itswut's Collection

User Feedback



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