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AlphaLoot 5x Loot Table Config 1.0.0

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Hello. Sorry about that I had to update it and I messed up the picture. That's completely my fault. If you send me your discord I will also send you the 10x file and  you can keep the 5x.

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@Harleygood job with cleaning up the loot tables... but the scrap isn't 5x, and does not appear to be something you can manipulate on a per item basis unless you use the AlphaLoot global multiplier ... which then wants to x5 everything you've already set to 5.

Wouldn't it have been better to just produce a single modified, cleaned up AlphaLoot loot table for default, heli, bradley and then use the global multiplier to improve the qnty, while also getting the desired x5 scrap, or am I missing something here, is there a way to improve the scrap on barrels without having to add scrap to barrel 1 and barrel 2 as that doesn't appear to work.



All scrap, including barrels, is 5x for the helicopter, Bradley, etc. If you are asking if there is a way to have them all in one file, there is not, as that is how the Alphaloot plugin has it set up, which means the only way of modifying them is through the separate files.



What I had to do in order to get it working as 5x for Scrap on everything is ... change global modifier to 5x in AlphaLoot config. Then using the Alphaloot editor, with your cleaned up loot files, I went through every loot option and flagged most options with the checkbox that says "don't multiply"... so it left all your qnty alone, while giving me 5x on scrap for everything.



There must have been something wrong with the your editor. I am glad it is working now. I just tested it again and it works flawlessly without having to edit which is weird. If  you need any more assistance please let me know. 🙂




Long story short, Scrap multiplication is missing in your profiles. That's the easiest way to say it, and has nothing to do with my AlphaLoot editor.

You might have misunderstood... your pre-done config files are setup for 2x, 3x, 5x, and 10x each file having its own set qnty of loot for the type of boosted server using the file. Correct?

What I was trying to say was, after you deleted all the junk loot you increased the qnty of the items "manually" to be 2, 3, 5, 10 etc. for each lootable container. This is ok, clearly ... however none of the SCRAP was multiplied because scrap doesn't exist in the loot profiles like a Barrel, or a tool box etc... they're just added by the game, or AlphaLoot when populating loot containers and not something you can configure unless its at a global level from the looks of it. Therefor the SCRAP qnty was still default with your loot profiles. The players would receive the exact same qnty of scrap using your loot profiles for the 2x, 3x, 5x, and 10x. There is no boost in scrap qnty because you didn't factor it in. Now either this was by design, or it wasn't... but I'm going to assume since there is no mention of this in your loot profile config that its NOT by design, and was an honest oversight.

The only scrap that came out in a decent qnty was scrap that you had "manually" added yourself with set qnty in something like a lock box or something.

What I was trying to say was, you could have simply removed junk loot, improved the loot but left all those quantities at default and then allowed the AlphaLoot Global modifier to do the 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x multiplying of loot qnty. This way you would also get the appropriate SCRAP multiplier as well. 🙂

The AlphaLoot when editing the loot profiles has an option to NOT MULTIPLY specific items. So if your loot profile said 1 stone gate, I simply said yes they shouldn't receive 5 with the global multiplier, and I checked the box that said do not multiply... meanwhile I changed your say "gears" back to qnty 1, then allowed it to be multiplied (5x), so now I still get qnty 5 on the map... but best of all, I can use this exact same profile now on 2x, 3x, and 10x because it will be multiplied by the global multiplier... and all items that were marked as do not multiply, will still come out as qnty 1, or whatever qnty they're set to.

Hope this made better sense, but you could have just made 1 single universal AlphaLoot profile, then let the server admin use the built in AlphaLoot config / multiplier section to set it for his/her type of server multiplication vs. selling like 4 different ones that don't multiply scrap.




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Has this scrap issue been fixed ?

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