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Found 3 results

  1. Mercury


    Version 1.0.2


    IQSimpleVote - a plugin that allows you to create polls and votes for your server! Gather player opinions, conduct surveys, and learn the wishes of your players who are active on the server! Unlimited number of polls—create as many as you want on any topic—the only limit is your imagination. Plugin Installation: - Download and extract the archive to a convenient folder. - Move the images to your server's data files at the path .../data/IQSystem/IQSimpleVote/Images (If this folder does not exist, create it). - Upload the IQSimpleVote.cs plugin to the ../oxide/plugins folder. Note for users who use the "Web File Editor" on hosting services: Before transferring files, extract the archive locally to a convenient location, and then move the files from there. Permissions : iqsimplevote.admin - permission to manage polls using commands. Chat Commands: /vote - opens the voting interface /vote.start Key - starts voting from the configuration /vote.stop - ends the active voting /vote.admin Key - shows the admin UI interface for checking the voting text /vote.key - displays all available keys from the configuration Console Commands: vote - opens the voting interface vote.start Key - starts voting from the configuration vote.stop - ends the active voting vote.admin Key - shows the admin UI interface for checking the voting text vote.key - displays all available keys from the configuration Feature List: Beautiful and Intuitive Interface: No hassle for players—simply choose the answer that suits them from the available options! Check out the "Screenshots" tab for more visuals! Discord Notifications: The plugin supports notifications about the start of a poll and its results upon completion! Multilingual Support: The plugin offers full multilingual support, from language files to headers and descriptions in the configuration! Your polls are accessible to all players, regardless of their language. You can check out a sample configuration in the "Configuration" tab. Configuration : { "Chat command to open UI": "vote", "Configuration of supported plugins": { "IQChat: Chat notification settings": { "IQChat: Custom prefix in chat": "<color=#1F6BA0>[IQSimpleVote]</color>\n", "IQChat: Custom avatar in chat (if required)": "0" } }, "Discord settings": { "Webhook (Leave empty if you do not need results and notifications in Discord)": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1161367749281456250/kvwg6ArR-iZbQdrk-oxtKRUnC_5vYaMRMLMLmG3duWgnOFvFeEkCmjkrNBYySLDWDRob", "Configuration of Discord message formatting for vote start": { "Title": "A new vote has started!", "Description (do not delete {0})": "Join the server and vote using the command {0}", "Additional text in the footer": "Every vote counts! Join in and participate!", "Message (e.g., you can use @everyone)": "@everyone", "Message color": 7572805, "Author's name": "Voting", "Author's avatar": "https://i.postimg.cc/pX1XBcZf/vote.png", "Additional image": "https://i.postimg.cc/pX1XBcZf/vote.png" }, "Configuration of Discord message formatting for vote end": { "Title": "Voting has ended", "Description (do not delete {0})": "Voting results: \n{0}", "Additional text in the footer": "Thank you for participating", "Message (e.g., you can use @everyone)": "", "Message color": 13451563, "Author's name": "Voting", "Author's avatar": "https://i.postimg.cc/8kfSSkB6/stats.png", "Additional image": "https://i.postimg.cc/8kfSSkB6/stats.png" } }, "Interface settings": { "Text color": "0.8941177 0.854902 0.8196079 1", "Background color": "0.8941177 0.854902 0.8196079 0.3", "Color of the button for the option voted by the player": "0.7607843 0.427451 0.2 1", "Color of the buttons for options not voted by the player": "0.4509804 0.5529412 0.2705882 1" }, "List of votes [UniqueKey] - Settings": { "map": { "Title for voting in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Голосование за карту на следующий вайп", "en": "Voting for the card for the next wipe" }, "List of voting options (Must be at least 2)": [ { "Image for the voting option (Upload to ..data/IQSystem/IQSimpleVote/Images)": "EXAMPLE_VOTE_MAP_ICON", "Title for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Карта `Посейдон`", "en": "Map 'Poseidon'" }, "Description for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Размер : 3500\nКастомных РТ : 10\nИмеется космодром\n\nПочти вся карта в воде", "en": "Size: 3500\nCustom RTs: 10\nIncludes a spaceport\n\nAlmost the entire map is underwater" } }, { "Image for the voting option (Upload to ..data/IQSystem/IQSimpleVote/Images)": "EXAMPLE_VOTE_MAP_ICON", "Title for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Карта `Засуха`", "en": "Map 'Drought'" }, "Description for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Размер : 3250\nКастомных РТ : 6\nНет космодрома\n\nПочти вся карта состоит из песка", "en": "Size: 3250\nCustom RTs: 6\nNo spaceport\n\nAlmost the entire map is made of sand" } }, { "Image for the voting option (Upload to ..data/IQSystem/IQSimpleVote/Images)": "EXAMPLE_VOTE_MAP_ICON", "Title for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Карта `Процедурная`", "en": "Map 'Procedural'" }, "Description for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Размер : 3000\nКастомных РТ : 0\nСлучайные монументы\n\nРельеф карты будет полностью случайный", "en": "Size: 3000\nCustom RTs: 0\nRandom monuments\n\nThe map's terrain will be completely random" } } ] }, "drone": { "Title for voting in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Голосование за установку нового плагина", "en": "Voting for the installation of a new plugin" }, "List of voting options (Must be at least 2)": [ { "Image for the voting option (Upload to ..data/IQSystem/IQSimpleVote/Images)": "DRONE_YES", "Title for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Нравится", "en": "Like" }, "Description for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Плагин IQDronePatrol\nДроны будут патрулировать монументы\nДополнительный лут\nБольше игрового опыта", "en": "IQDronePatrol Plugin\nDrones will patrol monuments\nAdditional loot\nMore gameplay experience" } }, { "Image for the voting option (Upload to ..data/IQSystem/IQSimpleVote/Images)": "DRONE_NO", "Title for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Не нравится", "en": "Dislike" }, "Description for the option in different languages [LanguageKey] = Text": { "ru": "Подумайте!\nЭто очень интересный опыт\nРасскажите в нашем Discord почему вы против", "en": "Think About It!\nThis is a very interesting experience.\nShare in our Discord why you’re against it." } } ] } } }
  2. Kalvi


    Version 1.2.0


    The plugin adds the ability to skip nights by voting with the /voteday command. Additionally, the command can be used by people who have permission. Every day at 19:00 in-game time the voting is turned on, if the voting is successful the time is switched to 8:00 am. Command /voteday: Starts voting for skipping the night if voting is not already in progress. Requires the “voteday.use” permission. /voteday reload: Reloads the plugin configuration. Requires “voteday.admin” permission. /voteday set timevote <seconds>: Sets the voting time in seconds and saves it to the configuration file. Requires the “voteday.admin” permission. /voteday set requiredpercentage <percentage>: Sets the required percentage of votes (ranging from 1 to 100) and writes it to the configuration file. Requires the “voteday.admin” permission. Permission voteday.use: Allows the player to participate in voting. voteday.admin: Allows the player to reload the plugin configuration and change the voting settings. Configuration file { "VoteDuration": 180.0, "RequiredPercentage": 50 } Lang { "VoteStarted": "<color=#FFFF00>Vote to skip the night has started! You have {0} seconds to vote. Type /voteday to vote. {1} votes are needed to pass.</color>", "VoteCount": "<color=#00FF00>{0} players voted yes out of {1}.</color>", "VotePassed": "<color=#00FF00>The vote passed! {0} players voted yes out of {1}. Skipping to day.</color>", "VoteFailed": "<color=#FF0000>The vote failed. {0} players voted yes out of {1}. The night will continue.</color>", "NoPermission": "<color=#FF0000>You do not have permission to use this command.</color>", "AlreadyVoting": "<color=#FF0000>A vote is already in progress.</color>", "AlreadyVoted": "<color=#FF0000>You have already voted.</color>", "ConfigReloaded": "<color=#00FF00>Configuration reloaded successfully.</color>", "InvalidCommand": "<color=#FF0000>Invalid command usage. Use /voteday set timevote <seconds> or /voteday set requiredpercentage <percentage>.</color>", "VoteDurationSet": "<color=#00FF00>Vote duration set to {0} seconds.</color>", "RequiredPercentageSet": "<color=#00FF00>Required vote percentage set to {0}%.</color>", "InvalidPercentage": "<color=#FF0000>Invalid percentage. Please enter a value between 1 and 100.</color>" }
  3. I would like a good looking skip night plugin with a fancy style and usage! Maybe @Mevent can do something like this ?


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