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  1. Version 1.1.1


    RaidRush Event: Destroy structures, earn points, and compete for rewards. Highly Customizable settings and leaderboard UI Features - > DEMO Video < Event Control: Choose between manual event start or automatic event start at specified intervals. Set the duration of each event. Define the minimum number of players required to start an event. User Interface (UI) Customization: Display a leaderboard UI showing the top participants. Customize the position, size, and style of the UI. Specify the number of participants to show on the leaderboard. Highlight top performers on the leaderboard. Customize the UI message and colors. Notifications: Show GameTip notifications during the event. Customize the style, duration, and content of GameTip notifications. Send chat notifications about event start and participation. Winner Rewards: Define rewards for the top winners, including items, commands, or plugin-specific rewards. Customize the rewards for each place (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). Personalize the notification message for each winner. Entity and Base Points: Assign points for destroying specific entities (doors, walls, turrets, etc.). Set different point values based on the entity type. Award points for destroying bases based on their material. Event Behavior: Customize the autostart interval, allowing events to start automatically within a specified range. Configure the notification sound played at the start of the event. Define the delay between multiple winner announcements. Command/Permission - raidrush.start - Permission startraidrush - Chat and Console command Default config - { "Only Command Start Event": false, "How long will Event last (seconds)": 1800.0, "Autostart Min Interval (seconds)": 3000.0, "Autostart Max Interval (seconds)": 5400.0, "Minimum Players To Start Event": 1, "Show Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Location X": 0.662, "UI Location Y": 0.0225, "UI Width": 0.155, "UI Height": 0.22, "Number of Participants shown on Leaderboard": 5, "Leaderboard Style | false = single column, true = double column": false, "Brighten/Highlight Top 1-4 players on Leaderboard": true, "UI Message": "<i>RAID BASES TO GAIN POINTS!</i>", "UI No Participants Yet Text": "<i>BE THE FIRST TO RAID!</i>", "UI Color 1": "#cd4632", "UI Color 2": "#363636", "UI Color 3": "white", "UI Background Color (R G B A)": "35 35 35 0.17", "GameTip Notifications": true, "GameTip Style | '1' = Red Or '2' = Blue |": "1", "GameTip Duration (seconds) !only works with style 2(blue)!": 7.0, "Chat Notifications": true, "Notification of Event Start(Chat and GameTip)": "<color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event has started! Raid <color=#cd4632>Bases</color> to gain points!", "Notification When nobody participates in the event": "No one participated in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color>", "Notification Sound of Event Start": true, "Winner Multiple Announcements Delay(seconds)": 3.0, "Entity Points Given When Destroyed": { "door.hinged.wood": 1, "door.double.hinged.wood": 1, "door.hinged.metal": 2, "door.double.hinged.metal": 2, "door.hinged.toptier": 3, "door.double.hinged.toptier": 3, "shutter.metal.embrasure.a": 1, "shutter.metal.embrasure.b": 1, "wall.window.bars.metal": 1, "wall.window.bars.wood": 1, "wall.window.bars.toptier": 2, "wall.window.glass.reinforced": 2, "wall.external.high.wood": 3, "gates.external.high.wood": 3, "wall.frame.garagedoor": 2, "wall.frame.shopfront.metal": 2, "vendingmachine.deployed": 2, "cupboard.tool.deployed": 2, "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch": 2, "floor.ladder.hatch": 2, "autoturret_deployed": 3, "wall.external.high.stone": 4, "gates.external.high.stone": 4, "sam_site_turret_deployed": 4 }, "Base Points Given When Destroyed !Enable Twigs from code if needed!": { "Wood": 1, "Stone": 2, "Metal": 3, "TopTier": 4 }, "Winner Rewards, make sure to change each value to your liking (add more if needed)": { "1": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "2": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "3": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "4": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" } } }


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