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Version 0.0.4
This plugin allows you to remove the gibs from almost everything in the game whenever it gets destroyed. It is also fully customizable for the best server/user experience. Note: I personally recommend just using default config unless you want certain things to have gibs while not wanting certain other things to have gibs. Default Config: { "Remove ALL gibs from destroying/removing everything. (Including decaying things)": true, "Remove gibs from exploded entities.": false, "Remove gibs from ent killed entities.": false, "Remove gibs from entities killed by cargo driving through base.": false, "Remove gibs from modular car being killed.": false, "Remove gibs from modular car being hurt.": false, "Remove gibs from mountable things (chairs, couches, vehicles, slot machines, etc).": false, "Remove gibs from loot containers after being looted fully by a player.": false, "Remove gibs from loot containers killed by Patrol Heli/Bradley.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when using a hammer to demolish them.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when not enough Stability.": false, "Remove gibs from tool-cupboard when placing in another building privilege zone.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when their ground is missing.": false, "Remove gibs from traincars when they die.": false, "Remove gibs from barricades blocking the train (EX: the blockades in tunnels underground).": false, "Remove gibs from boats when the pool they are in get destroyed.": false } Video Demo:$1.99 -
Version 0.0.2
This Harmony Plugin prevents ALL players who own the spray can from being able to use ONLY free spraying with the spray can. This means it still allows both the reskinning of entities, and allows the spray images (the ones similar to CS:GO). It will only prevent the use of the free spray, the one that allows a user to draw with the spray can. This means for servers who disabled the Spray Can because it was allowing players to spray things they shouldn't now can enable it! My next goal is to make it so staff (BasePlayer.Developer/BasePlayer.Admin) are allowed to use it if they own it, but regular players are not, so long as its possible. Just place this plugin in your plugins folder like any other plugin. This plugin does use harmony, but does so while still remaining a .cs file. As such, it needs to be placed in the plugins folder. DO NOT put it into the harmonymods folder, as it will not work.Free