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  1. Wrecks

    Beast Master

    Version 2.0.6


    Create as many Versions of Animals with varying rewards as you like, Give Base Item drops to Unlicensed Players, Bonus items can be dropped to Licensed Players. Demo Video Limit The Spawn to Certain Monuments using the monument Prefab Paths to Restrict High Level Spawns, To High Tier Monuments. Licenses can be used for Players to obtain A bonus Loot Table of items vs being unlicensed. Sell Licenses Via Server Rewards or Economics Works with Deployable Nature as these spawned Animals are created in Plugin. Marker Manager can be used to mark Animals on Map. Full Discord Logging of Kills Available. Building Restriction is Configurable to prevent players from Being out of reach of Melee. Skill Tree can be used to give players XP on Takedown. Custom Monument? No problem, Add your own profiles via command, and add the profile to the config section of the animal you want to spawn there. COMMANDS /ADDBMP “NAME” – ADDS A SPAWN PROFILE ON YOUR POS, TO USE IN CONFIG FOR CUSTOM PROFILE /REMBMP “NAME” – REMOVES THE SPAWN PROFILE FROM DATA /DBMP – DEBUGS POINTS TO ADMINS WITH PERMISSION /BMTOP – ANNOUNCES TOP BEAST MASTER HUNTERS TO PLAYER WHO RUNS COMMAND /SPAWNBEAST- ADMINCOMMAND - WILL TRIGGER THE SPAWN METHOD TO ATTEMPT TO SPAWN AN ANIMAL BASED ON CHANCE /SPAWNMAINTAINED - ADMINCOMMAND - WILL TRIGGER THE SPAWN METHOD FOR MAINTAINED BEAST, IF APPLICABLE PERMISSIONS BeastMaster.LifetimeLicense BeastMaster.AdminPermission CONFIG { "Settings": { "Clear Top Kills On Wipe?": false, "Top Beast Eliminations Announce Interval": 3799, "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_URL", "Log Kills to Discord?": false, "Enable Maintained Beasts?": false, "Enable Custom Spawn Profiles?": false, "Wipe Custom Profiles On Wipe?": false, "Maintained Spawn Interval Check Will Spawn 1 Maintained Beast": 3300, "Spawn Attempt Interval": 600, "Max Retries for Suitable Spawn": 5, "Max Beast Master Animals To Exist In World": 3, "Announce Spawn to Chat?": true, "Announce Death to Chat on Successful Kill?": true, "Restrict Building Distance": 100, "Use Marker Manager To Show Location On Map?": true, "Enable Skill Tree Xp Gain?": true, "Enable Beast Master License? (Needed to Grant Bonus Drops)": true, "Price to Purchase a Beast Master License?": 10000, "Take License on Death?": true, "Console Command to Purchase a Beast Master License? (For GUI Shops)": "buybml", "Chat Command to Purchase a Beast Master License?": "buybml", "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 1, "Wipe License on Wipe?": true }, "Marker Settings": { "Animal Marker Radius": 0.3, "Animal Marker Color": "ffe135", "Animal Marker Outline": "000000", "Animal Marker Alpha": 0.75 }, "Beast Entries": { "Savage_Boar": { "Animal Config": { "Type (1 - Polar Bear, 2 - Bear, 3 - Wolf, 4 - Boar, 5 - Stag, 6 - Chicken)": 4, "Health": 500, "Attack Range": 2.5, "Attack Damage": 50, "Attack Rate [sec.]": 1.5, "Speed": 10, "Roam Range": 100, "Chase Range": 100, "Sense Range": 100, "Listen Range": 100, "Sleep Distance": 100, "Memory Duration": 100, "Hostile Targets Only": false, "Can Run Away Water": false, "Can Sleep": false, "Turret Damage Scale": 0 }, "Is a Maintained Beast? (Will Always Be Spawned To Patrol A Monument If They Don't Exist, Does not count towards Total Animals. Rec Spawn Rate Setting 1)": false, "If this is a Maintained Beast, What Is Its Cooldown in Seconds To Respawn After Death": 3600, "Tier Name (Chat)": "Savage Boar", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 200, "Monuments": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab" ], "Custom Spawn Profile": [ "PROFILENAME" ], "Spawn Chance": 1, "Random Distance Min from Monument": 100, "Random Distance Max from Monument": 200, "Min Amount of Items To Drop": 2, "Max Amount of Items To Drop": 4, "Loot Drop": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3048132587, "Custom Name": "Cash", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ], "Licensed Beast Master Bonus Drops": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "glue", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] }, "Cocaine_Bear": { "Animal Config": { "Type (1 - Polar Bear, 2 - Bear, 3 - Wolf, 4 - Boar, 5 - Stag, 6 - Chicken)": 2, "Health": 500, "Attack Range": 2.5, "Attack Damage": 50, "Attack Rate [sec.]": 1.5, "Speed": 10, "Roam Range": 100, "Chase Range": 100, "Sense Range": 100, "Listen Range": 100, "Sleep Distance": 100, "Memory Duration": 100, "Hostile Targets Only": false, "Can Run Away Water": false, "Can Sleep": false, "Turret Damage Scale": 0 }, "Is a Maintained Beast? (Will Always Be Spawned To Patrol A Monument If They Don't Exist, Does not count towards Total Animals. Rec Spawn Rate Setting 1)": false, "If this is a Maintained Beast, What Is Its Cooldown in Seconds To Respawn After Death": 3600, "Tier Name (Chat)": "Cocaine Bear", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 500, "Monuments": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab" ], "Custom Spawn Profile": [ "PROFILENAME" ], "Spawn Chance": 0.1, "Random Distance Min from Monument": 100, "Random Distance Max from Monument": 200, "Min Amount of Items To Drop": 2, "Max Amount of Items To Drop": 4, "Loot Drop": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3048132587, "Custom Name": "Cash", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ], "Licensed Beast Master Bonus Drops": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "glue", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] } } } LANG { "Revoked": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] Your <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License has been revoked, You will not Receive Bonus Items on Beast Eliminations.", "InsufficientFunds": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You don't have enough funds to purchase a <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License. \nIt costs <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color><color=#a642b5>{1}</color>.", "AlreadyHasLicense": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You already have a <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License.", "BuyBeastMasterLicenseSuccess": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] <color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color> License Obtained. \nYou were charged {0}<color=#3e9c35>{1}</color>, Watch your Surroundings, <color=#b8ff35>{2}</color>!", "AnimalKilledBroadcast": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] \n<color=#b8ff35>{0}</color> killed a <color=#ff7c35>{1}</color> at <color=#35ffe1>{2}</color>", "AnimalFledBroadcast": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] \nA <color=#ff7c35>{0}</color> has Fled our Trackers...", "AnimalSpottedBroadcast": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] \nA <color=#ff7c35>{0}</color> has been spotted near Grid Location - <color=#35ffe1>{1}</color>", "RestrictBuildingMessage": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You cannot build within {0} meters of a Beast Master Target.", "XPMessage": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] You gained <color=#ffe135>{0}</color> <color=#ff7c35>XP</color> for the <color=#ff7c35>{1}</color> Takedown.", "BonusItemsReminder": "[<color=#ffe135>Beast Master</color>] Remember, You can earn Bonus Items with a Valid Beast Master License." }
  2. Version 2.5.9


    Extended Studios License System ================================ GENERAL FEATURES ----------------- Two license types (Normal and Rust Plugin) Advanced admin panel Secure API system Automatic license verification IP and port-based control Time-limited licenses Detailed logging system Multi-language support (TR, EN, DE, FR, RU) SECURITY FEATURES ------------------ • SSL encryption support • Two-factor authentication • Rate limiting protection • IP-based security • Automatic license checking • Secure encryption algorithms RUST PLUGIN FEATURES --------------------- • Automatic plugin verification • IP and Port based licensing • Customizable error messages • Plugin-based license management • Unload/Stop Network options • Real-time license validation NORMAL LICENSE FEATURES ----------------------- • Unlimited product creation • Time-based licenses • Automatic license key generation • Email notifications • License status tracking • Easy license management TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ------------------------ • PHP 7.4+ compatible • MySQL database • Responsive design • Easy installation • Detailed documentation • Regular updates ADMIN PANEL ------------ • User-friendly interface • Detailed statistics • License management • Product management • Log records • Settings panel API FEATURES ------------- • RESTful API • JSON responses • Easy integration • Fast verification • Secure connection • Detailed documentation SUPPORT AND UPDATES ------------------- • 24/7 Discord support • Regular updates • Detailed installation guide • Video tutorials • Quick technical support • Problem resolution guarantee LICENSE TERMS ------------- • Single domain usage • Source code modification prohibited • License sharing prohibited • Resale prohibited • Legal protection • Copyright protection WHY CHOOSE US? -------------- • Reliable infrastructure • Professional support • Continuous development • Customer-focused service • Competitive pricing • Proven success DEMO VIDEO ----------- Watch our product demonstration and installation video: https://youtu.be/UKMHxVJa450 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk2ZwZ9AWRk CONTACT --------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AgqshzsgYB Email: [email protected] © 2024 ExtendedStudios - All rights reserved.
  3. Version 1.0.5


    License Wallet is a utility plugin I created for server owners who want a quick and easy way for players to check their active or inactive licenses. These licenses provide bonuses when used with my RP/Role-based plugins that incorporate the license feature. Relies on Image Library to Show Images. Command to activate is /lw Or for a more fluid / rp in game use Server owners can set this up. Use a small halloween loot bag, or anything that unwraps as its base item usage, add it to your loot table, it wont consume on use and upgrade is blocked. ADDED A TEXT FIELD YOU CAN INSERT TEXT TO QUICK REFERENCE THE COST OF LICENSES TO YOUR PLAYERS IF YOU HAVE THE BUY BUTTON ENABLED. CONFIG { "Wallet Skin ID": 3321288892, "Show Not Installed Buttons When Missing A Dependency?": true, "Add Buy Button Where Available?": true, "Console Command In Bounty Hunter Plugin? (BE SURE TO LEAVE A SPACE AFTER THE COMMAND FOR PLAYER ID TO PARSE) Ex: buybl ": "buybl ", "Bounty License Price From Your Bounty Hunter Config": "<color=green>Price: $10,000</color>", "Console Command In The Florist Plugin? (BE SURE TO LEAVE A SPACE AFTER THE COMMAND FOR PLAYER ID TO PARSE) Ex: buyfg ": "buyfg ", "Florist Guide Price From Your Florist Config": "<color=green>Price: $10,000</color>", "Console Command In Zombie Hunter Plugin? (BE SURE TO LEAVE A SPACE AFTER THE COMMAND FOR PLAYER ID TO PARSE) Ex: buyzl ": "buyzl ", "Zombie License Price From Your Zombie Hunter Config": "<color=green>Price: $10,000</color>", "Console Command In The Angler Plugin? (BE SURE TO LEAVE A SPACE AFTER THE COMMAND FOR PLAYER ID TO PARSE) Ex: buyal ": "buyal ", "Angler License Price From Your Angler Config": "<color=green>Price: $10,000</color>", "Console Command In The Trapper Plugin? (BE SURE TO LEAVE A SPACE AFTER THE COMMAND FOR PLAYER ID TO PARSE) Ex: buytl ": "buytl ", "Trapper License Price From Your Trapper Config": "<color=green>Price: $10,000</color>", "Console Command In Beast Master Plugin? (BE SURE TO LEAVE A SPACE AFTER THE COMMAND FOR PLAYER ID TO PARSE) Ex: buybml ": "buybml ", "Beast Master License Price From Your Beast Master Config": "<color=green>Price: $10,000</color>" }
  4. Dear Codefling Development Team and Developers, I am reaching out to you with some concerns and questions as a loyal customer and server operator. I regularly review your licensing agreements and wonder if you truly understand what is outlined within them. We acquire many plugins from Codefling, considering you the most trustworthy source. However, due to these licenses, buyers have very limited rights. When I purchase a plugin, I would like the ability to customize it for our community server. Why is this not allowed according to your licenses? Considerable amounts of money are invested in plugins. At times, there are developers who create fantastic plugins but then discontinue their support or release a plugin without offering further assistance. Hence, my questions are as follows: Am I allowed, as a server owner and purchaser, to adapt the plugins I acquire from you for my personal needs? Can I commission a developer to make these adjustments for my server? Is it permissible for a developer on my team to make changes to the plugin for my server? I do not intend to resell the plugin but simply wish to personalize it for my server. Many plugins could benefit from further optimization, but I often encounter reluctance when approaching developers. There are many developers on your platform who genuinely care about their community and aren't solely motivated by financial gain. We understand the potential for profit in Rust plugins, and as such, we rely on you. Therefore, I urge you to consider allowing us, as server owners, a bit more flexibility and creative freedom. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a clear response or establish clear and comprehensive licensing terms. Many developers and customers do not strictly adhere to the licenses through Discord. Sincerely, MeinRust P.S. My suggestion for a unified licensing agreement: Allowed Use The licensee is granted the non-exclusive right to use the material exclusively for private, "Community Rust-Server" purposes. This includes displaying, editing, translate, modifying, adapting, and saving the material. Any commercial use, including sale, licensing, or publication for commercial purposes, is expressly prohibited. Limitations a. The licensee may not resell, rent, license, or otherwise transfer the material. b. The licensee may not use the material to create or distribute unlawful, offensive, defamatory, or otherwise inappropriate content. c. The licensee may not claim to be the author of the material. Copyright and Ownership The copyright and all other rights to the material remain with the rights holder. This license does not grant the licensee any intellectual property rights except those expressly stated in this agreement. Disclaimer The material is provided "as is," without any warranty or guarantee. The rights holder assumes no responsibility for any damages that may arise from the use of the material. I would like to express my sincere thanks for your excellent work! @ThePitereq , @Raul-Sorin Sorban, @KpucTaJl , @Adem, @NooBlet, @Mevent, @imthenewguy, @The_Kiiiing, @Death , @nivex


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