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Version 1.1.2
KillFeed is a fully customizable Rust plugin that instantly broadcasts real-time kill and death notifications, fueling your server with immediate combat insights and intensifying the multiplayer experience for every player. Key Features Killer Settings: Text Format: Customize which data is displayed (e.g., killer's nickname). Font: Choose the font (e.g., robotoсondensed-bold.ttf). Font Size: Adjust the text size. Color: Precisely set the text color using RGBA values. Distance Settings: Text Format: Display the distance to the target (e.g., {0}m). Font: Choose the font (e.g., robotoсondensed-regular.ttf). Font Size: Adjust the text size. Color: Precisely set the text color using RGBA values. Target Settings: Text Format: Configure the display of the target's nickname. Font: Choose the font and its parameters. Font Size and Color: Similar to killer settings. Images: Customize images for various events (e.g., default death image and headshot icon). Other Settings: Offsets: Adjust the position of the text on the screen. Lifetime: Set the duration for which the notification is visible. Max Kills on Screen: Set the number of events displayed simultaneously. Background Color: Adjust the background color of the notifications. Commands: /killfeed — Enable/disable the kill feed. /kf.edit — Open the admin panel. Permissions: killfeed.use — View kills. killfeed.admin — Access the admin panel. Images for FileManager mode: Link Configuration { "Which method of download images use? (ImageLibrary, Internal, FileManager)": "FileManager", "Add bots deaths to killfeed?": true, "Add animals deaths to killfeed?": true, "Add BradleyAPC deaths to killfeed?": false, "Add patrol helicopter deaths to killfeed?": false, "Kill lifetime in UI": 10, "Default death image (types - Sprite, URL, Shortname)": { "If type = shortname, enter here ItemId": "assets/icons/skull.png", "Type": "Sprite" }, "UI Settings": { "Fadein": 1.0, "Background color": "0.177 0.0658 0.481 0.945", "Max kills panels in UI": 3, "Anchor settings": { "AnchorMin": "1 1", "AnchorMax": "1 1" }, "Offset settings": { "OffsetMinX": -361.4165, "OffsetMaxX": -4.899963, "OffsetMinY": -29.91622, "OffsetMaxY": -5.100018, "Indent": 3.0 }, "Killer settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Target settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Distance settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}m", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Headshot image (types - URL, Sprite, Shortname)": { "If type = shortname, enter here ItemId": "assets/icons/skull.png", "Type": "Sprite" } }, "Entity -> Image (U can enter URL, Sprite and item shortname)": { "banditguard": "", "bear": "", "Bleeding": "assets/icons/bleeding.png", "boar": "", "bradleyapc": "", "chicken": "", "Cold": "assets/icons/cold.png", "ColdExposure": "assets/icons/cold.png", "Drowned": "assets/icons/drowning.png", "dweller": "", "Fall": "assets/icons/fall.png", "heavyscientist": "", "Hunger": "assets/icons/eat.png", "patrolhelicopter": "", "peacekeeper": "", "polarbear": "", "Radiation": "assets/icons/radiation.png", "scarecrow": "", "scientist": "", "scientistnvg": "", "shark": "", "stag": "", "Suicide": "assets/icons/skull.png", "underwaterdweller": "", "wolf": "" }, "Entity -> Name": { "bear": { "de": "Bär", "en": "Bear", "ru": "Медведь" }, "Bleeding": { "de": "Blutung", "en": "Bleeding", "ru": "Кровотечение" }, "boar": { "de": "Wildschwein", "en": "Boar", "ru": "Кабан" }, "bradleyapc": { "de": "Bradley-Schützenpanzer", "en": "Bradley APC", "ru": "БТР Брэдли" }, "chicken": { "de": "Huhn", "en": "Chicken", "ru": "Курица" }, "Cold": { "de": "Erfrieren", "en": "Freezed", "ru": "Замерзание" }, "ColdExposure": { "de": "Kälteschaden", "en": "Freezed", "ru": "Переохлаждение" }, "Drowned": { "de": "Ertrunken", "en": "Crashed", "ru": "Утонул" }, "Fall": { "de": "Sturz aus der Höhe", "en": "Fall from high", "ru": "Падение с высоты" }, "horse": { "de": "Pferd", "en": "Horse", "ru": "Лошадь" }, "Hunger": { "de": "Verhungert", "en": "Died of starvation", "ru": "Умер от голода" }, "patrolhelicopter": { "de": "Patrouillenhubschrauber", "en": "Patrol helicopter", "ru": "Патрульный вертолет" }, "Radiation": { "de": "Strahlenvergiftung", "en": "Radiation poison", "ru": "Радиационное отравление" }, "scientistnpc": { "de": "Wissenschaftler", "en": "Scientist", "ru": "Ученый" }, "stag": { "de": "Hirsch", "en": "Stag", "ru": "Олень" }, "Suicide": { "de": "Selbstmord", "en": "Suicide", "ru": "Самоубийство" }, "wolf": { "de": "Wolf", "en": "Wolf", "ru": "Волк" } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 4 } }$20.00- 24 comments
- 4 reviews
- 1
Version 1.02
RustyDeath The plugin allows you to see in real time the murders of players in the user interface. There are a large number of settings, in the configuration you can change all the pop-up labels The plugin has two versions: Russian and English. I provided English config and English lang Config file: { "Interface update time": 7, "Font size in the displayed interface": 13, "The position of the left corners (AnchorMin):": "0.5 0.8", "The position of the right corners (AnchorMax):": "0.99 0.995", "Right-align the text? (false = will flatten to the left edge).": true, "Show animal-related deaths and murders ?": true, "Show deaths and murders associated with the NPS?": true, "Show sliper-related deaths and murders ?": true, "Default killer highlight code": "#FFAE42", "Default victim highlighting code": "#00A1E0", "Default animal highlighting code": "#99FF99", "Default NPS highlighting code": "#FF0000", "Default code for distance illumination": "#FFCD8F", "Keep a history of player kills and deaths ?": true, "Maximum number of objects for the history of deaths": 15, "Privilege to view the history of deaths": "rustydeath.deathhistory", "Enable special highlighting of messages related to me ?": true, "The color of the special illumination": "#000000", "Dynamic Privileges: EXAMPLE \"\" = \"#FF0000\"": { "": "#848484" }, "Dynamic distance illumination: EXAMPLE 10 = \"#FF00FF\"": { "10": "#ff9c00", "50": "#ffffff", "120": "#01A9DB", "200": "#F7FE2E", "300": "#FF0000" }, "Dynamic Names. Specify your names for different types of entities": { "Npc": { "Npc": "NPC Scientist" }, "Animal": { "Bear": "Bear", "Boar": "Boar", "Horse": "Horse", "Wolf": "Wolf", "Chicken": "Chicken", "Stag": "Stag" }, "Helicopter": { "Helicopter": "Patrol Helicopter" }, "Tank": { "Tank": "Brandley APC" }, "Building": { "WoodenBarricade": "Wooden barricade", "BarbedWooden Barricade": "Prickly wooden barricade", "MetalBarricade": "Metal barricade", "GatesExternalHighWood": "High wooden gate", "GatesExternalHighStone": "High stone gates", "WallExternalHighWood": "High wooden wall", "WallExternalHighStone": "High stone wall" }, "Trap": { "Guntrap": "Guntrap", "Minetrap": "Minetrap", "Snaptrap": "Snaptrap", "Spikes": "Wooden spikes" }, "Zombie": { "Zombie": "Zombie" }, "Sleeper": { "Sleeper": "Sleeper" }, "Turret": { "Autoturret": "Autoturret", "Flameturret": "Flameturret", "Scientist": "Scientist Turret" } }, "Dynamic strings of information output under the kill type": { "PlayerToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToNpc": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "NpcToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToAnimal": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "AnimalToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> eaten <color={2}>{3}</color>" ], "PlayerToTank": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "TankToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToHelicopter": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "HelicopterToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToSleeper": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "TurretToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> killed <color={2}>{3}</color>" ], "GuntrapToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color>" ], "BuildingToPlayer": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> caught on the <color={0}>{1}</color>" ], "TrapToPlayer": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> caught in a trap (<color={0}>{1}</color>)" ], "Zombie": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Fall": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#6d41f4>fell from a great height and crashed</color>" ], "Suicide": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#eb41f4>self-destructed</color>" ], "Cold": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#41e2f4>died of cold</color>" ], "Bleedeing": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#f44141>bled out</color>" ], "Poison": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#c4f441>died of poisoning</color>" ], "Radiation": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#eef441>died of radiation</color>" ], "Hungry": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#41f488>starved to death</color>" ], "Explosion": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#f4ca41>exploded</color>" ], "ExplosionPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> blew up <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Drowned": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#415ef4>drowned</color>" ], "Heat": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#f49a41>burned alive</color>" ], "Stab": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Arrow": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Slash": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> ripped <color={2}>{3}</color> to shreds (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ] }, "Dynamic names and lights for weapons": { "Assault Rifle": { "АК-74": "#F50000" }, "Beancan Grenade": { "Beancan Grenade": "#F50000" }, "Bolt Action Rifle": { "Bolt": "#F50000" }, "Bone Club": { "Bone Club": "#00BFFF" }, "Bone Knife": { "Bone Knife": "#00BFFF" }, "Rock": { "Rock": "#00BFFF" }, "Crossbow": { "Crossbow": "#00BFFF" }, "Custom SMG": { "SMG": "#F50000" }, "Double Barrel Shotgun": { "Double Barrel Shotgun": "#F50000" }, "Eoka Pistol": { "ЕОКА": "#F50000" }, "F1 Grenade": { "F1 Grenade": "#F50000" }, "Flame Thrower": { "Flame Thrower": "#F50000" }, "Hunting Bow": { "Bow": "#00BFFF" }, "Compound Bow": { "Compound Bow": "#00BFFF" }, "Longsword": { "Longsword": "#00BFFF" }, "Candy Cane Club": { "Candy Cane Club": "#00BFFF" }, "Nailgun": { "Nailgun": "#00BFFF" }, "LR-300 Assault Rifle": { "LR-300": "#F50000" }, "M249": { "М249": "#F50000" }, "M92 Pistol": { "М92": "#F50000" }, "Mace": { "Mace": "#00BFFF" }, "Machete": { "Machete": "#00BFFF" }, "MP5A4": { "MP5A4": "#F50000" }, "Pump Shotgun": { "Pump Shotgun": "#F50000" }, "Spas-12 Shotgun": { "Spas-12": "#F50000" }, "Flashlight": { "Flashlight": "#00BFFF" }, "Python Revolver": { "Python Revolver": "#F50000" }, "Revolver": { "Revolver": "#F50000" }, "Salvaged Cleaver": { "Salvaged Cleaver": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Sword": { "Salvaged Sword": "#00BFFF" }, "Semi-Automatic Pistol": { "Semi-Automatic Pistol": "#F50000" }, "Semi-Automatic Rifle": { "Semi-Automatic Rifle": "#F50000" }, "Stone Spear": { "Stone Spear": "#00BFFF" }, "Thompson": { "Thompson": "#F50000" }, "Waterpipe Shotgun": { "Waterpipe Shotgun": "#F50000" }, "Wooden Spear": { "Wooden Spear": "#00BFFF" }, "Hatchet": { "Hatchet": "#00BFFF" }, "Pick Axe": { "Pick Axe": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Axe": { "Salvaged Axe": "#00BFFF" }, "Chainsaw": { "Chainsaw": "#00BFFF" }, "Jackhammer": { "Jackhammer": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Hammer": { "Salvaged Hammer": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Icepick": { "Salvaged Icepick": "#00BFFF" }, "Satchel Charge": { "Satchel Charge": "#00BFFF" }, "Stone Hatchet": { "Stone Hatchet": "#00BFFF" }, "Snowball": { "Snowball": "#00BFFF" }, "Stone Pickaxe": { "Stone Pickaxe": "#00BFFF" }, "Survey Charge": { "Survey Charge": "#00BFFF" }, "Timed Explosive Charge": { "Timed Explosive Charge": "#F50000" }, "Torch": { "Torch": "#00BFFF" }, "RocketSpeed": { "High Velocity Rocket": "#F50000" }, "Incendiary Rocket": { "Incendiary Rocket": "#F50000" }, "Rocket": { "Rocket": "#F50000" }, "RocketHeli": { "Helicopter napalm": "#F50000" }, "RocketBradley": { "Bradley APC napalm": "#F50000" }, "MainCannonShell": { "Bradley APC rockets": "#F50000" }, "L96 Rifle": { "L96": "#F50000" } }, "Dynamic highlighting of characters in substring. Specify as many as you want, as long as they are in the dynamic string": { "→": "#000000", "(": "#000000", "|": "#000000", ")": "#000000" } } Lang file: { "Not Have Permission": "You do not have access to this command!", "DeathHistory": "History of murders and deaths: ({0} items)", "DeathHistoryDeath": "<color={Red}>Attacker: '{0}', victim: '{1}', distance: '{2}', weapon: '{3}'</color>", "DeathHistoryKill": "<color={Green}>Attacker: '{0}', victim: '{1}', distance: '{2}', weapon: '{3}'</color>", "NoDeathHistory": "No available murder history" }$10.00- 7 comments
- #death feed
- #death messages
(and 2 more)
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