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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.0.6


    Skill Tree: XP Event is a plugin that creates an event that will randomly select a task, providing players with bonus XP for performing the task while the event is running. Events are started automatically on interval (default every 30 minutes), and will select 1 of 38 tasks for the event. This could be chopping down trees, skinning animals, killing scientists or looting crates. The plugin will also roll a random duration for the event to run for, and a random bonus to the XP (all of which is configurable). Additional XP gained with this plugin will stack with xp bonuses from Skill Tree. The stacking works in the following order: Default xp value is calculated. Skill Tree will check if Skill Tree: XP Event is loaded, and will ask for any bonuses if applicable Skill Tree continues on with its additional modifiers (other plugins, permission overrides, rested xp etc) This event will provide an incentive for players to engage with content on your server that they might otherwise avoid. SkillTreeXPEvent.use - required for players to participate in the events. SkillTreeXPEvent.admin - required to use the below commands if running them from player console. Console command: startxpevent <optional: task> Description: This command will manually start an XP event. If the task is not specified, it will roll the event randomly. Running this command resets the interval timer. Console command: stopxpevent Description: This command ends the current xp event. Chat command: stemoveui Description: Brings up an interface to reposition the UI. NodeHit NodeHitFinal TreeHit TreeHitFinal SkinHit SkinHitFinal CollectWildEntities CollectWildBerries CollectWildHemp CollectWildPumpkin CollectWildPotato CollectWildCorn CollectMushrooms CollectOreNodes CollectGrownEntities CollectGrownBerries CollectGrownHemp CollectGrownCorn CollectGrownPotato CollectGrownPumpkin SkinWolfFinal SkinBearFinal SkinChickenFinal SkinBoarFinal SkinStagFinal SkinPolarBearFinal CatchAnyFish KillScientist KillTunnelDweller KillUnderwaterDweller KillAnyAnimal KillBear KillStag KillBoar KillChicken KillWolf KillPolarBear LootCrate BreakBarrel BreakRoadSign SwipeCard All
  2. Version 1.13.11


    Event which idea was taken from halloween's and easter's hunting. As in original game we collect candies or eggs, that in this case we are catching fishes for which we are getting points. Amount of points are dependent on the type of fish or item we catch. It depens exacly on number of "Bait" that every type of fish has e.g. Sardine has Bait 3 so we get 3 points. Permission To assign a permission, use 'oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id>' fishingevent.admin - Allow to using commands. Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. When using a command in chat, prefix it with a forward slash: `/`. startfe - starts the countdown to the start of the fishing event. stopfe - Ends the event immediately, without giving away any prizes. finishfe - Ends the event immediately, with giving away any prizes. configfe - Opens the configuration UI panel Configuration Language Default English FIle { "noOneStart": "Wow, no one played so no one won.", "bestPlayer": "{0} is the top fisherman who has caught {1} fish and {2} points collected.", "playerStats": "You placed {0} of {1} with caught {2} fish and {3} points collected.", "rewardMessage": "You received {0}x {1} as an award!", "timeMessageToEvent": "<color=#326de3>Fishing Event</color>: The fishing event starts in {0} minutes." } Hooks void OnFishingEventStartCountdown() - Call when starts counting down to the start of the fishing event. void OnFishingEventStarted() - Call when the fishing event begins. void OnFishingEventEnded() - Call when the fishing event is over. void OnFishingEventUIClosed() - Call when UI disappears from players screen.(Five seconds after fishing event is over) Credits @STIVI Plugin tester and release help. @Flammable Plugin originator and tester. @Billy Joe Thanks for your UI Tool(I hate it but i love it)
  3. Version 1.2.4


    Your players still roof camping? Start mushroom Event, let them start fighting for the title of the best mushroom picker and win prizes for the first three places. Permission To assign a permission, use 'oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id>' mushroomevent.admin - Allow to using commands. Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. When using a command in chat, prefix it with a forward slash: `/`. startme - starts the countdown to the start of the mushroom event. stopme - Ends the event immediately, without giving away any prizes. finishme - Ends the event immediately, with giving away any prizes. configme - Opens the configuration UI panel Configuration Language Default English FIle { "noOneStart": "Wow, no one played so no one won.", "bestPlayer": "{0} is the best mushroom picker with {1} mushrooms.", "playerStats": "You placed {0} of {1} with gather {2} mushrooms.", "rewardMessage": "You received {0}x {1} as an award!", "timeMessageToEvent": "<color=#326de3>Mushroom Event</color>: The mushroom event starts in {0} minutes." } Hooks void OnMushroomEventStartCountdown() - Call when starts counting down to the start of the fishing event. void OnMushroomEventStarted() - Call when the fishing event begins. void OnMushroomEventEnded() - Call when the fishing event is over. void OnMushroomEventUIClosed() - Call when UI disappears from players screen.(Five seconds after fishing event is over) Credits @Billy Joe Thanks for your UI Tool(I hate it but i love it still)


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