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  1. Ridamees


    Version 1.0.1


    Swipe a keycard to start hacking HVMs, after hacking, enjoy discounted items and extra loot. Default Hacking Times: AccessLevel 1 - 2 minutes AccessLevel 2 - 3.75 minutes AccessLevel 3 - 7.5 minutes Default Reset Times: AccessLevel 1 - 15 minutes AccessLevel 2 - 20 minutes AccessLevel 3 - 25 minutes 3 Tiers (AccessLevel 1, 2, 3). Map Marker off by default, enable in config. Rewards: Item Shop & Loot Stashes Tier 2 HVM Rewards Example: Starting the HVM hacking gives you rewards in Economics & ServerRewards if configured. HVMs are located at every monument by default, configurable in config. + Spawn HVMs manually by using commands. Commands: (permission - "hvms.Admin") /hvm: Shows all available commands. /hvm spawn [1-3] [name]: Spawns an HVM and saves its location. /hvm remove [name]: Destroys an HVM and removes its location. /hvm list [page]: Lists all HVM spawn locations. Config preview: Map Marker Visibility, Custom Messages, Notifications, Vending Machine Skins, Hacking Times, Reset Times, Success Rates, Rewards (Item Shop & Loot Stashes), Locations Default Config: { "General Settings": { "Map Marker Visibility || '1'= Always until Hacked, '2'= Only when Hacking, '3'= Off": 3, "Marker Name": "A Locked Vending Machine", "Marker Name (Hacking)": "Hacking...", "Gametip Msg when HVM is Locked": "Swipe keycard to start hacking.", "Gametip Msg when HVM is Hacking": "Hacking... {formattedTime}", "Global Chat Notify Hacking": false, "Global Chat Hacking Msg": "HVM Hacking near {mapGridLocation} !", "Notify Groups Only || All 0.0 = Global Chat; Chance 0.0 = 0%; 1.0 = 100%": { "Default": 0.0, "Admin": 0.0 }, "Economics Reward Msg": "You received {economicsAmount} <color=#3e9c35>$</color>", "Server Rewards Msg": "You received {serverRewardsAmount} <color=#cd4632>RP</color>", "Remove Non-Monument HVM Locations on Wipe": true, "Disable 'Dynamic Pricing' for HVM Item Shop": true, "Console Debug": false }, "Main Settings": { "Workshop SkinIDs for HVMs": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 3174792873, "|AccessLevel 2|": 3174791726, "|AccessLevel 3|": 3174785929 }, "Hacking Times | 1.0 = 1 second": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 119.0, "|AccessLevel 2|": 225.0, "|AccessLevel 3|": 450.0 }, "Reset Times | 1.0 = 1 second": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 900.0, "|AccessLevel 2|": 1200.0, "|AccessLevel 3|": 1500.0 }, "Hacking Success Rates | 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": { "Min": 0.85, "Max": 0.9 }, "|AccessLevel 2|": { "Min": 0.9, "Max": 0.95 }, "|AccessLevel 3|": { "Min": 0.95, "Max": 1.0 } }, "Item Shop - Added when Hacking completes - Chance 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.7, "Item For Sale": "pistol.revolver", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 25 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.pistol", "Sell Amount": 10, "Stock": 100, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.06, "Item For Sale": "pistol.prototype17", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 150 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.5, "Item For Sale": "pistol.semiauto", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 65 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.05, "Item For Sale": "supply.signal", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 50 } ], "|AccessLevel 2|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.5, "Item For Sale": "rifle.sks", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.7, "Item For Sale": "smg.thompson", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 2, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rifle", "Sell Amount": 25, "Stock": 150, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 15 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.pistol", "Sell Amount": 15, "Stock": 300, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.15, "Item For Sale": "grenade.flashbang", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 30, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 1 } ], "|AccessLevel 3|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.06, "Item For Sale": "shotgun.m4", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 250 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.4, "Item For Sale": "rifle.ak", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 150 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rifle", "Sell Amount": 25, "Stock": 300, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.05, "Item For Sale": "explosive.timed", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.055, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rocket.basic", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 2, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 75 } ] }, "Loot Stash Slots": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 5, "|AccessLevel 2|": 8, "|AccessLevel 3|": 10 }, "Loot Stash Rewards - Added when Hacking completes - Chance 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 125, "Max": 450 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.small", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 4 } } ], "|AccessLevel 2|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 325, "Max": 850 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.medium", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 2 } } ], "|AccessLevel 3|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 625, "Max": 1850 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.large", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 1 } } ] }, "ServerRewards & Economics Rewards - Given when Player starts Hacking - |Plugins Required|": { "|AccessLevel 1|": { "Economics - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } }, "|AccessLevel 2|": { "Economics - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } }, "|AccessLevel 3|": { "Economic - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } } } }, "HVM Locations": { "harbor/harbor_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "5.15,1.25,98.2", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" } ], "harbor/harbor_2.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "36.68,4.0,77.8", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.0,0.0" } ], "harbor/ferry_terminal_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-7.5,5.25,0.45", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "medium/junkyard_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "11.5,0.6,1.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,162.0,0.0" } ], "lighthouse/lighthouse.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "3.0,14.0,6.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-70.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/warehouse.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-4.35,0.0,-1.76", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,165.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/supermarket_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.45,0.025,-6.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.0,0.0" } ], "medium/radtown_small_3.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-50.1,19.7725,-46.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/gas_station_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "1.75,3.245,16.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.95,0.0" } ], "small/satellite_dish.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "5.85,6.025,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "large/powerplant_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "41.7,0.27,69.2", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "10.3,0.27,-39.1", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "large/military_tunnel_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-62.4,19.65,36.25", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-23.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-1.0,13.4,67.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-85.0,0.0" } ], "large/airfield_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "26.2,0.3,7.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-44.1,0.3,-75.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-45.0,0.0" } ], "small/sphere_tank.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-28.3,10.6,-16.1", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-115.0,0.0" } ], "large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "3.25,0.3,-67.4", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "large/trainyard_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "48.5,0.27,-13.5", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-21.5,0.27,17.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "182.0,3.0,12.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "182.0,3.0,-12.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "medium/nuclear_missile_silo.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "6.08,0.27,19.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-178.0,0.0" } ], "arctic_bases/arctic_research_base_a.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-26.70,0.23,6.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_a.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,10.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "4.64,0.01,-0.41" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_b.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_c.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_d.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "OilrigAI": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "9.8,27.01,-4.5", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,165.0,0.0" } ], "OilrigAI2": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-10.7,36.15,-9.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-7.0,0.25,-1.4", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ] } }


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