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Version 0.1.4
What is it? A utility that gives you ability to view sent or received emails and of course gives you ability to send EMAILS with simple GUI! Usage Just use the command and click on a category depending if you want to view something or send a new email. Permissions zmail.use -- Gives player ability to use the command zmail.send -- Gives player ability to send new emails zmail.view -- Gives player ability to view sent and received emails Chat Command /zmail -- Opens the GUI Localization { "NoPerms": "You don't have permission to use this!", "noPlayerFound": "No player found!", "foundPlayerToSend": "Recipient {0}", "newEmailButton": "NEW Email", "receivedEmailsButton": "Received", "sentEmailsButton": "Sent", "clearAllButton": "Clear All", "succussfullySend": "Message succussfully sent!", "selectedFieldID": "ID:", "selectedFieldFrom": "From:", "selectedFieldTo": "Sent to:", "selectedFieldMessage": "Message:", "defaultInputUser": ".....Set player username or id.....", "defaultInputMessage": "Type your message here.....", "noEmails": "You have not received any emails yet!", "noSentEmails": "You have not sent any emails yet!", "receivedEmails": "You have received {0} emails({1} Unread emails)", "sentEmails": "You have sent {0} emails", "pageOfMaxPages": "Page: {0} / {1}", "previous": "Previous", "next": "Next", "findOnline": "Find Online Players", "receivedNew": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have just received new mail from <color=#05ba00>{0}</color>\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{1}</color> unread emails", "conMails": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{0}</color> unread emails" } Configuration { "Get message on connection?": true, "Real time notification?": true }Free