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  1. beee

    Buried Crates

    Version 1.0.1


    Buried Crates makes it possible to find crates while using a metal detector. This makes metal detectors worth using at any stage of the game. SUPPORTED CRATES/BARRELS PERMISSIONS & SPAWN PROBABILITY In config you can define permissions and chance % of a crate spawning for each permission (if a crate doesn't spawn, vanilla loot items works like normal). Crate types to be spawned uses a weight system, the higher the weight, the higher chance that crate type will be the one to spawn. Default permissions: you can change or add to them in config buriedcrates.default - 25% chance of finding a crate buriedcrates.vip1 - 50% chance of finding a crate buriedcrates.vip2 - 80% chance of finding a crate CONFIG { "General settings": { "Locked crate hack seconds": 60, "Dug up crate despawn in seconds": 900, "Log dug up crates in console": false }, "Permissions": { "default": { "Crate spawn chance (%)": 25, "Crates weights": { "Basic Crate": 5, "Foodbox": 5, "Vehicle Parts Crate": 5, "Tier 2 Components Crate": 5, "Tier 3 Components Crate": 5, "Normal Crate": 15, "Normal Crate - Food": 5, "Normal Crate - Medical": 5, "Tools Crate": 15, "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 1": 5, "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 2": 5, "Military Crate": 3, "Elite Crate": 3, "Elite Crate - Bradley": 2, "Elite Crate - Heli": 2, "Locked Crate": 0, "Supply Drop": 1, "Yellow Loot Barrel": 5, "Blue Loot Barrel": 5, "Oil Barrel": 5, "Giftbox": 5, "Present Drop": 0 } }, "vip1": { "Crate spawn chance (%)": 50, "Crates weights": { "Basic Crate": 0, "Foodbox": 5, "Vehicle Parts Crate": 5, "Tier 2 Components Crate": 5, "Tier 3 Components Crate": 5, "Normal Crate": 15, "Normal Crate - Food": 5, "Normal Crate - Medical": 5, "Tools Crate": 15, "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 1": 5, "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 2": 5, "Military Crate": 3, "Elite Crate": 3, "Elite Crate - Bradley": 2, "Elite Crate - Heli": 2, "Locked Crate": 1, "Supply Drop": 1, "Yellow Loot Barrel": 5, "Blue Loot Barrel": 5, "Oil Barrel": 5, "Giftbox": 5, "Present Drop": 1 } }, "vip2": { "Crate spawn chance (%)": 80, "Crates weights": { "Basic Crate": 0, "Foodbox": 0, "Vehicle Parts Crate": 0, "Tier 2 Components Crate": 0, "Tier 3 Components Crate": 5, "Normal Crate": 10, "Normal Crate - Food": 0, "Normal Crate - Medical": 0, "Tools Crate": 10, "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 1": 5, "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 2": 5, "Military Crate": 5, "Elite Crate": 5, "Elite Crate - Bradley": 3, "Elite Crate - Heli": 3, "Locked Crate": 1, "Supply Drop": 1, "Yellow Loot Barrel": 5, "Blue Loot Barrel": 5, "Oil Barrel": 5, "Giftbox": 5, "Present Drop": 1 } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } }
  2. Version 0.2


    Overview Something like a treasure hunt, detects metal and shows it in the metal detector Video Preview Config { "Search Radius": 140, "Machine Durablity Lose / Total Durablity = 50": 2, "Default Refresh Rate if not in the dict": 4.0, "Distance (M) - Refresh Rate": { "5": 0.5, "20": 1.0, "50": 2.0, "100": 3.0 }, "Drop Items": [ { "Item Shortname": "coal", "Item SkinID": 2594826722, "Rename Item": "Gold", "Drop Chance %": 20, "Quantity (Max)": 7, "Quantity (Min)": 2 }, { "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item SkinID": 0, "Rename Item": "", "Drop Chance %": 90, "Quantity (Max)": 250, "Quantity (Min)": 30 } ] }
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Plugin shows the locations of mines in the Rust game to players on leave for a certain period of time. This helps players pool resources around them more quickly and efficiently. Properties Players can see the mines for a certain period of time. Marking of mines with different colors according to their location (Sulfur, Metal and Stone). The configuration file allows server owners to customize the plugin's features. Players will not be able to reuse the command during the specified cool-down period. Multilingual support of the plug-in and availability of language files. Permissions orelocations.show - authorization to use the plugin Configuration you can set the the configuration file { "CooldownTime": 300.0, "DisplayDuration": 30.0, "MaxDistance": 500.0 }


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