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Everything posted by Leap

  1. Leap

    plugin unloading itself

    Could you post the full startup log of your server?
  2. Correct, times are specified in seconds. 48 * 60 * 60 = 172800
  3. Leap

    plugin unloading itself

    Hi, sorry to hear that. Could you post the server logs when trying to load the plugin? Thanks
  4. I do not currently use the plugin myself since I no longer host, but I remain active on Discord. As far as I am aware the plugin is still compatible with the latest version of Rust (from users I have spoken to who currently use this plugin). If you have errors please DM me! I intend on ensuring that this plugin remains up-to-date and compatible. My discord is Leap#0765
  5. Leap

    Config Question

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3
  6. Leap

    Config Question

    All cooldowns are measured in seconds
  7. Latest update has patched the TC de-authorizing exploit
  8. This is excellent feedback, thanks. My server is small and most players know each other IRL so abuse is not common. Next update will include any player authorized on the TC in the last 48 hours (or configurable). Expect to see these changes soon.
  9. When you initially damage a protected base, a configurable message displays in chat. I'm probably going to add an option in the next update that will allow a larger, more obvious message on screen (and perhaps an explosives refund for the first damage done) since I agree that some players might not understand this and complain.
  10. Version 1.3


    Dead simple plugin that prevents (or discourages) offline raiding. Most anti-offline plugins are exceedingly complex and require excessive configuration to get up and running. You want simple configuration and setup, and your players want simple rules that everyone can understand. Raiding Rules Rules for determining "raidability" are as follows: • If any player authorized on the TC within the past 48 hours is online, the base will be raidable • If a raid has begun while any player authorized on the TC within the past 48 hours is online, the base will remain raidable even if those players disconnect • After a configurable amount of time, if there is no no raid activity (explosives, melee, etc) the base will become unraidable as long as all players authorized on the TC in the last 48 hours are offline The cooldown time essentially works to prevent "combat logging," a scenario in which a player would see that they are being raided and decide to disconnect in order to protect their base. Commands and Permissions Commands are as follows: • /raidstatus - shows raidability of base that you are looking at Permissions are as follows: • leapsantioffline.raidstatus - allows use of /raidstatus command • leapsantioffline.raidstatus.owners - allows player to see base owners (and if they are online) in /raidstatus command • leapsantioffline.raidstatus.cooldown - allows player to see offline cooldown in /raidstatus command • leapsantioffline.bypass - allows player to bypass base protection Configuration Configuration is simple but flexible. Protection can be specified as a percentage (from 0.0 to 1.0) on a per-damage-type basis. Raid cooldown and chat messages are also configurable. Default configuration is shown below: { "RaidCooldown": 120, "CupboardCooldown": 172800, "Messages": { "BaseIsProtected": "This structure is protected, <color=#c0c0c0ff>%DamageType%</color> attacks will yield <color=#c0c0c0ff>%DamageScale%</color> damage", "NotLookingAtStructure": "You are not looking at a structure", "PermissionDenied": "<color=#cc5b5bff>You do not have permission to use that command</color>" }, "ProtectedDamage": { "ExplosionScale": 0.25, "MeleeScale": 1.0, "FireScale": 0.5, "BulletScale": 0.5, "NPCScale": 0.0 }, "UnprotectedDamage": { "ExplosionScale": 1.0, "MeleeScale": 1.0, "FireScale": 1.0, "BulletScale": 1.0, "NPCScale": 1.0 } } CupboardCooldown: the amount of time (in seconds) after de-authorizing required for a player to no longer be considered a base owner. ProtectedDamage types are as follows (technical): • ExplosionScale - Explosion, Blunt • MeleeScale - Slash, Stab, Arrow • FireScale - Heat • BulletScale - Bullet • NPCScale - NPC Prefabs Raidable Bases (updated 12/17/22) This plugin is compatible with the latest version of Raidable Bases. For older versions you may need to modify line 8215 of RaidableBases.cs from OLD to NEW as shown below: OLD: AuthorizePlayer(npc); NEW: // AuthorizePlayer(npc); If you have any other questions, or would like a demo, don't hesitate to DM me or reach out directly (https://gardna.net/).


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