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Everything posted by Murder

  1. Murder

    Bot Missing files

    Add "stripe" into the additional python packages field in your hosting if the requirements file isn't working to install the packages
  2. Being able to go skiing
  3. Murder

    Cant figure this out.

    Hey man sorry, ive been so busy haven't had the chance to check codefling, that's just a requirements issue should be a file included with the bot, message me on discord and ill walk you through getting it all fixed: murderdev.
  4. Murder


    Heya currently does not have a daily limit, but that can for sure be added in future updates. It should work completely fine with Discord's slow mode feature as when using that, the user's messages won't be sent until the cooldown is over, so the bot has nothing to trigger off of. If there are any compatibility issues, give me a message here or on Discord (murderdev) and I can sort them out for you.
  5. Murder

    Bot missing files

  6. Murder

    Bot missing files

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  7. Murder

    Bot missing files

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  8. Murder

    Bot missing files

    Hiya, this is being fixed via the discord ticket you created
  9. Murder

    Bot Missing files

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Murder

    Bot Missing files

    Fixed through Discord DM’s
  11. Murder


    In the future, it can be yes, when I get some time ill look into doing some updates. Cant guarantee its going to be soon tho
  12. Murder


    It currently isn't sorry about that
  13. Version 1.0.1


    Bot Features ➤ Accept and Deny Functions - Buttons to Accept or Deny a application depending on if it is enabled for that application type in the config. ➤ Custom Accept and Deny responses - Custom text to be sent to the user when they have been accepted or denied ➤ Able to give a role once user is accepted - The bot is able to give any role to the applicant if they have been accepted ➤ Stats gathering and command - Display some interesting stats easily by using /stats ➤ Custom panel embed title and description - Customise the embeds for your server ➤ Reply commands - Use this to do functions like accepting a user or telling them some other information about there application all through the bot to there DM's ➤ Toggleable help command - Enable and disable the help command to be able to use other bots slash commands while running the same bot client/token ➤ Easy to use sendpanel command - Able to generate multiple application panels. ➤ Overview message to send/cancel - Option to send or cancel applicationn during and once completed. ➤ Application logging - Logging of general events Setup Fill out the config.json file and make sure your hosting is configured to run python, make sure your bot has all Discord intents enabled on the developers panel (Which is how you can create your Discord Bot). Use the OAuth Section and the URL Generator to create a link to invite your discord bot to your server, make sure that it has applications.commands and bot enabled, and that the permissions are set to Administrator. Take note that when configuring the emojis, you must use Discord Custom emojis which you can add by uploading them to your discord server. To get the <name:ID:> format needed for the bot you can type a backslash (\) followed directly by the emoji. Support Notice If you need support I more than welcome you to reach out to me on discord: murderdev. Thank you for reading this description and I hope that you enjoy! Note: I will always be constantly updating and developing this bot, if you find any bugs or have any feature requests.
  14. Murder

    Auto Create Threads

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  15. Murder

    Auto Create Threads

    Will look to add it in the feature, thank you!
  16. Murder

    Auto Create Threads

    Heya, with the current version of the bot their isn't. I'm more than happy to look to adding it in the future if that's something your looking for
  17. Murder


    Version 1.0.2


    Invoices - Made by Murder#0845 Bot Features ➤ Fully customisable - See customisability options below ➤ Create unlimited customers - Unlimited customers, made through the bot, added to your Stripe dashboard ➤ Create unlimited invoices - Unlimited invoices, made by the bot , added to your stripe dashboard for the user to pay, along with logging the invoice and notifying the user ➤ Easy to use slash commands - Slash Commands that can be used just by typing / and selecting the required command, with parameter descriptions to help you along with way ➤ Duplicate chat commands - Chat commands to accompany the slash commands, for people who aren't familiar with Slash Commands ➤ Integration with Stripe for invoicing - Direct communication with your stripe dashboard ➤ Able to give role once a user has payed their invoice - Automatically assign a role to a user one payment of a invoice has been completed successfully ➤ Automatic logging of invoice paid, voided, failed - Quickly send to the server logging channel important information about invoices ➤ Automatic logging for the user in there DM's of invoice paid, voided and failed - Quickly send to the users DMs important information about invoices ➤ Option to set email or not - The bot will give you the option to set an email when creating a customer, this is strongly recommended, but not required ➤ Extensive error handling - The bot can automatically handle errors and respond with the appropriate response Commands ➤ help - Display the help message ➤ createcustomer - create a customer for the supplied discord user ➤ createinvoice - create a invoice for the supplied discord user ➤ retrievecustomer - Search for a customer Note that all of these command names can be changed via the config.json file! Customisation ➤ Custom Prefix ➤ Custom default days till due ➤ Custom currency ➤ Custom status ➤ Custom command names ➤ Custom role to give once user has completed purchase ➤ Among other things within the config and future updates Config { "Bot Token" : "", "Stripe API Secret Key (https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys)": "", "Prefix" : "", "Guild ID" : "", "Default Days Till Due": 2, "Logging Channel ID" : "", "Status Type (Playing, Watching, Listening) Default is Playing" : "Watching", "Status" : "", "Staff Role": "", "Currency ISO code (MUST BE LOWERCASES)": "usd", "Currency symbol": "$", "OPTIONAL SETTINGS (LEAVE THESE BLANK TO KEEP THEM TO DEFAULTS)": { "Create Invoice Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Create Customer Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Help Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Retrieve Customer Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Invoice Check Loop Timer Seconds(Checks for new events in invoices)": "", "ROLE SETTINGS": { "Enable Give Role When User Pays": true, "Role To Give": "" } } } Setup This bot is super simple to set up, simply follow these steps: ➤ Upload all files in "Murder Ticket System.zip" to your bots hosting. ➤ Fill out details in the config,json file. ➤ Turn the bot on (If your using online hosting, press "Start") ➤ Enjoy the bot Make sure your bot is setup like this: Support Notice If you need support I more than welcome you to reach out to me on discord. My discord is: Murder#0845 and I am open for any questions or inquiries! Thank you for reading this description and I hope that you enjoy! Note: I will always be constantly updating and developing this bot, if you find any bugs or have any feature requests, feel free to DM me on discord (Murder#0845). - Murder
  18. Murder


    Hello. apart from install the packages manually (see requirements.txt) there should be no other difference apart from manually running the bot.py file. If you encounter any issues feel free to let me know! Thanks for your purchase. Murder.
  19. Murder


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  20. Fixed, just needed some config help
  21. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. Murder

    Ticket System

    I assume this is meant for the reviews tab but thank you
  23. Hey im going to be adding basic installation guides in the future however in the mean time, please add me on discord: Murder#0845 if you require assistance, or i can help you via here :). Please elaborate on your issue and i will get back to you on how to do it
  24. Murder


    Problem is with that is it would require a rust plugin counterpart and it would be simpler to just make a rust that sends to a webhook in discord. Maybe in the future once i start making plugins as well (Still learning c#) ill make a plugin that interacts with the bot or is standalone. Thanks for the suggestion though
  25. Murder

    Polls: Free

    Yea will defo add that with discord roles for sure in the next update


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