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Everything posted by Somescrub

  1. I was able to resolve my issues - but there is an extra step to get the plugin to load when coming from a previous version. You need to delete both the SimplePVE config file and the SimplePVE data folder in your data directory. If you don't do that then the plugin won't load correctly when the new config is generated in 1.2.7. Also, when I went to the next version I had some permissions randomly get changed on my player permission, which was making it appear like the plugin was not working (all were enabled, were all disabled before) - so make sure to check that as well.
  2. On latest version - can confirm loot protection is working, but player bases can be damaged by anyone at the moment. Sent you my config files in Discord.
  3. I receive the same - hopefully a quick fix, as I cannot run my server without this.
  4. Somescrub

    Refund Option?

    I could use either method - maybe both options would be ideal (per level refund, or "factory reset" type of refund). I asked about this primarily because the remover tool option is not reliable at all. I have multiple players that /remove and the furnace ends up not retaining the upgrade once placed back down.
  5. This can be closed - error in my config.
  6. Ok, looks like I may have misinterpreted the bag function then - I had thought you could use them independent of one another. I think you can close this support ticket then, now that you explained how it works.
  7. I am waiting to hear back from the players who reported - seems their interpretation of team sharing may not have been accurate. However, the ingredient bags mirroring each other per player I confirmed myself - is this just how it works? You can have as many bags as you want, but the contents are always the same no matter which one you have open - seems like the "box" is unique per player, and only 1 per player?
  8. I switched to a different solution, as the issue is still occurring and even with the update a refund was not being given on failure. Not much else to do but move on to a method that worked - hope your able to fix it up at some point.
  9. I don't know if this is by design, but I am seeing two issues - one where ingredient bag inventories are being shared across team/clan members, and another where ingredient bags on a player duplicate their inventories across bags (not duping items, but if you place an ingredient in one they show the same in the other until removed). I was under the impression you could have multiple ingredient bags, and definitely not share between team members since it isn't even a config option.
  10. Using Alphaloot, but this is not a loot plugin specific issue - it is not rewarding anything from the config including economics. This is occurring with normal bradley and event bradley's such as convoy, armored train, heavy oilrig and heavy excavator events. The below console error occurs after every kill still in the current version: [BradleyTiers] Leopard 2A7 Main Battle Tank bradleyapc[49802558] at P17 (-13.86, 13.47, -356.28) was destroyed by Somescrub Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'BradleyTiers v1.3.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.OnEntityDeath (BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) [0x0077f] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0025c] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0 [BradleyTiers] M1A2 Main Battle Tank bradleyapc[49802750] at P17 (-37.80, 11.25, -370.55) was destroyed by Somescrub Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'BradleyTiers v1.3.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.OnEntityDeath (BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) [0x0077f] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0025c] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0 [BradleyTiers] M1A2 Main Battle Tank bradleyapc[49800780] at Z31 (-2303.48, 44.68, -2321.68) was destroyed by Somescrub Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'BradleyTiers v1.3.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.OnEntityDeath (BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) [0x0077f] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0025c] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0 [BradleyTiers] M1A2 Main Battle Tank bradleyapc[49415945] at K4 (-725.32, 35.46, 1544.14) was destroyed by Somescrub Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'BradleyTiers v1.3.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.OnEntityDeath (BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) [0x0077f] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyTiers.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0025c] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0
  11. It has been almost 6 months that this plugin has been broken and not populating the proper loot on death - any updates @Krungh Crow?
  12. Somescrub

    Refund Option?

    Any chance you could add a refund button? I have a lot of players that are asking for this to redo their configurations, and instead of going through each request to honor a refund manually, it would be ideal to just have a button that "factory resets" and refunds the associated total spent back to the player.
  13. Somescrub

    Refinery block not applying

    Not a huge issue, but the recipe menu is not being blocked when blacklisted:
  14. Multiple instances of players placing objects and them vanishing when attempting to place - I finally caught the console error below when it happened to someone placing a recycler. Seems to have only started after the October update. Exception while calling NextTick callback (ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) [0x00008] in <8ce0bd04a7a04b4b9395538239d3fdd8>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x00000] in <8ce0bd04a7a04b4b9395538239d3fdd8>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PlaceAnything+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<OnEntityBuilt>b__0 () [0x0000c] in <3e5d1fb2c1254f9186c2d340c4938a4c>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
  15. Somescrub

    J11 Cave No Build

    Tried this in the console, as well as directly into the server config with a reboot - neither worked unfortunately
  16. Somescrub

    Permissions not applying?

    Appreciate you
  17. Somescrub

    Permissions not applying?

    Ok, I can follow that - but that seems a little illogical in function doesn't it? As an example - I have the DLC category permissions tied to my VIP package... buy a monthly VIP, get permission to craft DLC. Sub runs out, ability to craft DLC should be revoked. Following what your saying though, this becomes permanent? That isn't exactly how permissions are intended to work - should not have the ability to do anything if I take the permission to do so away from you, even if you made advances within that permission along the way.
  18. Somescrub

    Stacking Issues

    Seeing some stacking issues after the October update... used to be able to stack to 3, now will only do 1. I toggled the stacking var in the plugin config both ways with no success, and tested on an older version and the newest. I run stackmodifier, and did not change anything.
  19. Somescrub

    J11 Cave No Build

    This is also happening inside of the special box cave base location by Dome in M11
  20. Somescrub

    J11 Cave No Build

    Attached an image - related to the pillar room in the J11 Old Cave. Seems to think your building in an object and won't let you place.
  21. Somescrub

    Permissions not applying?

    I seem to be running into an issue where revoked permissions aren't blocking from accessing specific craft categories. I have these permissions revoked via admin and default groups, as well as specifically on the player.
  22. Somescrub

    Console Error

    Same, but not running carbon - straight oxide. Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'BetterNpcNames v1.1.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.BetterNpcNames.OnEntityDeath (NPCPlayer npc, HitInfo info) [0x0007c] in <805081b743b742acbd955083b184402c>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BetterNpcNames.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00419] in <805081b743b742acbd955083b184402c>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <206a0f2c6ee141f38e2ad549cde44d70>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
  23. { "General Settings": { "Only the owner can upgrade the furnace": false, "Only teammates can upgrade the furnace": true, "Keep attributes when removing": true }, "Currency Settings": { "Currency type (0 - Scrap | 1 - Economics | 2 - Server Rewards)": 1, "Currency item (if the currency type is '0')": { "Short name": "scrap", "Skin ID": 0 } }, "Visual Settings": { "Use chat messages": true, "Notification plugin (0 - None | 1 - Toastify | 2 - Notify)": 0, "Toastify notification ID": "success", "Notify notification type": 0, "Upgrade effect (empty = disabled)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/promote_stone.prefab" }, "UI Settings": { "Disable status panel": false, "Upgrade button": { "Anchor": "0.5 0 0.5 0", "Offset": "400 109.5 480 141.5", "Background color": "0.45 0.63 0.19 1", "Font size": 13 }, "Upgrade button on electric furnaces": { "Anchor": "0.5 0 0.5 0", "Offset": "492 354.5 572 386.5", "Background color": "0.45 0.63 0.19 1", "Font size": 13 }, "Status panel": { "Anchor": "0.5 0 0.5 0", "Offset": "193 17 420 103", "Background color": "0.969 0.922 0.882 0.035", "Font size": 12 } }, "Features Settings": { "Smelting speed multiplier": true, "Fuel speed": true, "Resource output multiplier": true, "Charcoal multiplier": false, "Auto split cookables": true, "Auto add fuel": true }, "Default Settings": { "Smelting speed": 1.0, "Fuel speed": 1.0, "Resource output multiplier": 1.0, "Charcoal multiplier": 1.0 }, "Upgrades Settings": { "furnace": { "Smelting speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 2.0 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 2.2 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 2.5 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 3.0 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 3.5 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 4.0 } ], "Fuel speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 0.5 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 0.6 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 0.7 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 0.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 0.9 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.5 } ], "Resource output multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.5 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.7 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.9 }, { "Cost": 512000, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Charcoal multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 } ] }, "furnace.large": { "Smelting speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 2.0 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 2.2 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 2.5 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 3.0 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 3.5 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 4.0 } ], "Fuel speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 0.5 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 0.6 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 0.7 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 0.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 0.9 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.5 } ], "Resource output multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.5 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.7 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.9 }, { "Cost": 512000, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Charcoal multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 } ] }, "electric.furnace": { "Smelting speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 2.0 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 2.2 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 2.5 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 3.0 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 3.5 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 4.0 } ], "Fuel speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 0.5 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 0.6 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 0.7 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 0.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 0.9 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.5 } ], "Resource output multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.5 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.7 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.9 }, { "Cost": 512000, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Charcoal multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 } ] }, "legacyfurnace": { "Smelting speed": [ { "Cost": 100, "Multiplier": 2.0 }, { "Cost": 200, "Multiplier": 3.0 } ], "Fuel speed": [ { "Cost": 100, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Resource output multiplier": [ { "Cost": 100, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Charcoal multiplier": [ { "Cost": 100, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ] }, "campfire": { "Smelting speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 2.0 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 2.2 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 2.5 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 3.0 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 3.5 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 4.0 } ], "Fuel speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 0.5 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 0.6 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 0.7 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 0.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 0.9 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.5 } ], "Resource output multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.5 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.7 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.9 }, { "Cost": 512000, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Charcoal multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 } ] }, "bbq": { "Smelting speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 2.0 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 2.2 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 2.5 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 3.0 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 3.5 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 4.0 } ], "Fuel speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 0.5 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 0.6 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 0.7 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 0.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 0.9 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.5 } ], "Resource output multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.5 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.7 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.9 }, { "Cost": 512000, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Charcoal multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 } ] }, "small.oil.refinery": { "Smelting speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 2.0 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 2.2 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 2.5 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 3.0 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 3.5 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 4.0 } ], "Fuel speed": [ { "Cost": 500, "Multiplier": 0.5 }, { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 0.6 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 0.7 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 0.8 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 0.9 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.5 } ], "Resource output multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 }, { "Cost": 2000, "Multiplier": 1.2 }, { "Cost": 4000, "Multiplier": 1.3 }, { "Cost": 8000, "Multiplier": 1.4 }, { "Cost": 16000, "Multiplier": 1.5 }, { "Cost": 32000, "Multiplier": 1.6 }, { "Cost": 64000, "Multiplier": 1.7 }, { "Cost": 128000, "Multiplier": 1.8 }, { "Cost": 256000, "Multiplier": 1.9 }, { "Cost": 512000, "Multiplier": 2.0 } ], "Charcoal multiplier": [ { "Cost": 1000, "Multiplier": 1.1 } ] } }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 5, "Patch": 2 } }
  24. @Iftebinjan - Can you provide any assistance here? I am trying this again, out of necessity now. The existing furnaces are still not being recognized by the plugin (no UI element present, and still nothing even if I use the backup data). I am constantly getting this error spam in console as well now: "Can't find smeltable item list for oven" If I can't get this to work is there a way for me to at least apply the pool changes to 1.5 so I can bring it back to life temporarily?
  25. Hey there @imthenewguy, Testing out your latest update, have some questions pertaining to the permissions per tier: "tierInfo": { "e": { "chance_weight": 100, "min_value": 0.25, "max_value": 0.5, "required_crafting_perm": true }, "s": { "chance_weight": 0, "min_value": 0.15, "max_value": 0.25, "required_crafting_perm": null }, "a": { "chance_weight": 0, "min_value": 0.1, "max_value": 0.17, "required_crafting_perm": null }, "b": { "chance_weight": 0, "min_value": 0.05, "max_value": 0.12, "required_crafting_perm": null }, "c": { "chance_weight": 0, "min_value": 0.03, "max_value": 0.08, "required_crafting_perm": null } }, What does "required_crafting_perm": null need to change to in order for it to be restricted to a perm? I tried true/false, and "EpicLoot.craft" as options, but all of my tests have failed when setting the new tier to the highest probability and the others to 0 (testing to make sure it absolutely blocks it in all cases)


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