Hi, sorry for the long answer. Priority is given to tickets in Discord Mad Mappers. On the site, I check tickets about once a month or two. JBird always responds on the site. Thank him very much for that, otherwise I wouldn't have had time for anything at all. But your ticket got lost somewhere very far away and for a long time. Initially, I didn't quite understand what you want to add, and just thought that you didn't finish the dialogue with JBird. But a month later I saw that there were no new messages and decided to try to figure out what you asked me to do. I don't speak English very well, but JBird helped me figure out what you're asking for. In fact, all my events already have everything you need to implement this, and there are no APIs in the plugin that you showed. So this question remained open all this time, but it was asked to the wrong developer. This request should be sent to the developer of this plugin. I can only help by editing his plugin specifically for you, but I don't think this is a particularly good option and it's better to ask the developer of this plugin for help. If he needs help with this, I can always help him, he can write to me in Discord at any time