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Everything posted by Knusperkeks

  1. Hi everyone, I wanted to switch off the permanent map and have the old map for crafting again. Does anyone have any idea if this is possible or if there is a mod that does this in case of doubt? best regards
  2. Knusperkeks

    Suicide Kill - lang

    Hi we have suicide with a penalty of -xRP. now when someone commits suicide, it says as a message: "You have received a reward of -50 RP". Can you make a separate long line for death by suicide, so that you can also give it out as a penalty?
  3. I agree with the previous speakers, plugin needs an update this comes from the Rust Admin Tool this comes from the compiler.txt
  4. Knusperkeks

    function faulty

    The plugin is not working properly. The item is repaired to 100%, but no raw materials are required and after the 2 or 3 repairs, the jackhammer, for example, no longer breaks down even though it is fully repaired
  5. Knusperkeks


    Permission 'InvClear.use' doesn't exist
  6. Knusperkeks


    so I can't get it in I have in Place Anything { "Snowmobile Tomaha": { "BaseItem": "snowmobiletomaha", "SkinID": 2741752671, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/vehicle/seats/snowmobilepassengerseattomaha.prefab", "NeedsTCAuth": false, "CanBePickedUp": false, "AdjustHeight": 0.0 }, and the skin: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2741752671 and that in the craft menu "snowmobiletomaha": { "Name": "Snowmobile Tomaha", "Image": "https://i.postimg.cc/L6cq2K8J/snowmobiletomaha.png", "SkinID": 0, "Category": "vehicles", "Tier": 2, "ResearchCost": 75, "Resources": { "carburetor3": 4, "metal.refined": 350 } }, everything is displayed and I can also research and build it but unfortunately not place it .... nothing appears
  7. Knusperkeks


    Unfortunately, I don't know the skin ID... "Snowmobile Tomaha": { "BaseItem": "snowmobiletomaha", "SkinID": 0, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/vehicle/seats/snowmobilepassengerseat tomaha.prefab", "NeedsTCAuth": false, "CanBePickedUp": false, "AdjustHeight": 0.0 },
  8. Knusperkeks


    could you now also put the snowmobile in the craft menu?
  9. Knusperkeks

    german lang

    Is the language file also available in German? Or do you have to do it yourself
  10. Knusperkeks

    Craft Menu

    ok I don't see anything now, but I guess it's because they both use the same short-name "innertube": therefore, they will overwrite each other at the end
  11. Knusperkeks

    Craft Menu

    please post the whole .json file so we can see the position of the entry. it must stop at certain points, or "" so that no errors appear
  12. Knusperkeks


    globalofflineraidprotection.admin <- don´t work
  13. Knusperkeks

    parachute won't open

    my parachute won't open... is there permission anywhere? IQParachute.json
  14. Knusperkeks

    How to replace logo?

    Does the background image have to be in jpg format or can it be in png format?
  15. Knusperkeks

    How to replace logo?

    the logo that is in the original, what size is it? Edit ... has done, just saw that it is a complete background image
  16. Knusperkeks


    I bought it yesterday and loaded it using the download button, but strangely enough, it's 1.0.42..... Nothing significant has changed up to 1.0.9, as I can see in the update log, so it really shouldn't be relevant, but I personally find the possibility of the long file actually better and cleaner
  17. Knusperkeks


    ops ok i thought only the team would see the support ticket
  18. Knusperkeks


    Can't I also make a long file CraftMenu.json and put it in .../oxide/lang/de { "metal.refined": "HQM", "metal.fragments": "Metallfragmente" "propanetank": "Propangas Tank", "metalpipe": "Metallrohr", "wiretool": "Kabel" } So I managed it that way, I only had to write the items in the "CraftMenu.cs" because otherwise they would not have been accepted. I added the most important ones to nmun and fixed the metal.pipe error at the same time. CraftMenu.cs nachtrag ["cloth"] = "Cloth", ["gears"] = "Gears", ["gunpowder"] = "Gun Powder", ["lowgradefuel"] = "Low Grade Fuel", ["metal.refined"] = "HQM", ["metal.fragments"] = "Metallfragmente", ["metalpipe"] = "Pipes", ["propanetank"] = "Propane Tank", ["carburetor3"] = "High Quality Carburetor", ["riflebody"] = "Rifle Body", ["semibody"] = "Semi Automatic Body", ["rope"] = "Rope", ["sewingkit"] = "Sewingkit", ["tarp"] = "Tarp", ["targeting.computer"] = "Targeting Computer", ["techparts"] = "Tech Trash", ["wiretool"] = "Wires", ["wood"] = "Wood", .../oxide/lang/de { "gears": "Zahnräder", "metal.refined": "HQM", "propanetank": "Propangas Tank", "metalpipe": "Metallrohr", "wiretool": "Kabel", "metal.fragments": "Metallfragmente", "cloth": "Stoff", "gunpowder": "Schießpulver", "lowgradefuel": "Einfacher Kraftstoff", "carburetor3": "Hochwertiger Vergaser", "riflebody": "Gewehrgehäuse", "semibody": "Halbautomatisches Gewehrgehäuse", "rope": "Seil", "sewingkit": "Nähzeug Set", "tarp": "Plane", "targeting.computer": "Zielcomputer", "techparts": "Technikschrott", "wood": "Holz" } CraftMenu.json
  19. Knusperkeks

    Big_wheel fail

    I noticed that the big wheel is not displayed correctly. I place it on the wall and it takes on the appearance of a normal spinning wheel, the same applies to the slot machine.
  20. Knusperkeks


    hi, first of all, thank you, I can't see how I can change the raw material names.. so that they are displayed in German. do you have an example?
  21. Knusperkeks


    the language file doesn't seem to translate everything is that supposed to be? I would like it to be complete so that it can be translated into German
  22. Knusperkeks

    Craft Menu

    Hi everyone, I found a bug in the stable version. line 859 CraftMenu.cs bps["multiplegrenadelauncher"].Resources.Add("pipes", 6); needs to be changed to bps["multiplegrenadelauncher"].Resources.Add("metalpipe", 6);
  23. Knusperkeks

    Bug in Names

    So it wouldn't be possible to create a language file and enter "animal skulls" instead of wolf skulls ... what a shame
  24. Knusperkeks

    Bug in Names

    Hi, I think I found a bug. No matter which animal I kill, there is always wolf skull in the description, but the pictures match the animal.
  25. Hi, I have now also found the error, but unfortunately too late .... since I couldn't find the error, I completely threw Rust off my computer and reinstalled it via Steam. After that everything looked really good and everything went well .... well and then I looked for the error in the game settings that you mentioned ...... well, moral of the story, never let your wife use your computer, you turns everything around and stupid So no bug in the plugin, sorry for the stress of the bug for which you couldn’t help but maybe this has resulted in an improvement for the mod so maybe it had something positive


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